1. Qualification to Earn Electoral Points In the Electoral Points process, the points offered by any state (or by the D.C.) will -ALWAYS GO- to a candidate who is (1) an actual legally verified person, and (2) has earned at least 5.00% of the popular vote in a state (or the D.C.). Any candidate who has earned 4.99% or less of a state's popular vote receives no points. NO POINTS WILL EVER GO TO (1) ANY UN-NAMED CANDIDATE, OR TO (2) ANY UNPLEDGED ELECTORS, BE THEY A GROUP OR INDIVIDUALS. -AND- THERE WILL NEVER BE ANY INSTANCES WHERE POINTS ARE NOT AWARDED TO A CLEARLY NAMED PERSON. IN OTHER WORDS, NO LEFT OVER OR UNAWARDED POINTS --EVER--. The definition of a candidate in the Electoral Points Process is a clearly identified individual person who can be chosen by the eligible voting citizens of the particular state where the said candidate's name appears appears on the ballot, or where the said candidate is a properly certified write-in choice. Any candidate, whether they be listed on the voting ballot, or else be a write-in choice, shall be specificly identified by a Federal Election Identification Code. This special Identification code would be included as a part of the Electoral Points Proposal. In each example presented below, the points awarding process considers -ONLY- those candidates who earn at least 5.00% of a state's popular vote, even if the overall combined popular vote percentage of all eligible candidates does not add up to 100 !! Never shall there be any instance where any points are not awarded to a qualified candidate, and never any cases of points either unrewarded or "left over". |
2. Distribution of Points to All Candidates
Example-1: In a state offering 4,000 electoral points, the leader's popular vote percentage share is 59.24%,
while the candidate in 2nd place has a 36.89% share. There are no other candidates with at least
a 5.00% share of the popular vote.
The percentages of the two leading candidates are added together like so - 59.24 (1st candidate)
plus 36.89 (2nd candidate) equals 96.13. Next, the leader's percentage share of 59.24 is divided
by 96.13 for a result of 0.616249.
When 0.616249 is multiplied by 4,000, the result is 2,465. So, the leader receives 2,465
points out of 4,000 while the candidate in 2nd place receives 1,535 points.
4,000 = 2,465 (1st) + 1,535 (2nd)
Example-2: In a state offering 2,000 electoral points, the leader's popular vote percentage share is 52.71%.
The 2nd and 3rd place candidates have percentage shares of 32.95% and 11.17% respectively.
The percentages of all three are added together like so - 52.71 (1st) plus 32.95 (2nd) plus 11.17
(3rd) equals 96.83. Now, the leader's percentage share of 52.71 is divided by 96.83 for a result
of 0.544356.
When 0.543794 is multiplied by 2,000, the result is 1,089. So, the leader receives 1,089 points
out of 2,000, leaving 911 points to be divided up among the other two eligible candidates.
Now, the 2nd place candidate's percentage share of 32.95 is divided by 96.83, and the result
of 0.340287 when multiplied by 2,000 gives the 2nd place candidate 681 points. There are now
230 remaining points out of 2,000 and they are awarded to the 3rd place candidate, who is the
loan remaining contender with at least 5.00% of the particular state's popular vote.
2,000 = 1,089 (1st) + 681 (2nd) + 230 (3rd)
Example-3: In a state offering 6,000 electoral points (5,000 1st Priority plus 1,000 extra), the leader's
popular vote percentage share is 39.80%. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th place candidates have percentage
shares of 35.56%, 16.88% and 6.01% respectively.
The percentages of all four are added together like so - 39.80 (1st) plus 35.56 (2nd) plus
16.88 (3rd) plus 6.01 (4th) equals 98.25. Now, the leader's percentage share of 39.80 is
divided by 98.25 for a result of 0.405089.
When 0.405089 is multiplied by 6,000, the result is 2,431. So, the leader receives 2,431 points
out of 6,000, leaving 3,569 points to be shared by the other three eligible candidates.
Now, the 2nd place candidate's percentage share of 35.56 is divided by 98.25, and the result of
0.361934 when multiplied by 6,000 gives the 2nd place candidate 2,172 points. This leaves 1,397
points remaining for 3rd and 4th place.
Now, the 3rd place candidate's percentage share of 16.88 is divided by 98.25, and the result of
0.171807 when multiplied by 6,000 is 1,031. This leaves 366 points for the 4th place candidate.
