Under each candidate (L » R): Pop. Vote Percentage - Electoral Points

-----------------                Richard M.        Hubert H.         George C.
State | Electoral                Nixon             Humphrey          Wallace
      | Votes                    Republican        Democrat      3rd-American
-----------------                                                    Independent

Group C (1st priority - 5,000 pts each, 50,000 pts total)

  21. Massachusetts (14)         32.89%  1,715     63.01%  3,285      3.73%    ---

  22. Michigan (21)              41.46%  2,064     48.18%  2,417     10.04%    519

  23. Minnesota (10)             41.46%  2,172     54.00%  2,828      4.34%    ---

  24. Mississippi (7)            13.52%    676     23.02%  1,151     63.46%  3,173

  25. Missouri (12)              44.87%  2,244     43.74%  2,187     11.39%    569

  26. Montana (4)                50.60%  2,551     41.29%  2,082      7.29%    367

  27. Nebraska (5)               59.82%  2,991     31.81%  1,591      8.36%    418

  28. Nevada (3)                 47.46%  2,373     39.29%  1,965     13.25%    662

  29. New Hampshire (4)          52.10%  2,713     43.93%  2,287      3.76%    ---

  30. New Jersey (17)            46.10%  2,324     43.97%  2,216      9.12%    460

      So Far (50,000)                   21,823            22,009             6,168

      Needed to Win - 76,010     Nixon-R           Humphrey-D        Wallace-3AI

Group D (2nd priority - 4,000 pts each, 40,000 pts total)

  31. New Mexico (4)             51.85%  2,085     39.75%  1,599      7.86%    316

  32. New York (43)              44.30%  1,784     49.76%  2,003      5.29%    213

  33. North Carolina (13)        39.51%  1,580     29.23%  1,170     31.26%  1,250

  34. North Dakota (4)           55.94%  2,238     38.23%  1,532      5.75%    230

  35. Ohio (26)                  45.23%  1,809     42.95%  1,718     11.81%    473

  36. Oklahoma (8)               47.68%  1,907     31.99%  1,280     20.33%    813

  37. Oregon (6)                 49.83%  2,000     43.78%  1,757      6.06%    243

  38. Pennsylvania (29)          44.02%  1,768     47.59%  1,912      7.97%    320

  39. Rhode Island (4)           31.78%  1,327     64.03%  2,673      4.07%    ---

  40. South Carolina (8)         38.09%  1,524     29.61%  1,184     32.30%  1,292

      So Far (90,000)                   39,845            38,837            11,318

      Needed to Win - 76,010     Nixon-R           Humphrey-D        Wallace-3AI

Group E (3rd priority - 3,000 pts each, 30,000 pts total)

  41. South Dakota (4)           53.27%  1,678     41.96%  1,322      4.76%    ---

  42. Tennessee (11)             37.85%  1,136     28.13%    743     34.02%  1,121

  43. Texas (25)                 39.87%  1,196     41.14%  1,234     18.97%    570

  44. Utah (4)                   56.49%  1,695     37.07%  1,114      6.37%    191

  45. Vermont (3)                52.75%  1,644     43.53%  1,356      3.16%    ---

  46. Virginia (12)              43.46%  1,309     32.49%    979     23.64%    712

  47. Washington (9)             45.12%  1,356     47.23%  1,420      7.44%    224

  48. West Virginia (7)          40.78%  1,223     49.60%  1,488      9.62%    289

  49. Wisconsin (12)             47.89%  1,441     44.27%  1,332      7.56%    227

  50. Wyoming (3)                55.76%  1,673     35.51%  1,065      8.73%    262

      So Far (120,000)                  54,196            50,890            14,914

      Needed to Win - 76,010     Nixon-R           Humphrey-D        Wallace-3AI

Group A (4th priority - 2,000 pts each, 22,000 pts total)

   1. Alabama (10)               13.99%    284     18.72%    380     65.86%  1,336

   2. Alaska (3)                 45.28%    906     42.95%    859     11.77%    235

   3. Arizona (5)                54.78%  1,103     35.02%    705      9.56%    192

   4. Arkansas (6)               31.01%    620     30.33%    607     38.65%    773

   5. California (40)            47.82%    963     44.74%    901      6.72%    136

   6. Colorado (6)               50.46%  1,017     41.32%    832      7.50%    151

   7. Connecticut (8)            44.32%    887     49.48%    991      6.10%    122

   8. Delaware (3)               45.12%    902     41.61%    832     13.27%    266

   9. Georgia (12)               30.40%    609     26.75%    534     42.83%    857

  10. Florida (14)               40.53%    811     30.93%    619     28.54%    570

  DC. D.C. (3)                   18.18%    500     81.82%  1,500      0.00%    ---

      So Far (142,000)                  62,798            59,650            19,552

      Needed to Win - 76,010     Nixon-R           Humphrey-D        Wallace-3AI

Group B (5th priority - 1,000 pts each, 10,000 pts total)

  11. Hawaii (4)                 38.70%    393     59.83%    607      1.47%    ---

  12. Idaho (4)                  56.79%    568     30.66%    307     12.55%    125

  13. Illinois (26)              47.08%    472     44.15%    443      8.46%     85

  14. Indiana (13)               50.29%    504     37.99%    381     11.45%    115

  15. Iowa (9)                   53.01%    533     40.82%    410      5.69%     57

  16. Kansas (7)                 54.84%    550     34.72%    348     10.19%    102

  17. Kentucky (9)               43.79%    439     37.65%    378     18.29%    183

  18. Louisiana (10)             23.47%    235     28.21%    282     48.32%    483

  19. Maine (4)                  43.07%    438     55.30%    562      1.62%    ---

  20. Maryland (10)              41.94%    419     43.59%    436     14.47%    145

      TOTAL - 152,000                   67,349            63,804            20,847

      Needed to Win - 76,010     Nixon-R           Humphrey-D        Wallace-3AI

      Finish Order               Leader-1st        2nd               3rd

      Percentage of Points       44.30855%         41.97632%         13.71513%

No winner in the Electoral Points Proposal format. A run-off between Nixon and
Humphrey would be scheduled for Tuesday December 3rd, 1968. The run-off winner
would be inaugurated on February 3rd 1969, two weeks later than the regular
January 20th date.

Although (in actual fact) Hubert Humphrey had come on strong after enduring
the aftermath of the stormy 1968 Democratic Convention, it is conceivable that
he may not have won an Electoral Points run-off. For starters, in the initial
election he was 12,206 points short of the 76,010 need-to-win mark, while
Richard Nixon was only 8,661 points short. In addition, a significantly large
portion of George Wallace's 20,847 points came from mostly conservative voters.

In actual fact, Nixon was the outright winner of the 1968 election.

Nixon-Humphrey-Wallace Difference Ratios

»»»  Electoral Points -- Nixon-Humphrey: 1.055561-1
                         Nixon-Wallace:  3.230633-1

»»»  Electoral Votes --- Nixon-Humphrey: 1.575916-1
                         Nixon-Wallace:  6.543478-1

Electoral Votes (538)        301 (55.94796%)   191 (35.50186%)   46 (8.55019%) ***
|----- Actual (1968)         Nixon-R           Humphrey-D        Wallace-3AI
Popular Votes (73,199,998)   31,783,783        31,271,839        9,901,118

Pctage of Pop. Votes         43.42047%         42.72109%         13.52612%

*** = One faithless Republican elector in North Carolina chose George Wallace
      instead of Richard Nixon.

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