Under each candidate (L ยป R): Pop. Vote Percentage - Electoral Points

-----------------                Franklin D.       Alf M.            William F.
State | Electoral                Roosevelt         Landon            Lemke
      | Votes                    Democrat          Republican        Union

Group E .. 1st priority - 5,000 pts each
+++ Extra 1,000 points -- Wyoming ... Total, Group-E: 46,000

  40. Tennessee (11)             68.85%  3,456     30.75%  1,544      0.06%    ---

  41. Texas (23)                 87.08%  3,750     12.31%  1,250      0.39%    ---

  42. Utah (4)                   69.34%  3,497     29.79%  1,503      0.52%    ---

  43. Vermont (3)                43.24%  2,170     56.39%  2,830

  44. Virginia (11)              70.23%  3,525     29.39%  1,475      0.07%    ---

  45. Washington (8)             66.38%  3,344     29.88%  1,656      2.52%    ---

  46. West Virginia (8)          60.56%  3,035     39.20%  1,965

  47. Wisconsin (12)             63.80%  3,391     30.26%  1,609      4.79%    ---

  48. Wyoming (3) +++            60.58%  3,707     37.47%  2,293      1.60%    ---

      So Far (46,000)                   29,875            16,125               ---

      Needed to Win - 76,510     Roosevelt-D       Landon-R          Lemke-U

Group A .. 2nd priority - 4,000 pts each
+++ Extra 1,000 points -- Alabama, Connecticut ... Total, Group-A: 42,000

   1. Alabama (11) +++           86.38%  3,750     12.82%  1,250      0.20%    ---

   2. Arizona (3)                69.85%  2,887     26.93%  1,113      2.66%    ---

   3. Arkansas (9)               81.80%  3,000     17.86%  1,000

   4. California (22)            66.95%  2,715     31.70%  1,285

   5. Colorado (8)               60.37%  2,478     37.09%  1,522      2.04%    ---

   6. Connecticut (8) +++        55.32%  2,891     40.35%  2,109      3.16%    ---
   7. Delaware (3)               54.62%  2,196     44.85%  1,804      0.35%    ---

   8. Florida (7)                76.10%  3,000     23.90%  1,000

   9. Georgia (12)               87.10%  3,000     12.60%  1,000      0.05%    ---

  10. Idaho (4)                  62.96%  2,619     33.19%  1,381      3.85%    ---

      So Far (88,000)                   58,411            29,589               ---

      Needed to Win - 76,510     Roosevelt-D       Landon-R          Lemke-U

Group B .. 3rd priority - 3,000 pts each
+++ Extra 1,000 points -- Illinois, Louisiana ... Total, Group-B: 32,000

  11. Illinois (29) +++          57.70%  2,370     39.69%  1,630      2.26%    ---

  12. Indiana (14)               56.63%  1,724     41.89%  1,276      1.18%    ---

  13. Iowa (11)                  54.41%  1,681     42.70%  1,319      2.60%    ---

  14. Kansas (9)                 53.67%  1,616     45.95%  1,384      0.06%    ---

  15. Kentucky (11)              58.51%  1,783     39.92%  1,217      1.35%    ---

  16. Louisiana (10) +++         88.82%  3,000     11.16%  1,000

  17. Maine (5)                  41.52%  1,284     55.49%  1,716      2.49%    ---

  18. Maryland (8)               62.35%  1,882     37.04%  1,118

  19. Massachusetts (17)         51.22%  1,545     41.76%  1,260      6.45%    195

  20. Michigan (19)              56.33%  1,777     38.76%  1,223      4.20%    ---

      So Far (120,000)                  77,073            42,732               195

      Needed to Win - 76,510     Roosevelt-D       Landon-R          Lemke-U

Group C .. 4th priority - 2,000 pts each
+++ Extra 1,000 points -- Minnesota, Nevada ... Total, Group-C: 22,000

  21. Minnesota (11) +++         61.84%  1,866     31.01%    936      6.58%    198

  22. Mississippi (9) ***1       97.06%  2,000      2.74%    ---

  23. Missouri (15)              60.76%  1,228     38.16%    772      0.80%    ---

  24. Montana (4)                69.28%  1,430     27.59%    570      2.41%    ---

  25. Nebraska (7)               57.14%  1,168     40.74%    832      2.11%    ---

  26. Nevada (3) +++             72.81%  2,184     27.19%    816

  27. New Hampshire (4)          49.73%  1,018     47.98%    982      2.21%    ---

  28. New Jersey (16)            59.54%  1,201     39.57%    799      0.52%    ---

  29. New Mexico (3)             62.69%  1,264     36.50%    736      0.55%    ---

  30. New York (47)              58.85%  1,228     38.97%    772

      So Far (142,000)                  91,660            49,947               393

      Needed to Win - 76,510     Roosevelt-D       Landon-R          Lemke-U

***1 = Mississippi (Group C, above)
***2 = South Carolina (Group D, below)
       Roosevelt was the only named candidate in these states with at least 5.00%
       of each state's total popular vote, so he received all of Mississippi's
       2,000 electoral points and all of South Carolina's 1,000 electoral points.

Group D .. 5th priority - 1,000 pts each
+++ Extra 1,000 points -- North Dakota, Rhode Island ... Total, Group-D: 11,000

  31. North Carolina (13)        73.40%    734     26.60%    266

  32. North Dakota (4) +++       59.60%  1,197     26.58%    534     13.41%    269

  33. Ohio (26)                  57.99%    608     37.44%    392      4.39%    ---

  34. Oklahoma (11)              66.83%    672     32.69%    328

  35. Oregon (5)                 64.42%    649     29.64%    298      5.27%     53

  36. Pennsylvania (36)          56.88%    582     40.84%    418      1.63%    ---

  37. Rhode Island (4) +++       53.10%  1,067     40.18%    807      6.29%    126

  38. South Carolina (8) ***2    98.57%  1,000      1.43%    ---

  39. South Dakota (4)           54.02%    560     42.49%    440      3.49%    ---

      TOTAL - 153,000                   98,729            53,430               841

      Needed to Win - 76,510     Roosevelt-D       Landon-R          Lemke-U

      Finish Order               WINNER-1st        Loser-2nd         3rd

      Percentage of Points       64.52876%         34.92157%         0.54967%

Roosevelt-Landon Ratios ... Electoral Points: 1.847820-1
                            Electoral Votes: 65.375000-1

Electoral Votes (531)          523 (98.49341%)   8 (1.50659%)      0 (0.00000%)
|------ Actual (1936)          Roosevelt-D       Landon-R          Lemke-U
Popular Votes (45,647,699)     27,752,648        16,681,862        892,378

Pctage of Pop. Votes           60.79747%         36.54480%         1.95492%

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