Under each candidate (L » R): Pop. Vote Percentage - Electoral Points

-----------------                William           William J.        John              Eugene
State | Electoral                McKinley          Bryan             Woolley           Debs
      | Votes                    Republican        Democrat          Prohibition       Socialist

Group A .. 1st priority - 5,000 pts each
+++ Extra 1,000 pts -- California, Georgia ... Total, Group-A: 47,000

   1. Alabama (11)               34.82%  1,820     60.82%  3,180      1.73%     00     n/a

   2. Arkansas (8)               35.04%  1,779     63.46%  3,221      0.46%     00     n/a

   3. California (9) +++         54.37%  3,412     41.25%  2,588      1.68%     00     n/a

   4. Colorado (4)               55.43%  2,843     42.04%  2,157      1.71%     00      0.32%     00

   5. Connecticut (6)            56.92%  2,904     41.07%  2,096      0.90%     00      0.57%     00
   6. Delaware (3)               53.67%  2,722     44.90%  2,278      1.30%     00      0.13%     00

   7. Florida (4)                18.55%    971     71.31%  3,733      5.66%    296      1.60%     00

   8. Georgia (13) +++           28.22%  1,781     66.86%  4,219      1.15%     00     n/a

   9. Idaho (3)                  46.96%  2,402     50.79%  2,598      1.48%     00     n/a

      So Far (47,000)                   20,634            26,070               296                00

      Needed to Win - 72,510     McKinley-R        Bryan-D           Woolley-Prob      Debs-Soc

Group B .. 2nd priority - 4,000 pts each
+++ Extra 1,000 pts -- Iowa, Maryland ... Total, Group-B: 38,000

  10. Illinois (24)              52.83%  2,173     44.44%  1,827      1.56%     00     n/a

  11. Indiana (15)               50.60%  2,082     46.62%  1,918      2.07%     00      0.36%     00

  12. Iowa (13) +++              58.04%  2,976     39.46%  2,024      1.79%     00      0.52%     00

  13. Kansas (10)                52.56%  2,134     45.96%  1,866      1.02%     00      0.45%     00

  14. Kentucky (13)              48.51%  1,966     50.21%  2,034      0.62%     00      0.16%     00

  15. Louisiana (8)              20.96%  1,000     79.03%  3,000     n/a               n/a

  16. Maine (6)                  61.89%  2,559     34.84%  1,441      2.44%     00      0.83%     00

  17. Maryland (8) +++           51.50%  2,635     46.23%  2,365      1.73%     00      0.34%     00

  18. Massachusetts (15)         57.59%  2,414     37.85%  1,586      1.50%     00      2.32%     00

      So Far (85,000)                   40,573            44,131               296                00

      Needed to Win - 72,510     McKinley-R        Bryan-D           Woolley-Prob      Debs-Soc

Group C .. 3rd priority - 3,000 pts each
+++ Extra 1,000 pts -- Mississippi, New Hampshire ... Total, Group-C: 29,000

  19. Michigan (14)              58.10%  1,797     38.89%  1,203      2.18%     00      0.52%     00

  20. Minnesota (9)              60.21%  1,885     35.69%  1,115      2.70%     00      0.97%     00

  21. Mississippi (9) +++         9.66%  1,000     87.56%  3,000     n/a               n/a

  22. Missouri (17)              45.94%  1,414     51.48%  1,586      0.87%     00      0.90%     00

  23. Montana (3)                39.79%  1,215     58.43%  1,785      0.48%     00      1.11%     00

  24. Nebraska (8)               50.46%  1,550     47.22%  1,450      1.51%     00      0.34%     00

  25. Nevada (3)                 37.75%  1,132     62.25%  1,868     n/a               n/a

  26. New Hampshire (4) +++      59.33%  2,428     38.42%  1,572      1.37%     00      0.86%     00

  27. New Jersey (10)            55.27%  1,721     41.10%  1,279      1.79%     00      1.15%     00

      So Far (114,000)                  54,715            58,989               296                00

      Needed to Win - 72,510     McKinley-R        Bryan-D           Woolley-Prob      Debs-Soc

Group D .. 4th priority - 2,000 pts each
+++ Extra 1,000 pts -- North Dakota, South Carolina ... Total, Group-D: 20,000

