Under each candidate (L » R): Pop. Vote Percentage - Electoral Points

-----------------                Warren G.         James M.          Eugene V.         Parley P.         James E.
State | Electoral                Harding           Cox               Debs              Christensen       Ferguson
      | Votes                    Republican        Democrat          Socialist         Farmer-Labor      American

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Group A (1st priority - 5,000 pts each, 50,000 pts total)

   1. Alabama (12)               31.37%  1,589     67.31%  3,411      1.00%    ---

   2. Arizona (3)                55.61%  2,781     44.39%  2,219

   3. Arkansas (6)               38.73%  1,992     58.49%  3,008      2.78%    ---

   4. California (13)            66.20%  3,403     24.28%  1,248      6.79%    349
   5. Colorado (6)               59.32%  3,114     35.93%  1,886      2.75%    ---      1.03%    ---

   6. Connecticut (7)            62.72%  3,275     33.03%  1,725      2.83%    ---      0.53%    ---

   7. Delaware (3)               55.71%  2,849     42.07%  2,151      1.04%    ---      0.10%    ---

   8. Florida (6)                30.79%  1,657     62.13%  3,343      3.56%    ---

   9. Georgia (14)               27.72%  1,390     72.00%  3,610  

  10. Idaho (4)                  65.60%  3,282     34.34%  1,718      0.03%    ---

      So Far (50,000)                   25,332            24,319               349               ---               ---

      Needed to Win - 73,510     Harding-R         Cox-D             Debs-Soc          Christensen-FL    Ferguson-A

Scroll to the right >>> to read info for candidates Christensen and Ferguson

Group B (2nd priority - 4,000 pts each, 40,000 pts total)

  11. Illinois (24)              67.81%  2,907     25.51%  1,093      3.57%    ---      2.37%    ---

  12. Indiana (15)               55.14%  2,306     40.49%  1,694      1.96%    ---      1.31%    ---

  13. Iowa (13)                  70.91%  2,943     25.46%  1,057      1.90%    ---      1.15%    ---

  14. Kansas (10)                64.75%  2,663     32.52%  1,337      2.72%    ---

  15. Kentucky (13)              49.25%  1,991     49.69%  2,009      0.70%    ---

  16. Louisiana (10)             30.49%  1,223     69.24%  2,777 

  17. Maine (6)                  68.92%  2,793     29.80%  1,207      1.12%    ---

  18. Maryland (8)               55.11%  2,266     42.16%  1,734      2.07%    ---      0.38%    ---

  19. Massachusetts (18)         68.55%  2,845     27.84%  1,155      3.25%    ---

  20. Michigan (15)              72.76%  3,000     22.27%  1,000      2.76%    ---      1.00%    ---

      So Far (90,000)                   50,269            39,382               349               ---               ---

      Needed to Win - 73,510     Harding-R         Cox-D             Debs-Soc          Christensen-FL    Ferguson-A

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Group C (3rd priority - 3,000 pts each, 30,000 pts total)

  21. Minnesota (12)             70.59%  2,169     19.43%    597      7.62%    234

  22. Mississippi (10)           14.03%    750     83.98%  2,250      1.99%    ---

  23. Missouri (18)              54.56%  1,676     43.13%  1,324      1.52%    ---      0.25%    ---

  24. Montana (4)                61.13%  1,834     32.05%    962                        6.82%    204

  25. Nebraska (8)               64.66%  2,023     31.25%    977      2.51%    ---

  26. Nevada (3)                 56.92%  1,708     36.22%  1,087      6.85%    205

  27. New Hampshire (4)          59.84%  1,809     39.39%  1,191      0.78%    ---

  28. New Jersey (14)            67.65%  2,113     28.42%    887      3.00%    ---      0.24%    ---

  29. New Mexico (3)             54.68%  1,658     44.27%  1,342                        1.05%    ---

  30. New York (45)              64.56%  1,966     26.95%    821      7.01%    213      0.64%    ---

      So Far (120,000)                  67,975            50,820             1,001               204               ---

      Needed to Win - 73,510     Harding-R         Cox-D             Debs-Soc          Christensen-FL    Ferguson-A

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Group D (4th priority - 2,000 pts each, 18,000 pts total)

  31. North Carolina (12)        43.22%    865     56.70%  1,135      0.08%    ---

  32. North Dakota (5)           77.79%  1,500     18.19%    500      4.02%    ---

  33. Ohio (24)                  58.47%  1,202     38.58%    798      2.83%    ---

  34. Oklahoma (10)              50.11%  1,002     44.61%    892      5.28%    106

  35. Oregon (5)                 60.20%  1,284     33.55%    716      4.11%    ---

  36. Pennsylvania (38)          65.76%  1,415     27.20%    585      3.81%    ---      0.85%    ---

  37. Rhode Island (5)           63.97%  1,322     32.78%    678      2.59%    ---

  38. South Carolina (9) +++1     3.91%   --       96.05%  2,000      0.04%    ---

  39. South Dakota (5)           60.74%  1,221     19.72%    396                       19.04%    383

      So Far (138,000)                  77,786            58,520             1,107               587               ---

      Needed to Win - 73,510     Harding-R         Cox-D             Debs-Soc          Christensen-FL    Ferguson-A

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+++1 = South Carolina (Group D, above)
       Cox was the only named candidate with at least 5.00% of the state's total popular
       vote, so he received all of South Carolina's 2,000 Electoral Points.

Group E (4th priority - 1,000 pts each, 9,000 pts total)

  40. Tennessee (12)             51.29%    516     48.19%    484      0.52%    ---

  41. Texas (20)                 23.54%    254     59.34%    640      1.67%    ---                        9.86%    106

  42. Utah (6)                   55.93%    578     38.84%    422      2.17%    ---      3.07%    ---

  43. Vermont (3)                75.82%    750     23.25%    250

  44. Virginia (12)              37.85%    382     61.32%    618                        0.99%    ---

  45. Washington (7)             55.96%    580     21.14%    219      2.24%    ---     19.37%    201

  46. West Virginia (8)          55.30%    561     43.30%    439      1.10%    ---

  47. Wisconsin (13)             71.10%    720     16.17%    164     11.50%    116

  48. Wyoming (3)                64.15%    668     31.86%    332                        3.99%    ---

      TOTAL - 147,000                   82,795            62,088             1,223               788               106

      Needed to Win - 73,510     Harding-R         Cox-D             Debs-Soc          Christensen-FL    Ferguson-A

      Finish Order               WINNER-1st        Loser-2nd         3rd               4th               5th

      Percentage of Points       56.32313%         42.23673%         0.83197%          0.53605%          0.07211%

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Harding-Cox Difference Ratios .........

»» Electoral Points: 1.333511-1  ...  Electoral Votes: 3.181102-1

Electoral Votes (531)         404 (76.08286%)   127 (23.91714%)   0 (0.00000%)      0 (0.00000%)      0 (0.00000%)
|------ Actual (1920)         Harding-R         Cox-D             Debs-Soc          Christensen-FL    Ferguson-A
Popular Votes (26,765,180)    16,144,093        9,139,661         913,693           265,398           47,968

Pctage of Pop. Votes          60.31752%         34.14758%         3.41374%          0.99158%          0.17921%

Scroll to the right >>> to read info for candidates Christensen and Ferguson

NOTE -- Aaron S. Watkins, the Prohibition Party candidate, finished 5th in popular votes (between Christensen
        and Ferguson) with 188,787. He did not earn any Electoral Points.

        James Ferguson earns the distinction of being the only 5th-place Electoral Points finisher in
        any election between 1912 and 2020.

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