Under each candidate (L » R): Pop. Vote Percentage - Electoral Points

-----------------                Theodore          Alton             Eugene V.         Silas             Thomas
State | Electoral                Roosevelt         Parker            Debs              Swallow           Watson 
      | Votes                    Republican        Democratic        Socialist         Prohibition       People's

Group B .. 1st priority - 5,000 pts each
+++ Extra 1,000 Pts -- Kentucky, Massachusetts ... Total, Group-B: 47,000

  10. Illinois (27)              58.77%  3,072     30.43%  1,591      6.43%    337      3.23%     00      0.62%     00

  11. Indiana (15)               53.99%  2,865     40.22%  2,135      1.76%     00      3.44%     00      0.36%     00

  12. Iowa (13)                  63.39%  3,368     30.71%  1,632      3.05%     00      2.39%     00      0.45%     00

  13. Kansas (10)                64.81%  3,559     26.23%  1,441      4.83%     00      2.22%     00      1.90%     00

  14. Kentucky (13) +++          47.13%  2,917     49.82%  3,083      0.83%     00      1.51%     00      0.58%     00

  15. Louisiana (9)               9.66%  1,250     88.50%  3,750      1.85%     00     n/a               n/a

  16. Maine (6)                  67.44%  3,515     28.49%  1,485      2.17%     00      1.56%     00      0.35%     00

  17. Maryland (8)               48.83%  2,501     48.81%  2,499      1.00%     00      1.35%     00     n/a

  18. Massachusetts (16) +++     57.92%  3,652     37.24%  2,348      3.06%     00      0.96%     00      0.29%     00

      So Far (47,000)                   26,699            19,964               337               000               000

      Needed to Win - 72,510     Roosevelt-R       Parker-D          Debs-Soc          Swallow-Prob      Watson-Ppl's

Group C .. 2nd priority - 4,000 pts each
+++ Extra 1,000 pts -- Montana, New Jersey ... Total, Group-C: 38,000

  19. Michigan (14)              69.51%  2,918     25.79%  1,082      1.72%     00      2.56%     00      0.22%     00

  20. Minnesota (11)             73.98%  3,000     18.84%  1,000      3.99%     00      2.14%     00      0.72%     00

  21. Mississippi (10)            5.59%  1,000     91.07%  3,000      0.79%     00     n/a                2.55%     00

  22. Missouri (18)              49.93%  2,082     46.02%  1,918      2.02%     00      1.12%     00      0.66%     00

  23. Montana (3) +++            54.21%  2,800     33.79%  1,745      8.81%    455      0.52%     00      2.36%     00

  24. Nebraska (8)               61.38%  2,614     23.44%    998      3.28%     00      2.80%     00      9.09%    388

  25. Nevada (3)                 56.66%  2,332     32.87%  1,353      7.64%    315     n/a                2.84%     00

  26. New Hampshire (4)          60.07%  2,455     37.79%  1,545      1.21%     00      0.83%     00      0.09%     00

  27. New Jersey (12) +++        56.68%  2,992     38.05%  2,008      2.22%     00      1.58%     00      0.86%     00

      So Far (85,000)                   48,892            34,613             1,107               000               388

      Needed to Win - 72,510     Roosevelt-R       Parker-D          Debs-Soc          Swallow-Prob      Watson-Ppl's

Group D .. 3rd priority - 3,000 pts each
+++ Extra 1,000 pts -- Oregon, South Dakota ... Total, Group-D: 29,000

  28. New York (39)              53.13%  1,671     42.28%  1,329      2.28%     00      1.28%     00      0.46%     00

  29. North Carolina (12)        39.67%  1,198     59.71%  1,802      0.06%     00      0.16%     00      0.39%     00

  30. North Dakota (4)           75.12%  2,250     20.39%    750      2.87%     00      1.62%     00     n/a

  31. Ohio (23)                  59.75%  1,905     34.32%  1,095      3.61%     00      1.93%     00      0.14%     00

  32. Oregon (4) +++             67.06%  2,825     19.43%    819      8.45%    356      4.22%     00      0.84%     00

  33. Pennsylvania (34)          68.00%  2,140     27.33%    860      1.77%     00      2.73%     00     n/a

  34. Rhode Island (4)           60.60%  1,878     36.18%  1,122      1.39%     00      1.12%     00     n/a

  35. South Carolina (9) **S.C.   4.63%  0,000     95.36%  3,000     n/a               n/a               n/a

  36. South Dakota (4) +++       71.09%  3,000     21.67%  1,000      3.09%     00      2.92%     00      1.22%     00

      So Far (114,000)                  65,759            46,390             1,463               000               388

      Needed to Win - 72,510     Roosevelt-R       Parker-D          Debs-Soc          Swallow-Prob      Watson-Ppl's

      **S.C. = In South Carolina, Parker was the only named candidate with at least 5.00% of the popular vote,
               so he received all 3,000 of South Carolina's Electoral Points.

