Under each candidate (L » R): Pop. Vote Percentage - Electoral Points

-----------------                William H.        William J.        Eugene V.         Thomas
State | Electoral                Taft              Bryan             Debs              Watson
      | Votes                    Republican        Democrat          Socialist         People's

Group C .. 1st priority - 5,000 pts each
+++ Extra 1,000 Pts -- Minnesota, Nevada ... Total, Group-C: 47,000

  19. Michigan (14)              61.93%  3,281     32.44%  1,719      2.14%     00     n/a

  20. Minnesota (11) +++         59.11%  3,850     33.02%  2,150      4.38%     00     n/a

  21. Mississippi (10)            6.52%  1,250     90.11%  3,750      1.46%     00      1.91%     00

  22. Missouri (18)              48.50%  2,502     48.41%  2,498      2.16%     00      0.16%     00

  23. Montana (3)                46.98%  2,394     42.61%  2,172      8.51%    434     n/a

  24. Nebraska (8)               47.60%  2,460     49.14%  2,540      1.32%     00     n/a

  25. Nevada (3) +++             45.71%  2,793     43.93%  2,684      8.57%    523     n/a

  26. New Hampshire (4)          59.32%  3,062     37.56%  1,938      1.45%     00     n/a

  27. New Jersey (12)            56.79%  2,962     39.08%  2,038      2.19%     00     n/a

      So Far (47,000)                   24,554            21,489               957               000

      Needed to Win - 74,010     Taft-R            Bryan-D           Debs-Soc          Watson-Ppl's

Group D .. 2nd priority - 4,000 pts each
+++ Extra 1,000 pts -- North Carolina, Pennsylvania ... Total, Group-D: 38,000

  28. New York (39)              53.11%  2,264     40.74%  1,736      2.35%     00     n/a

  29. North Carolina (12) +++    45.49%  2,281     54.22%  2,719      0.15%     00     n/a

  30. North Dakota (4)           61.02%  2,548     34.79%  1,452      2.56%     00     n/a

  31. Ohio (23)                  51.03%  2,130     44.82%  1,870      3.01%     00     n/a

  32. Oklahoma (7)               43.33%  1,736     47.99%  1,923      8.52%    341      0.16%     00

  33. Oregon (4)                 56.39%  2,318     34.31%  1,410      6.62%    272     n/a

  34. Pennsylvania (34) +++      58.84%  3,121     35.41%  1,879      2.68%     00     n/a

  35. Rhode Island (4)           60.76%  2,560     34.16%  1,440      1.89%     00     n/a

  36. South Carolina (9)          5.94%  1,000     93.84%  3,000      0.15%     00     n/a

      So Far (85,000)                   44,512            38,918             1,570               000

      Needed to Win - 74,010     Taft-R            Bryan-D           Debs-Soc          Watson-Ppl's

Group E .. 3rd priority - 3,000 pts each
+++ Extra 1,000 pts -- Tennessee, Washington ... Total, Group-E: 32,000

  37. South Dakota (4)           58.84%  1,879     35.08%  1,121      2.48%     00     n/a

  38. Tennessee (12) +++         45.87%  1,861     52.73%  2,139      0.73%     00      0.42%     00

  39. Texas (18)                 22.35%    750     73.97%  2,250      2.68%     00      0.34%     00

  40. Utah (5)                   56.19%  1,767     39.22%  1,233      4.51%     00     n/a

  41. Vermont (4)                75.08%  2,250     21.82%    750     n/a               n/a

  42. Virginia (12)              38.36%  1,164     60.52%  1,836      0.19%     00      0.08%     00

  43. Washington (5) +++         57.68%  2,371     31.92%  1,312      7.71%    317     n/a

  44. West Virginia (7)          53.42%  1,659     43.17%  1,341      1.43%     00     n/a

  45. Wisconsin (13)             54.52%  1,680     36.67%  1,130      6.19%    190     n/a

  46. Wyoming (3)                55.43%  1,749     39.67%  1,251      4.56%     00     n/a

      So Far (117,000)                  61,642            53,281             2,077               000

      Needed to Win - 74,010     Taft-R            Bryan-D           Debs-Soc          Watson-Ppl's

Group A .. 4th priority - 2,000 pts each
+++ Extra 1,000 pts -- Arkansas, Florida ... Total, Group-A: 20,000

