Under each candidate (L » R): Pop. Vote Percentage - Electoral Points ----------------- J. Calvin John W. Robert M. Herman P. State | Electoral Coolidge Davis La Follette Faris | Votes Republican Democrat Progressive Prohibition Group B .. 1st priority - 5,000 pts each +++ Extra 1,000 points -- Kentucky, Michigan ... Total, Group-B: 52,000 11. Illinois (29) 58.84% 2,951 23.36% 1,172 17.49% 877 0.10% --- 12. Indiana (15) 55.25% 2,774 38.69% 1,943 5.64% 283 0.35% --- 13. Iowa (13) 55.03% 2,764 16.64% 836 27.87% 1,400 14. Kansas (10) 61.54% 3,077 23.60% 1,180 14.86% 743 15. Kentucky (13) +++ 48.93% 3,093 45.98% 2,907 4.72% --- 16. Louisiana (10) 20.23% 1,250 76.44% 3,750 17. Maine (6) 72.03% 3,609 21.83% 1,094 5.92% 297 18. Maryland (8) 45.29% 2,271 41.29% 2,070 13.15% 659 19. Massachusetts (18) 62.26% 3,125 24.86% 1,248 12.50% 627 20. Michigan (15) +++ 75.37% 4,500 13.13% 833 10.51% 667 0.52% --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So Far (52,000) 29,414 17,033 5,553 --- Needed to Win - 77,510 Coolidge-R Davis-D La Follette-Prog Faris-Prhb Group C .. 2nd priority - 4,000 pts each +++ Extra 1,000 points -- Nebraska, New York ... Total, Group-C: 42,000 21. Minnesota (12) 51.18% 2,063 6.80% 274 41.26% 1,663 22. Mississippi (10) 7.55% 1,000 89.34% 3,000 3.11% --- 23. Missouri (18) 49.58% 1,987 43.79% 1,755 6.43% 258 0.11% --- 24. Montana (4) 42.50% 1,704 19.38% 776 37.91% 1,520 25. Nebraska (8) +++ 47.09% 2,363 29.58% 1,484 22.99% 1,153 0.34% --- 26. Nevada (3) 41.76% 1,670 21.95% 878 36.29% 1,452 27. New Hampshire (4) 59.83% 2,393 34.72% 1,389 5.45% 218 28. New Jersey (14) 62.17% 2,497 27.41% 1,101 10.03% 402 0.12% --- 29. New Mexico (3) 48.52% 1,941 43.02% 1,721 8.46% 338 30. New York (45) +++ 55.76% 2,807 29.13% 1,465 14.55% 728 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So Far (94,000) 49,839 30,876 13,285 --- Needed to Win - 77,510 Coolidge-R Davis-D La Follette-Prog Faris-Prhb Group D .. 3rd priority - 3,000 pts each +++ Extra 1,000 points -- Ohio, Pennsylvania ... Total, Group-D: 29,000 31. North Carolina (12) 39.73% 1,209 58.89% 1,791 1.38% --- 32. North Dakota (5) 47.68% 1,433 6.96% 209 45.17% 1,358 33. Ohio (24) +++ 58.33% 2,338 23.70% 950 17.75% 712 34. Oklahoma (10) 42.82% 1,285 48.41% 1,452 8.77% 263 35. Oregon (5) 51.01% 1,536 24.18% 727 24.47% 737 36. Pennsylvania (38) +++ 65.34% 2,644 19.08% 772 14.43% 584 0.46% --- 37. Rhode Island (5) 59.63% 1,862 36.46% 1,138 3.63% --- 38. South Carolina (9) ***1 2.21% --- 96.56% 3,000 1.22% --- 39. South Dakota (5) 49.69% 1,491 13.35% 400 36.96% 1,109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So Far (123,000) 63,637 41,315 18,048 --- Needed to Win - 77,510 Coolidge-R Davis-D La Follette-Prog Faris-Prhb ***1 = South Carolina (Group D, above) Davis was the only named candidate with at least 5.00% of the state's total popular vote, so he received all of South Carolina's 3,000 Electoral Points. Group E .. 