6,000 = 2,431 (1st) + 2,172 (2nd) + 1,031 (3rd) + 366 (4th)
3. Maximum and Minimum Electoral Points a. Maximum Points Leading candidates can earn no more than seventy-five (75) percent of the available electoral points in any given state. It should be strongly noted that the mark of 75.00 % refers to the candidate evaluation figures explained in the above examples, rather than the actual percentage of popular votes in any given state. If the leading candidate does not have 75.00% of a state's popular votes, but is determined to have at least 75.00% of the votes just between themselves and any other eligible candidate(s), then it is the evaluation result which prevails. Example 1 - In a state offering 2,000 electoral points, the leader has 81.53% of the popular vote, and the 2nd place candidate has 13.29%. Under the normal procedures (see section 2 above), the leader would receive 1,720 points and the 2nd place candidate would receive 280 points. However, because of the Seventy-Five Percent Rule, the leader would receive only 1,500 points, while the 2nd place candidate would receive 500 points. 2,000 = 1,500 (1st) + 500 (2nd) Example 2 - In a state offering 1,000 electoral points, the leader has 72.74% of the popular vote, while the 2nd and 3rd place candidates have 13.25% and 7.82% shares respectively. Normally (again see section 2 above), the leader would receive 776 points, while the 2nd and 3rd place candidates would receive 141 and 83 points respectively. However, because of the Seventy-Five Percent Rule, the leader would receive only 750 points, while the remaining 250 points would be awarded as follows ... The popular vote percentages of the 2nd and 3rd place candidates (13.25 and 7.82 % respectively) are added together for a sum of 21.07. Next, the 2nd place candidate's percentage share of 13.25 is divided by 21.07 for a result of 0.628856 which when multiplied by 250 becomes the figure of 157. On this basis, the 2nd place candidate receives 157 points and the 3rd place candidate receives 93 points. 1,000 = 750 (1st) + 157 (2nd) + 93 (3rd) EXCEPTION 1 - If the leading candidate is the ONLY person with at least five percent of a particular state's popular vote, then they will receive -ALL- of that state's available electoral points. EXCEPTION 2 - In certain situations, the leading candidate (and others) may receive an amount of points less than what would normally be awarded because of the Minimum Points Rule (see "Minimum Points" below). b. Minimum Points Each candidate who earns 5.00% or more of a state's total popular vote shall receive at least five percent of the total available electoral points in the particular state, as follows ... || Total points offered || Minimum Points for each || in each state || eligible candidate || 6,000 || 300 || In situations where the regularly used methods of point || 5,000 || 250 || distribution may not allow for a candidate to receive || 4,000 || 200 || the specified minimum number of points, an appropriate || 3,000 || 150 || re-distribution of the particular state's points would || 2,000 || 100 || be performed. || 1,000 || 50 |
4. Effects of different popular vote percentages
Imagine that a state is offering 5,000 Electoral Points, and that there may be one or more candidates
with at least 5.00% of the state's popular vote competing. Following are example scenarios where
differing popular vote percentages determine how many Electoral Points are awarded to each candidate.
Leader-1st place 2nd place 3rd place 4th place Combined %age
»» Two candidates
47.89% -- 2,512 pts 47.45% -- 2,488 pts ---- ---- 95.34
51.78% -- 2,645 pts 46.11% -- 2,355 pts ---- ---- 97.89
57.94% -- 2,953 pts 40.17% -- 2,047 pts ---- ---- 98.11
66.71% -- 3,442 pts 30.20% -- 1,558 pts ---- ---- 96.91
**1 - 73.86% -- 3,750 pts 24.18% -- 1,250 pts ---- ---- 98.04
**1 = 73.86% is more than 75.00% of 98.04%, so the 75 percent rule is in effect here
»» Three candidates
44.01% -- 2,233 pts 41.98% -- 2,130 pts 12.55% -- 637 pts ---- 98.54
38.54% -- 2,000 pts 36.02% -- 1,869 pts 21.79% -- 1,131 pts ---- 96.35
59.93% -- 3,030 pts 33.97% -- 1,717 pts 5.01% -- 253 pts ---- 98.91
51.42% -- 2,587 pts 41.05% -- 2,065 pts 6.92% -- 348 pts ---- 99.39
»» Four candidates
38.08% -- 1,964 pts 35.91% -- 1,852 pts 15.35% -- 792 pts 7.59% -- 392 pts 96.93
51.46% -- 2,626 pts 32.75% -- 1,671 pts 8.62% -- 440 pts 5.15% -- 263 pts 97.98
57.92% -- 3,031 pts 18.33% -- 959 pts 10.34% -- 541 pts 8.96% -- 469 pts 95.55
Leader-1st place 2nd place 3rd place 4th place Combined %age