   1. Alabama (11)               24.18%    509     70.88%  1,491      1.38%     00      1.50%     00

   2. Arkansas (9) +++           37.30%  1,183     57.31%  1,817      3.85%     00      0.68%     00

   3. California (10)            55.46%  1,157     32.98%    688      7.41%    155     n/a

   4. Colorado (5)               46.88%    988     48.00%  1,012      3.02%     00     n/a

   5. Connecticut (7)            59.43%  1,247     35.92%    753      2.69%     00     n/a
   6. Delaware (3)               52.10%  1,063     45.94%    937      0.50%     00     n/a

   7. Florida (5) +++            21.58%    702     63.01%  2,051      7.59%    247      3.94%     00

   8. Georgia (13)               31.21%    634     54.60%  1,110      0.44%     00     12.59%    256

   9. Idaho (3)                  54.09%  1,116     37.17%    760      6.58%    124     n/a

      So Far (137,000)                  70,241            63,900             2,603               256

      Needed to Win - 74,010     Taft-R            Bryan-D           Debs-Soc          Watson-Ppl's

Group B .. 5th priority - 1,000 pts each
+++ Extra 1,000 pts -- Indiana, Maine ... Total, Group-B: 11,000

  10. Illinois (27)              54.53%    583     39.02%    417      3.00%     00      0.05%     00

  11. Indiana (15) +++           48.40%  1,016     46.91%    984      1.87%     00      0.17%     00

  12. Iowa (13)                  55.62%    579     40.58%    421      1.67%     00      0.05%     00

  13. Kansas (10)                52.46%    550     42.88%    450      3.30%     00     n/a

  14. Kentucky (13)              48.03%    491     49.74%    509      0.83%     00      0.07%     00

  15. Louisiana (9)              11.93%    250     84.63%    750      3.35%     00     n/a

  16. Maine (6) +++              63.00%  1,309     33.29%    691      1.65%     00     n/a

  17. Maryland (8)               48.85%    501     48.59%    499      0.97%     00     n/a

  18. Massachusetts (16)         58.21%    631     34.04%    369      2.36%     00     n/a

      TOTAL - 148,000                   76,151            68,990             2,603               256

      Needed to Win - 74,010     Taft-R            Bryan-D           Debs-Soc          Watson-Ppl's

      Finish Order               Winner            Runner-up         Third             Fourth

      Percentage of Points       51.45338%         46.61486%         1.758783%         0.172972%

      »» First-Second Electoral Points: 1.103797-1

         First-Second Electoral Votes: 1.981481-1

1908 - Actual Fact (and, where mentioned, E.P.P.) Notes

   Once again, as was the case in 1904, Maryland's eight Presidential electors were chosen in an
   odd fashion.  Even though Republican William Taft held a 48.85% to 48.59% popular vote edge
   over Democrat William Jennings Bryan, six of the electors were pledged to the Democrat ticket
   and voted for Bryan, while the other two were pledged to the Republicans and voted for Taft.

   Eugene Debs, the Socialist party's candidate, took third place in the popular standings just
   as he did in 1904, finishing with 420,856 votes.  He topped 8.50% in three states, was over
   7.00% in three more states, and cracked 6.00% in another three states. 

   Eugene Chafin, running as the Prohibition Party's candidate, took fourth place in the national
   popular vote with a total of 254,081. Chafin topped the 3.00% mark in four states, and bettered
   2.00% in nine more states.

   Thomas Hisgen, the Independence party's candidate, finished fifth in the national popular vote
   with a total of 82,580. He earned 4.21% of the popular vote in Massachussetts and 2.19% in New
   York. Otherwise, he never cracked the 2.00% mark in other states where his name was on ballots.

   Thomas Watson, candidate of the People's Party, finished sixth in the overall national popular
   vote with a total of 28,861. Outside of his 12.59% showing in Georgia, Watson's best performance
   came in neighboring Florida, where he captured 3.94% of that state's popular vote. Elsewhere,
   Watson was never better than 1.91%, and had virtually no returns in thirty-two (32) states.

Electoral Votes (483)          321 (66.45963%)   162 (33.54037%)   00                00
|----- Actual (1908)           Taft-R            Bryan-D           Debs-Soc          Watson-Ppl's
Popular Votes (14,889,109)     7,678,174         6,409,007         420,856           28,861

Pctage of Pop. Votes           51.56906%         43.04493%         2.826603%         0.193840%

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