  28. New York (36)              53.10%  1,096     43.83%    904      1.43%     00      0.83%     00

  29. North Carolina (11)        45.47%    915     53.92%  1,085      0.34%     00     n/a

  30. North Dakota (3) +++       62.12%  1,908     35.53%  1,092      1.26%     00      0.90%     00

  31. Ohio (23)                  52.30%  1,068     45.66%    932      0.98%     00      0.47%     00

  32. Oregon (4)                 55.46%  1,169     39.41%    831      3.05%     00      1.76%     00

  33. Pennsylvania (32)          60.74%  1,254     36.16%    746      2.38%     00      0.41%     00

  34. Rhode Island (4)           59.74%  1,261     35.04%    739      2.70%     00     n/a

  35. South Carolina (9) +++      7.04%    750     92.96%  2,250     n/a               n/a

  36. South Dakota (4)           56.73%  1,159     41.14%    841      1.60%     00      0.18%     00

      So Far (134,000)                  65,295            68,409               296                00

      Needed to Win - 72,510     McKinley-R        Bryan-D           Woolley-Prob      Debs-Soc

Group E .. 5th priority - 1,000 pts each
+++ Extra 1,000 pts -- Utah, Wisconsin ... Total, Group-E: 11,000

  37. Tennessee (12)             44.95%    459     53.03%    541      1.40%     00      0.13%     00

  38. Texas (15)                 30.83%    328     63.12%    672      0.62%     00      0.44%     00

  39. Utah (3) +++               50.58%  1,023     48.30%    977      0.22%     00      0.77%     00

  40. Vermont (4)                75.73%    750     22.86%    250      0.68%     00      0.07%     00

  41. Virginia (12)              43.82%    442     55.29%    558      0.81%     00     n/a

  42. Washington (4)             53.44%    562     41.70%    438      2.20%     00      1.87%     00

  43. West Virginia (6)          54.27%    548     44.75%    452      0.74%     00      0.13%     00

  44. Wisconsin (12) +++         60.06%  1,251     35.97%    749      2.27%     00      1.59%     00

  45. Wyoming (3)                58.66%    588     41.17%    412     n/a                0.09%     00

      TOTAL - 145,000                   71,246            73,458               296                00

      Needed to Win - 72,510     McKinley-R        Bryan-D           Woolley-Prob      Debs-Soc

      Finish Order               Runner-Up **1     Winner **2        3rd place **3     **4

      Percentage of Points       49.13527%         50.66068%         00.20413%

      »» First-Second Electoral Points: 1.031047-1 (Bryan)

         First-Second Electoral Votes: 1.883870-1  (McKinley)

1900 - Actual Fact (and, where mentioned, E.P.P.) Notes

**1 = William McKinley was the actual fact winner of the 1900 election. He lost to William
      Jennings Bryan in the E.P.P. reality by 2,302 points, while Bryan went over the E.P.P.
      need-to-win mark of 72,510 by a mere 948 points.

**2 = William Jennings Bryan's winning in the Electoral Points reality is due to this actual
      fact -- The "Solid South", being those states that were part of the Confederacy from
      1861 to 1865, voted almost solidly for Democratic Party candidates, especially those
      running for President as well as both houses of Congress, from the 1860's to the
      early 1970's.

      In three Southern states -- Louisiana, Mississippi and South Carolina -- Bryan had
      winning popular vote shares of 79.03%, 87.56% and 92.96% respectively. However,
      because McKinley had gained well over 5.00% of the popular vote in all three states,
      and because of the E.P.P. 75% Limit Rule, 1,303 Electoral Points that could have gone
      to Bryan instead went to McKinley. 

      Also note a situation in Texas that is not shown in the results above. The People's
      Party Candidate, Wharton Barker, earned 4.95% of the Texas popular vote, 0.05% short
      of the 5.00% minimum required to earn Electoral Points. However, even if Barker had
      managed to get to the 5.00% mark, that would not have come anywhere close to changing
      the final outcome of the E.P.P. reality.

      Beyond Texas, Barker got 3.75% of the popular vote in Georgia, and got better than
      2.00% in three other states. He finished fifth in the overall national polls with
      a total of 50,847 popular votes.

**3 = John Woolley, the Prohibition Party candidate, cracked the 5.00% popular vote minimum
      only once, getting 5.66% in Florida, which was worth 296 Electoral Points. Woolley's
      next best performance came in Oregon, where 3.05% of the voters went for him. Two
      states -- Minnesota and Rhode Island -- each gave Woolley 2.70% of their votes.
      Woolley gained better than 2.00% of the popular vote in six other states.

**4 = Eugene Debs, the Socialist Party candidate, ran for the first time in 1900. He would
      not be a factor in this election, but would go on to run for President in 1904, 1908,
      1912 (where he had his best E.P.P. showing, despite finishing 4th) and 1920.       

Electoral Votes (447)          292 (65.32438%)   155 (34.67562%)
|----- Actual (1900)             McKinley-R        Bryan-D           Woolley-Prob      Debs-Soc
Popular Votes (13,971,846)        7,218,283         6,358,149        209,132           86,973

Pctage of Pop. Votes             51.66305%         45.50686%         1.49681%          0.62248%

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