Bonus .... The Univac Computer's 1952 Election Prediction .... Tues Nov. 4th, 1952

The 1952 U.S. Presidential election marked the first time that a modern electronic computer was used to predict the outcome of a national
election. On Election Nite November 4th 1952, at about 8:30 pm Eastern Time, CBS newsman Charles Collingwood introduced viewers to
the Univac computer, and "asked" the machine if it had any prediction regarding the election's final outcome. At this point, only about
five percent of the national returns had been reported in to CBS. Univac printed out its answer, and Collingwood quietly looked it over.
He held back his reaction to the print out and told viewers, "Well, I don't think Univac's quite ready to say yet. It seems to be a bit honest,
perhaps more so than most (political) commentators. But we'll check back with Univac a little later on."

Almost three hours later, after the almost final returns showed that Republican candidate Dwight Eisenhower was defeating his
Democratic challenger Adlai Stevenson by the biggest landslide up to that time, representatives of Remington-Rand, Univac's
maker, admitted that the machine had indeed predicted, with near-flawless accuracy, the election's outcome. "Next year", the
reps sheepishly declared, "we will most surely believe what it tells us !!!!"

BTW -- NBC-TV also used a computing machine of its own on that election night -- Monroe's Monrobot III -- and it is said
that the Monrobot's prediction was similiar to Univac's and was supposedly broadcast first. Yet, it seems that Univac,
with support from Remington-Rand, perhaps garnered just a bit more post-election publicity than did the Monrobot.

Click-on any image below to view at full size.   Larger views will appear in a new window or tab
Univac Team, Cronkite
Walter Cronkite (CBS, at
right) with Univac techs
Collingwood and Univac
Charles Collingwood (CBS)
and the Univac console
Univac Prediction Sheet
Univac's 1952 Election
Prediction Print-Out
Univac Control Panel
Univac brand nameplate
and control panel
Wile E Coyote, Univac
Wile E Coyote's Univac
  (Did Acme sue ??)

And now, on to the 1952 U.S. Presidential Election results

Under each candidate (L » R): Pop. Vote Percentage - Electoral Points

-----------------                Dwight D.         Adlai E.
State | Electoral                Eisenhower        Stevenson
      | Votes                    Republican        Democrat

Group D .. 1st priority - 5,000 pts each
+++ Extra 1,000 points -- South Dakota ... Total, Group-D: 46,000

  31. North Carolina (14)        46.09%  2,304     53.91%  2,696

  32. North Dakota (4)           70.97%  3,571     28.39%  1,429

  33. Ohio (25)                  56.76%  2,838     43.24%  2,162

  34. Oklahoma (8)               54.59%  2,730     45.41%  2,270

  35. Oregon (6)                 60.54%  3,049     38.93%  1,951

  36. Pennsylvania (32)          52.74%  2,648     46.85%  2,352

  37. Rhode Island (4)           50.89%  2,546     49.05%  2,454

  38. South Carolina (8)         49.28%  2,464     50.72%  2,536

  39. South Dakota (4) +++       69.27%  4,156     30.73%  1,844

      So Far (46,000)                   26,306            19,694

      Needed to Win - 75,010     Eisenhower-R      Stevenson-D

Group E .. 2nd priority - 4,000 pts each
+++ Extra 1,000 points -- Texas, West Virginia .. Total, Group-E: 38,000

  40. Tennessee (11)             49.99%  2,006     49.71%  1,994

  41. Texas (24) +++             53.13%  2,667     46.49%  2,333

  42. Utah (4)                   58.93%  2,357     41.07%  1,643

  43. Vermont (3)                71.45%  2,866     28.23%  1,134

  44. Virginia (12)              56.32%  2,260     43.36%  1,740

  45. Washington (9)             54.33%  2,195     44.69%  1,805

  46. West Virginia (8) +++      48.08%  2,404     51.92%  2,596

  47. Wisconsin (12)             60.95%  2,446     38.71%  1,554

  48. Wyoming (3)                62.71%  2,513     37.09%  1,487

      So Far (84,000)                   48,020            35,980

      Needed to Win - 75,010     Eisenhower-R      Stevenson-D

Group A .. 3rd priority - 3,000 pts each
+++ Extra 1,000 points -- California, Georgia .. Total, Group-A: 32,000

   1. Alabama (11)               35.02%  1,055     64.55%  1,945

   2. Arizona (4)                58.35%  1,751     41.65%  1,249

   3. Arkansas (8)               43.76%  1,317     55.90%  1,683
   4. California  (32) +++       56.83%  2,294     42.27%  1,706

   5. Colorado (6)               60.27%  1,822     38.96%  1,178

   6. Connecticut (8)            55.70%  1,678     43.91%  1,322

   7. Delaware (3)               51.75%  1,558     47.88%  1,442

   8. Florida (10)               54.99%  1,650     44.97%  1,350

   9. Georgia (12) +++           30.34%  1,214     69.66%  2,786

  10. Idaho (4)                  65.42%  1,966     34.42%  1,034

      So Far (116,000)                  64,325            51,675

      Needed to Win - 75,010     Eisenhower-R      Stevenson-D

Group B .. 4th priority - 2,000 pts each
+++ Extra 1,000 points -- Kansas, Massachusetts .. Total, Group-B: 22,000

  11. Illinois (27)              54.84%  1,099     44.94%    901

  12. Indiana (13)               58.11%  1,162     40.99%    838

  13. Iowa (9)                   63.75%  1,283     35.59%    717

  14. Kansas (8) +++             68.77%  2,078     30.50%    922

  15. Kentucky (10)              49.84%    999     49.91%  1,001

  16. Louisiana (10)             47.08%    942     52.92%  1,058

  17. Maine (5)                  66.05%  1,323     33.77%    677

  18. Maryland (9)               55.36%  1,116     43.83%    884

  19. Massachusetts (16) +++     54.22%  1,632     45.46%  1,368

  20. Michigan (20)              55.44%  1,115     43.97%    885

      So Far (138,000)                  77,074            60,926

      Needed to Win - 75,010     Eisenhower-R      Stevenson-D

Group C .. 5th priority - 1,000 pts each
+++ Extra 1,000 points -- Montana, New Mexico ... Total, Group-C: 12,000

  21. Minnesota (11)             55.33%    556     44.11%    444

  22. Mississippi (8)            39.56%    396     60.44%    604

  23. Missouri (13)              50.71%    508     49.14%    492

  24. Montana (4) +++            59.39%  1,194     40.07%    806

  25. Nebraska (6)               69.15%    692     30.85%    308

  26. Nevada (3)                 61.45%    615     38.55%    385

  27. New Hampshire (4)          60.92%    609     39.08%    391

  28. New Jersey (16)            56.81%    569     41.99%    431

  29. New Mexico (4) +++         55.39%  1,111     44.28%    889

  30. New York (45)              55.45%    560     43.55%    440

      TOTAL - 150,000                   83,884            66,116

      Needed to Win - 75,010     Eisenhower-R      Stevenson-D

      Finish Order               WINNER-1st        Loser-2nd

      Percentage of Points       55.92267%         44.07733%

Eisenhower-Stevenson Ratios --»» Electoral Points .. 1.268740-1
                                 Electoral Votes ... 4.966292-1

Electoral Votes (531)          442 (83.23917%)   89 (16.76083%)
|----- Actual (1952)           Eisenhower-R      Stevenson-D
Popular Votes (61,751,942)     34,075,529        27,375,090

Pctage of Pop. Votes           55.18131%         44.33074% 

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