Under each candidate (L ยป R): Pop. Vote Percentage - Electoral Points

-----------------                Richard M.        George S.         John G.
State | Electoral                Nixon             McGovern          Smitz
      | Votes                    Republican        Democrat      3rd-American
-----------------                                                    Independent

Group D .. 1st priority - 5,000 pts each
+++ Extra 1,000 points -- North Dakota, Rhode Island ... Total, Group-D: 52,000

  31. New Mexico (4)             61.05%  3,127     36.56%  1,873      2.27%    ---

  32. New York (41)              58.54%  2,934     41.21%  2,066

  33. North Carolina (13)        69.46%  3,531     28.89%  1,469      1.65%    ---

  34. North Dakota (3) +++       62.07%  3,806     35.79%  2,194      2.01%    ---

  35. Ohio (25)                  59.63%  3,052     38.07%  1,948      1.96%    ---

  36. Oklahoma (6)               73.70%  3,750     24.00%  1,250      2.30%    ---

  37. Oregon (6)                 52.45%  2,738     42.33%  2,262      4.98%    ---

  38. Pennsylvania (27)          59.11%  3,008     39.13%  1,992      1.54%    ---

  39. Rhode Island (4) +++       53.00%  3,186     46.81%  2,814      0.01%    ---

  40. South Carolina (8)         70.58%  3,583     27.92%  1,417      1.50%    ---

      So Far (52,000)                   32,715            19,285               ---

      Needed to Win - 81,510     Nixon-R           McGovern-D         Smitz-3AI

Group E .. 2nd priority - 4,000 pts each
+ Extra 1,000 points -- Utah, Wisconsin ... Total, Group-E: 42,000

  41. South Dakota (4)           54.15%  2,173     45.52%  1,827

  42. Tennessee (10)             67.70%  2,779     29.75%  1,221      2.53%    ---

  43. Texas (26)                 66.20%  2,663     33.24%  1,337      0.20%    ---

  44. Utah  (4) +++              67.64%  3,382     26.39%  1,320      5.97%    298

  45. Vermont (3)                62.66%  2,528     36.47%  1,472

  46. Virginia (12)              67.84%  2,770     30.12%  1,230      1.35%    ---

  47. Washington (9)             56.92%  2,383     38.64%  1,617      4.00%    ---

  48. West Virginia (6)          63.61%  2,544     36.39%  1,456

  49. Wisconsin (11) +++         53.40%  2,749     43.72%  2,251      2.56%    ---

  50. Wyoming (4)                69.01%  2,775     30.47%  1,225      0.51%    ---

      So Far (94,000)                   59,461            34,241               298

      Needed to Win - 81,510     Nixon-R           McGovern-D         Smitz-3AI

Group A .. 3rd priority - 3,000 pts each
+++ Extra 1,000 points -- Arkansas, Florida ... Total, Group-A: 35,000

   1. Alabama (9)                72.43%  2,218     25.54%    782      1.18%    ---

   2. Alaska (3)                 58.13%  1,744     34.62%  1,039      7.25%    217

   3. Arizona (6)                61.64%  2,010     30.38%    990      3.25%    ---
   4. Arkansas (6) +++           68.82%  2,766     30.71%  1,234      0.47%    ---

   5. California (45)            55.00%  1,709     41.54%  1,291      2.78%    ---

   6. Colorado (7)               62.61%  1,932     34.59%  1,068      1.81%    ---

   7. Connecticut  (8)           58.57%  1,780     40.13%  1,220      1.25%    ---
   8. Delaware (3)               59.60%  1,810     39.18%  1,190      1.12%    ---

   9. Florida (17) +++           71.91%  2,885     27.80%  1,115

  10. Georgia (12)               75.04%  2,250     24.65%    750      0.07%    ---

  DC. D.C. (3)                   21.56%    750     78.10%  2,250

      So Far (129,000)                  81,315            47,170               515

      Needed to Win - 81,510     Nixon-R           McGovern-D         Smitz-3AI

Group B .. 4th priority - 2,000 pts each
+++ Extra 1,000 points -- Indiana, Maine ... Total, Group-B: 22,000

  11. Hawaii (4)                 62.48%  1,250     37.52%    750

  12. Idaho (4)                  64.24%  1,290     26.04%    523      9.30%    187

  13. Illinois (26)              59.03%  1,186     40.51%    814      0.05%    ---

  14. Indiana (13) +++           66.11%  1,994     33.34%  1,006

  15. Iowa (8)                   57.61%  1,175     40.48%    825      1.80%    ---

  16. Kansas (7)                 67.66%  1,393     29.50%    607      2.38%    ---

  17. Kentucky (9)               63.37%  1,291     34.77%    709      1.65%    ---

  18. Louisiana (10)             65.32%  1,395     28.35%    605      4.95%    ---

  19. Maine (4)  +++             61.46%  1,845     38.48%  1,155      0.03%    ---

  20. Maryland (10)              61.26%  1,242     37.36%    758      1.38%    ---

      So Far (151,000)                  95,376            54,922               702

      Needed to Win - 81,510     Nixon-R           McGovern-D         Smitz-3AI

Group C .. 5th priority - 1,000 pts each
+++ Extra 1,000 points -- Mississippi, New Hampshire ... Total, Group-C: 12,000

  21. Massachusetts (14)         45.23%    457     54.20%    543      0.12%    ---

  22. Michigan (21)              56.20%    573     41.81%    427      1.81%    ---

  23. Minnesota (10)             51.58%    528     46.07%    472      1.80%    ---

  24. Mississippi (7) +++        78.20%  1,500     19.63%    500      1.80%    ---

  25. Missouri (12)              62.29%    623     37.71%    377

  26. Montana (4)                57.93%    605     37.85%    395      4.23%    ---

  27. Nebraska (5)               70.50%    705     29.50%    295

  28. Nevada (3)                 63.68%    637     36.32%    363

  29. New Hampshire (4) +++      63.98%  1,295     34.86%    705      1.01%    ---

  30. New Jersey (17)            61.57%    626     36.77%    374      1.15%    ---

      TOTAL - 163,000                  102,925            59,373               702

      Needed to Win - 81,510     Nixon-R           McGovern-D         Smitz-3AI

      Finish Order               WINNER-1st        Loser-2nd          3rd

      Percentage of Points       63.144171%        36.425153%         0.430675%

Nixon-McGovern Ratios -- Electoral Points ...  1.733532-1
                         Electoral Votes .... 30.588235-1

Electoral Votes (538)            520 (96.65428%)   17 (3.15985%)     None    ***
|------- Actual (1972)           Nixon-R           McGovern-D        Smitz-3AI
Popular Votes (77,744,027)       47,168,710        29,173,222        1,100,968

Pctage of Pop. Votes             60.67181%         37.52471%         1.41614%

*** = A faithless Republican elector in Virginia chose the Libertarian ticket of John Hospers
      and Theodora Nathan instead of the Richard Nixon-Spiro Agnew Republican ticket. The
      Hospers-Nathan ticket finished just out of the nationwide top ten in popular votes.

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