Under each candidate (L » R): Pop. Vote Percentage - Electoral Points

-----------------                Lyndon B.         Barry M.
State | Electoral                Johnson           Goldwater
      | Votes                    Democrat          Republican

Group B (1st priority - 5,000 pts each, 50,000 pts total)

  11. Hawaii (4)                 78.76%  3,750     21.24%  1,250

  12. Idaho (4)                  50.92%  2,546     49.08%  2,454

  13. Illinois (26)              59.47%  2,973     40.53%  2,027

  14. Indiana (13)               55.98%  2,812     43.56%  2,188

  15. Iowa (9)                   61.88%  3,100     37.92%  1,900

  16. Kansas  (7)                54.09%  2,728     45.06%  2,272

  17. Kentucky (9)               64.01%  3,211     35.65%  1,789

  18. Louisiana (10)             43.19%  2,159     56.81%  2,841

  19. Maine (4)                  68.84%  3,442     31.16%  1,558

  20. Maryland (10)              65.47%  3,274     34.53%  1,726

      So Far (50,000)                   29,995            20,005

      Needed to Win - 75,510     Johnson-D         Goldwater-R

Group C (2nd priority - 4,000 pts each, 40,000 pts total)

  21. Massachusetts (14)         76.19%  3,000     23.44%  1,000

  22. Michigan (21)              66.70%  2,673     33.10%  1,327

  23. Minnesota (10)             63.76%  2,557     36.00%  1,443

  24. Mississippi (7)            12.86%  1,000     87.14%  3,000

  25. Missouri (12)              64.05%  2,562     35.95%  1,438

  26. Montana (4)                58.95%  2,369     40.57%  1,631

  27. Nebraska (5)               52.61%  2,104     47.39%  1,896

  28. Nevada  (3)                58.58%  2,343     41.42%  1,657

  29. New Hampshire (4)          63.89%  2,556     36.11%  1,444

  30. New Jersey (17)            65.61%  2,638     33.86%  1,362

      So Far (90,000)                   53,797            36,203

      Needed to Win - 75,510     Johnson-D         Goldwater-R

Group D (3rd priority - 3,000 pts each, 30,000 pts total)

  31. New Mexico (4)             59.22%  1,786     40.24%  1,214

  32. New York (43)              68.56%  2,059     31.31%    941

  33. North Carolina (13)        56.15%  1,685     43.85%  1,315

  34. North Dakota (4)           57.97%  1,742     41.88%  1,258

  35. Ohio (26)                  62.94%  1,888     37.06%  1,112

  36. Oklahoma (8)               55.75%  1,673     44.25%  1,327

  37. Oregon (6)                 63.72%  1,918     35.96%  1,082

  38. Pennsylvania (29)          64.92%  1,961     34.70%  1,039

  39. Rhode Island (4)           80.87%  2,250     19.13%    750

  40. South Carolina (8)         41.10%  1,233     58.89%  1,767

      So Far (120,000)                  71,992            48,008

      Needed to Win - 75,510     Johnson-D         Goldwater-R

Group E (4th priority - 2,000 pts each, 20,000 pts total)

  41. South Dakota (4)           55.61%  1,122     44.39%    878

  42. Tennessee (11)             55.50%  1,110     44.49%    890

  43. Texas (25)                 63.32%  1,268     36.49%    732

  44. Utah (4)                   54.86%  1,097     45.14%    903

  45. Vermont (3)                66.30%  1,330     33.29%    670

  46. Virginia (12)              53.54%  1,074     46.18%    926

  47. Washington (9)             61.97%  1,248     37.37%    752

  48. West Virginia (6)          67.94%  1,353     32.06%    647

  49. Wisconsin (12)             62.09%  1,253     37.04%    747

  50. Wyoming (3)                56.56%  1,131     43.44%    869

      So Far (140,000)                  83,978            56,022

      Needed to Win - 75,510     Johnson-D         Goldwater-R

 ***1 = Alabama (Group A, below)
        Unpledged electors were the only Democratic choice for
        the Alabama voters. The state's Democratic Party leaders,
        led by Governor George C. Wallace, kept Lyndon B. Johnson
        off of all state ballots. As a result of this plus the
        popular vote, Barry Goldwater was the only named candidate
        eligible to receive Electoral Points, so he was awarded
        all 1,000 of Alabama's points.

Group A (5th priority - 1,000 pts each, 11,000 pts total)

   1. Alabama (10)  ***1                           69.45%  1,000

   2. Alaska (3)                 65.91%    659     34.09%    341

   3. Arizona (5)                49.45%    495     50.45%    505

   4. Arkansas (6)               56.06%    564     43.41%    436

   5. California  (40)           59.11%    592     40.79%    408

   6. Colorado (6)               61.27%    616     38.19%    384

   7. Connecticut (8)            67.81%    679     32.09%    321

   8. Delaware (3)               60.95%    611     38.78%    389

   9. Florida (14)               51.15%    512     48.85%    488

  10. Georgia (12)               45.87%    459     54.12%    541

  DC. D.C. (3)                   85.50%    750     14.50%    250

      TOTAL - 151,000                   89,915            61,085

      Needed to Win - 75,510     Johnson-D         Goldwater-R

      Finish Order               WINNER-1st        LOSER-2nd

      Percentage of Points       59.54636%         40.45364%

      Johnson-Goldwater Ratios -- 

»» Electoral Points: 1.471965-1  ...  Electoral Votes: 9.345154-1

Electoral Votes (538)          486 (90.33457%)   52 (9.66543%)
|------- Actual (1964)         Johnson-D         Goldwater-R
Popular Votes (70,639,284)     43,127,041        27,175,754

Pctage of Pop. Votes           61.05249%         38.47116%

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