Under each candidate (L » R): Pop. Vote Percentage - Electoral Points ----------------- Franklin D. Wendell L. State | Electoral Roosevelt Wilkie | Votes Democrat Republican Group A .. 1st priority - 5,000 pts each +++ Extra 1,000 points -- Arkansas, Florida ... Total, Group-A: 52,000 1. Alabama (11) 85.22% 3,750 14.34% 1,250 2. Arizona (3) 63.49% 3,190 36.01% 1,810 3. Arkansas (9) +++ 79.02% 4,500 20.98% 1,500 4. California (22) 57.44% 2,907 41.34% 2,093 5. Colorado (6) 48.37% 2,436 50.92% 2,564 6. Connecticut (8) 53.44% 2,679 46.30% 2,321 7. Delaware (3) 54.70% 2,742 45.05% 2,258 8. Florida (7) +++ 74.01% 4,441 25.99% 1,559 9. Georgia (12) 84.85% 3,750 14.83% 1,250 10. Idaho (4) 54.36% 2,726 45.31% 2,274 -------------------------------------------------------------- So Far (52,000) 33,121 18,879 Needed to Win - 78,510 Roosevelt-D Wilkie-R Group B .. 2nd priority - 4,000 pts each +++ Extra 1,000 points -- Iowa, Maryland ... Total, Group-B: 42,000 11. Illinois (29) 50.97% 2,049 48.54% 1,951 12. Indiana (14) 49.03% 1,971 50.45% 2,029 13. Iowa (11) +++ 47.62% 2,389 52.03% 2,611 14. Kansas (9) 42.40% 1,709 56.86% 2,291 15. Kentucky (11) 57.44% 2,304 42.30% 1,696 16. Louisiana (10) 85.88% 3,000 14.09% 1,000 17. Maine (5) 48.77% 1,953 51.10% 2,047 18. Maryland (8) +++ 58.25% 2,940 40.83% 2,060 19. Massachusetts (17) 53.11% 2,136 46.36% 1,864 20. Michigan (19) 49.52% 1,989 49.85% 2,011 -------------------------------------------------------------- So Far (94,000) 55,561 38,439 Needed to Win - 78,510 Roosevelt-D Wilkie-R Group C .. 3rd priority - 3,000 pts each +++ Extra 1,000 points -- Missouri, New Jersey ... Total, Group-C: 32,000 21. Minnesota (11) 51.49% 1,558 47.66% 1,442 22. Mississippi (9) ***1 95.70% 3,000 4.19% --- 23. Missouri (15) +++ 52.27% 2,095 47.50% 1,905 24. Montana (4) 58.78% 1,782 40.17% 1,218 25. Nebraska (7) 42.81% 1,284 57.19% 1,716 26. Nevada (3) 60.08% 1,802 39.92% 1,198 27. New Hampshire (4) 53.22% 1,597 46.78% 1,403 28. New Jersey (16) +++ 51.48% 2,073 47.86% 1,927 29. New Mexico (3) 56.59% 1,700 43.28% 1,300 30. New York (47) 51.60% 1,553 48.06% 1,447 -------------------------------------------------------------- So Far (126,000) 74,005 51,995 Needed to Win - 78,510 Roosevelt-D Wilkie-R **1 = Mississippi (Group C, above) Roosevelt was the only named candidate with at least 5.00% of the state's total popular vote, so he received all of Mississippi's 3,000 Electoral Points. Group D .. 4th priority - 2,000 pts each +++ Extra 1,000 points -- North Carolina, Oklahoma ... Total, Group-D: 20,000 31. North Carolina (13) +++ 74.03% 2,221 25.97% 779 32. North Dakota (4) 44.18% 890 55.06% 1,110 33. Ohio (26) 52.20% 1,044 47.80% 956 34. Oklahoma (11) +++ 57.41% 1,729 42.23% 1,271 35. Oregon (5) 53.70% 1,081 45.62% 919 36. Pennsylvania (36) 53.23% 1,069 46.33% 931 37. Rhode Island (4) 56.73% 1,136 43.17% 864 38. South Carolina (8) ***2 95.63% 2,000 4.37% --- 39. South Dakota (4) 42.59% 852 57.41% 1,148 -------------------------------------------------------------- So Far (146,000) 86,027 59,973 Needed to Win - 78,510 Roosevelt-D Wilkie-R ***2 = South Carolina (Group D, above) Roosevelt was the only named candidate with at least 5.00% of the state's total popular vote, so he received all of South Carolina's 2,000 Electoral Points. Group E .. 5th priority - 1,000 pts each +++ Extra 1,000 points -- Tennessee, Vermont ... Total, Group-E: 11,000 40. Tennessee (11) +++ 67.25% 1,350 32.35% 650 41. Texas (23) 80.92% 750 18.91% 250 42. Utah (6) 62.25% 623 37.59% 377 43. Vermont (3) +++ 44.92% 901 54.78% 1,099 44. Virginia (11) 68.08% 683 31.55% 317 45. Washington (8) 58.22% 589 40.58% 411 46. West Virginia (8) 57.10% 571 42.90% 429 47. Wisconsin (12) 50.15% 509 48.32% 491 48. Wyoming (3) 52.82% 530 46.89% 470 -------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL - 157,000 92,533 64,467 Needed to Win - 78,510 Roosevelt-D Wilkie-R Finish Order WINNER-1st Loser-2nd Percentage of Points 58.93822% 41.06178% Roosevelt-Wilkie Difference Ratios »» Electoral Points: 1.435354-1 ... Electoral Votes: 5.475610-1 Electoral Votes (531) 449 (81.35593%) 82 (18.64407%) | |--- Actual (1940) Roosevelt-D Wilkie-R | Popular Votes (49,902,113) 27,313,945 22,347,744 Pctage of Pop. Votes 54.73505% 44.78316% |