4th priority - 2,000 pts each +++ Extra 1,000 points -- Tennessee, Vermont ... Total, Group-E: 20,000 40. Tennessee (12) +++ 43.59% 1,357 52.80% 1,643 3.55% --- 0.03% --- 41. Texas (20) 19.78% 396 73.70% 1,474 6.52% 130 42. Utah (4) 49.26% 985 29.94% 599 20.80% 416 43. Vermont (3) +++ 78.22% 2,250 15.67% 548 5.79% 202 0.32% --- 44. Virginia (12) 32.79% 688 62.48% 1,312 4.64% --- 45. Washington (7) 52.24% 1,064 10.16% 207 35.76% 729 46. West Virginia (8) 49.45% 991 44.07% 883 6.29% 126 47. Wisconsin (13) 37.06% 748 8.10% 163 53.96% 1,089 0.35% --- 48. Wyoming (3) 52.39% 1,048 16.10% 322 31.51% 630 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So Far (143,000) 73,164 48,466 21,370 --- Needed to Win - 77,510 Coolidge-R Davis-D La Follette-Prog Faris-Prhb Group A .. 5th priority - 1,000 pts each +++ Extra 1,000 points -- Colorado, Idaho ... Total, Group-A: 12,000 1. Alabama (12) 27.01% 285 67.81% 715 4.85% --- 0.32% --- 2. Arizona (3) 41.26% 413 35.47% 355 23.27% 232 3. Arkansas (9) 29.28% 293 61.21% 612 9.51% 95 4. California (13) 57.20% 580 8.23% 84 33.13% 336 1.43% --- 5. Colorado (6) +++ 57.02% 1,147 21.98% 442 20.44% 411 0.28% --- 6. Connecticut (7) 61.54% 617 27.53% 276 10.60% 107 7. Delaware (3) 57.70% 577 36.80% 368 5.48% 55 8. Florida (6) 28.06% 287 56.88% 581 7.90% 81 5.04% 51 9. Georgia (12) 18.19% 182 73.96% 741 7.62% 77 0.14% --- 10. Idaho (4) +++ 47.12% 942 16.36% 328 36.52% 730 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL - 155,000 78,487 52,968 23,494 51 Needed to Win - 77,510 Coolidge-R Davis-D La Follette-Prog Faris-Prhb Finish Order WINNER-1st 2nd 3rd 4th Percentage of Points 50.63677% 34.17290% 15.15741% 0.03290% Coolidge-Davis-La Follette Difference Ratios »» Electoral Points -- Coolidge-Davis: 1.481781-1 .. Coolidge-La Follette: 3.340725-1 »» Electoral Votes --- Coolidge-Davis: 2.808824-1 .. Coolidge-La Follette: 29.384615-1 NOTES ... The "Solid South", those states which were part of the Confederacy from 1861 to 1865, once again voted heavily for a Democratic candidate. This is the main reason why, in terms of Electoral Points, Calvin Coolidge won the election by a margin of only 977 points above the 77,510 need-to-win mark. Herman Faris, 4th in both Electoral Points and national popular votes, gains the very dubious distinction of earning the least amount of Electoral Points -- 51 -- in any U.S. Presidential election from 1900 to the present. BTW, at the other extreme is Richard Nixon who earned a whopping 102,925 Electoral Points in the 1972 election. The difference ratio between Mr. Nixon's total and Mr. Faris' total is 2,018.137255+ to one !!!!!!!!!!!! Electoral Votes (531) 382 (71.93974%) 136 (25.61205%) 13 (2.44821%) 0 (0.00000%) | |------ Actual (1924) Coolidge-R Davis-D La Follette-Prog Faris-Prhb | Popular Votes (29,097,107) 15,723,789 8,386,242 4,831,706 55,951 Pctage of Pop. Votes 54.03901% 28.82157% 16.60545% 0.19229% |