Happy Easter

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Easter Rose
Easter Rose

Across The Miles - 2008
Across The Miles

Thinking - Roses - 2008
Thinking - Roses

Thinking - Bird - 2008
Thinking - Bird

Christ of the Ozarks | Eureka Springs, Arkansas
Christ of The Ozarks | Eureka Springs, Arkansas

Heavenly Sun Rays
Heavenly Sun Rays

Inspirations and Dreams
Inspirations and Dreams

Wondrous Creation
Wondrous Creation

Elegant Wishes
Elegant Wishes

Palomino Rabbits
Palomino Rabbits

Pysanky | Bucharest, Romania
Pysanky | Bucharest, Romania

Green Point | Gros Morne Nat'l Park | Newfoundland
Green Point | Gros Morne National Park | Newfoundland Canada
Beyond Really Hard Boiled Eggs !!!

Iris Flowers
Iris Flowers

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