Group E .. 4th priority - 2,000 pts each
+++ Extra 1,000 pts -- Virginia, Wyoming ... Total, Group-E: 20,000

  37. Tennessee (12)             43.40%    889     54.23%  1,111      0.56%     00      0.78%     00      1.03%     00

  38. Texas (18)                 21.90%    500     71.45%  1,500      1.19%     00      1.83%     00      3.45%     00

  39. Utah (3)                   61.42%  1,229     32.86%    658      5.67%    113     n/a               n/a

  40. Vermont (4)                77.97%  1,500     18.84%    500      1.66%     00      1.53%     00     n/a

  41. Virginia (12) +++          36.95%  1,122     61.84%  1,878      0.15%     00      1.06%     00     n/a

  42. Washington (5)             69.95%  1,454     19.36%    402      6.91%    144      2.22%     00      0.46%     00

  43. West Virginia (7)          55.26%  1,136     42.03%    864      0.66%     00      1.92%     00      0.14%     00

  44. Wisconsin (13)             63.21%  1,135     28.01%    575      6.37%    290      2.23%     00      0.13%     00

  45. Wyoming (3) +++            66.72%  2,089     29.08%    911      3.49%     00      0.71%     00     n/a

      So Far (134,000)                  76,813            54,789             2,010               000               388

      Needed to Win - 72,510     Roosevelt-R       Parker-D          Debs-Soc          Swallow-Prob      Watson-Ppl's

Group A -- 5th priority - 1,000 pts each
+++ Extra 1,000 pts -- Connecticut, Idaho ... Total, Group-A: 11,000

   1. Alabama (11)               20.65%    250     73.37%    750      0.78%     00      0.56%     00      4.64%     00

   2. Arkansas (9)               40.25%    421     55.35%    579      1.56%     00      0.85%     00      1.99%     00

   3. California (10)            61.84%    633     26.94%    276      8.90%     91      2.22%     00      n/a

   4. Colorado (5)               55.26%    574     41.08%    426      1.77%     00      1.41%     00      0.34%     00

   5. Connecticut (7) +++        58.12%  1,207     38.15%    793      2.38%     00      0.79%     00      0.26%     00
   6. Delaware (3)               54.05%    551     44.11%    449      0.33%     00      1.12%     00      0.12%     00

   7. Florida (5)                21.15%    221     68.80%    717      5.95%     62     n/a                4.08%     00

   8. Georgia (13)               18.33%    185     63.72%    641      0.15%     00      0.52%     00     17.28%    174

   9. Idaho (3) +++              65.84%  1,342     25.46%    519      6.83%    139      1.40%     00      0.49%     00

      TOTAL - 145,000                   82,197            59,939             2,302               000               562

      Needed to Win - 72,510     Roosevelt-R       Parker-D          Debs-Soc          Swallow-Prob      Watson-Ppl's

      Finish Order               Winner            Runner-up         Third             ZIP !!!!          Fourth

      Percentage of Points       56.68758%         41.33724%         1.58758%          ZIP !!!!          0.38758%

      »» First-Second Electoral Points: 1.371344-1

         First-Second Electoral Votes: 2.400000-1

1904 - Actual Fact (and, where mentioned, E.P.P.) Notes

   Maryland offered eight electoral votes in 1904. Republican Theodore Roosevelt had a razor-thin 48.83% to 48.81%
   popular vote edge over Democrat Alton Parker, but because of an odd quirk in the voting process, seven of the
   eight electors chosen would be pledged to and vote for Parker, while the eighth elector chosen was pledged to
   and voted for Roosevelt.

   Eugene V. Debs, the Socialist candidate, performed much better in 1904 vs 1900. His best popular vote showing was
   in California-8.90%. He also got better than 8.00% in Montana-8.81 % and Oregon-8.45%. In Nevada, Debs won 7.64%
   of the popular vote. He earned better than 6.00% in four states, and better than 5.00% in two states. In Kansas,
   his 4.83% count was just 0.17% shy of the 5.00% mark. Debs finished third in the national popular vote count.

   Prohibition candidate Silas Swallow, who got shut out in the E.P.P. reality, finished 4th in the nationwide
   popular vote count. His best showing was in Oregon, where he earned 4.22% of the popular vote. He earned
   better than 3.00% in Illinois and Indiana, and better than 2.00% in ten other states.

   Thomas Watson, the People's Party candidate, managed to go over the 5.00% popular vote mark twice, in Georgia
   with 17.28% -- far and away the best 3rd place showing in the "Solid South", as well as the rest of the country
   -- and in Nebraska with 9.09%.  Watson went over 4.00% in Alabama-4.64% and Florida-4.08%, topped 3.00% in
   Texas-3.45%, cracked 2.00% in three other states, and overall finished fifth in the national popular vote.

Electoral Votes (476)          336 (70.58824%)   140 (29.41176%)   00                00                00
|----- Actual (1904)           Roosevelt-R       Parker-D          Debs-Socialist    Swallow-Prohib    Watson-People's
Popular Votes (13,525,759)     7,630,557         5,084,537         402,810           259,103           114,062

Pctage of Pop. Votes           56.41500%         37.59151%         2.978095%         1.915626%         0.8543295%

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