History   of   the   Lafayette   LA-125   Amplifier   Series
from   1967   to   1977

| LA-125T (1967-68, 1968-69)   LA-125TA (1969-70, 1970-71)   LA-125B (1971-72)   LA-150 (1972-73, 1973-74)   LA-1050 (1974-75, 1975-76, 1976-77)

NOTE ..... External web-links to PDF files are in the form of underlined, blue-colored text.
Also, the images of the various amplifiers themselves can be clicked-on for larger views.
| Lafayette catalog links originate from the   Lafayette Page   at   World Radio History-dot-com.

1967-68 LA-125T-1968 1967-68 and 1968-69 (Catalogs 680 and 690)

    Model LA-125T ... 125 watts (62.5 w x 2) at 4-ohms +/- 1 db ... price: $ 129.95

    Inputs: Tape Head, Magnetic Phono, Ceramic Phono, Tuner, Aux, Mic, Tape Monitor

1969-70 LA-125TA-1970
1969-70 and 1970-71 (Catalogs 700 and 710)

    Model LA-125TA ... 160 watts (80 w x 2) at 4-ohms +/- 1 db ... price: $ 129.95

    The catalogs say 160 watts. Some owner's manuals may say 125 watts.
    Inputs: Ceramic Phono, Magnetic Phono, Tuner, Aux, Mic, Tape Monitor

    125TA's owner's manual and supplemental info sheet in PDF form can be
    viewed at this Hi-Fi Engine page. A subscription to Hi-Fi Engine, which is
    --FREE-- with a valid e-mail confirmation address, is needed to view PDFs.

Special Info About LA-125T and LA-125TA Inputs

Tape Head ... on the 125T
The Tape Head inputs of the LA-125T were optimized to accept direct input of a non-amplified tape head signal, which was normally
at the same low millivolt level as that for magnetic phono pickups. When tape deck units started coming out with their own built-in
head amplifiers (from the late 1960's onward), integrated amplifiers like the LA-125TA did away with the Tape Head option.

Mic-Musical ... on the 125T and 125TA
The LA-125T and LA-125TA microphone-musical instrument inputs were stereo, but there was only a single 1/4-inch standard
phone jack. For stereo usage, this single jack required a y-adapter cable with a 1/4-inch 3-conductor phone plug at one end and
two single channel jacks (either 1/4-inch phone, 1/8-phone or XLR) at the other end. If such adapters were not readily available,
then one could easily be made from individual components found in consumer electronics catalogs such as those from Lafayette,
Radio Shack, Allied, Olson, Burstein-Applebee, Switchcraft (audio cable specialist) and similar firms.

Under the right conditions, one could also hook-up a mic mixer (either passive, or powered with low-level output) to the LA-125T/TA's
mic-musical jack. BTW, the mic-musical inputs accepted mike-instrument-other devices with at least 50,000-ohms impedance.

Ceramic Phono ... on the 125T and 125TA
The Ceramic Phono inputs of the LA-125T and LA-125TA accepted an incoming signal of up to 80 millivolts for full amplifier output.
By modifying an RCA phono plug cable with the appropriate resistors, or by creating a switchbox (if an assembled one was not
available) containing multiple input level settings, hi-fi equipment such as tuners and tape units with higher levels of signal
delivery (250-or-more millivolts) could be safely attached to the Ceramic Phono inputs, making them a pseudo Aux-2 input.

Below -- A rough-drawn illustration of what a switchbox for the 125T-TA ceramic inputs might have looked like, at least on the front side.
There might be, say, three separate input sources, each having a millivolt range choice, as well as screwdriver adjustable levels.
The back side would surely have had RCA phono plug inputs for the three sources, and an output to the 125T-TA ceramic input.

125T-TA Switchbox

1971-72 LA-125B-1972 1971-72 (Catalog 720)

    Model LA-125B ... 160 watts (80 w x 2) at 4-ohms +/- 1 db ... price: $ 139.95

    Single Mic/Musical jack of previous models is replaced with two left and right jacks.
    The Ceramic Phono input is no longer independently selectable, because plugging
    into the magnetic phono jacks auto-disables the ceramic inputs -- B U M M E R !!

    Inputs: Phono (Magnetic or Ceramic), Tuner, Aux, Mic, Tape Monitor

    The LA-125B was tested in the February 1972 issue of High Fidelity. Their lab tests
    found continuous power output to be at least 28 watts per channel at 8-ohms.

1972-73 LA-150-1973
1972-73 and 1973-74 (Catalogs 730 and 740)

    Model LA-150 ... 160 watts (80 w x 2) at 4-ohms +/- 1 db ... price: $ 149.95, 1972-73
$ 169.95, 1973-74
    Essentially the same unit as the LA-125B. Includes Lafayette's
    "Composer" circuitry to extract derived 4-channel sound

    Inputs: Phono (Magnetic or Ceramic), Tuner, Aux, Mic, Tape Monitor

1974-75 LA-1050-1975
1974-75, 1975-76 and 1976-77 (Catalogs 750, 760 and 770)

    Model LA-1050 with new front-panel styling ... price: $ 149.95

    Offers 44 watts (22 w x 2) at 8-ohms continuous, both channels driven from 20 hz
    to 20,000 hz, as per the FTC power output specification rules of that time.

    Inputs: Magnetic Phono, Tuner, Aux 1, Aux 2, Tape Monitor