Under each candidate (L ยป R): Pop. Vote Percentage - Electoral Points ----------------- Jimmy E. Gerald R. Roger L. State | Electoral Carter Ford MacBride | Votes Democrat Republican Libertarian Group E .. 1st priority - 5,000 pts each +++ Extra 1,000 points -- South Dakota, Virginia ... Total, Group-E: 52,000 41. South Dakota (4) +++ 48.91% 2,955 50.39% 3,045 0.54% --- 42. Tennessee (10) 55.94% 2,829 42.94% 2,171 0.09% --- 43. Texas (26) 51.14% 2,580 47.97% 2,420 0.01% --- 44. Utah (4) 33.65% 1,751 62.44% 3,249 0.45% --- 45. Vermont (3) 43.14% 2,213 54.34% 2,787 46. Virginia (12) +++ 47.96% 2,960 49.26% 3,040 0.27% --- 47. Washington (9) 46.11% 2,399 50.00% 2,601 0.32% --- 48. West Virginia (6) 58.07% 2,904 41.93% 2,096 49. Wisconsin (11) 49.50% 2,543 47.83% 2,457 1.18% --- 50. Wyoming (3) 39.81% 2,008 59.30% 2,992 0.06% --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So Far (52,000) 25,142 26,858 000 Needed to Win - 82,010 Carter-D Ford-R MacBride-Lib Group A .. 2nd priority - 4,000 pts each +++ Extra 1,000 points -- Alabama, Colorado ... Total, Group-A: 46,000 1. Alabama (9) +++ 55.73% 2,834 42.61% 2,166 0.13% --- 2. Alaska (3) 35.65% 1,440 57.90% 2,338 5.49% 222 3. Arizona (6) 39.80% 1,655 56.37% 2,345 1.03% --- 4. Arkansas (6) 64.94% 2,601 34.93% 1,399 5. California (45) 47.57% 1,964 49.35% 2,036 0.72% --- 6. Colorado (7) +++ 42.58% 1,763 54.05% 2,237 0.49% --- 7. Connecticut (8) 46.90% 2,370 52.06% 2,630 8. Delaware (3) 51.98% 2,110 46.57% 1,890 9. Florida (17) 51.93% 2,107 46.64% 1,893 10. Georgia (12) 66.74% 2,678 32.96% 1,322 0.01% --- DC. D.C. (3) 81.63% 3,000 16.51% 1,000 0.16% --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So Far (98,000) 49,664 48,114 222 Needed to Win - 82,010 Carter-D Ford-R MacBride-Lib Group B .. 3rd priority - 3,000 pts each +++ Extra 1,000 points -- Hawaii, Kansas ... Total, Group-B: 32,000 11. Hawaii (4) +++ 50.59% 2,051 48.06% 1,949 1.35% --- 12. Idaho (4) 37.12% 1,148 59.88% 1,852 1.04% --- 13. Illinois (26) 48.13% 1,470 50.10% 1,530 0.17% --- 14. Indiana (13) 45.70% 1,385 53.32% 1,615 15. Iowa (8) 48.46% 1,485 49.47% 1,515 0.11% --- 16. Kansas (7) +++ 44.94% 1,845 52.49% 2,155 0.34% --- 17. Kentucky (9) 52.75% 1,610 45.57% 1,390 0.07% --- 18. Louisiana (10) 51.73% 1,589 45.95% 1,411 0.26% --- 19. Maine (4) 48.07% 1,487 48.91% 1,513 20. Maryland (10) 53.04% 1,591 46.96% 1,409 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So Far (130,000) 65,325 64,453 222 Needed to Win - 82,010 Carter-D Ford-R MacBride-Lib Group C .. 4th priority - 2,000 pts each +++ Extra 1,000 points -- Massachusetts, Montana ... Total, Group-C: 22,000 21. Massachusetts (14) +++ 56.11% 1,743 40.44% 1,257 0.01% --- 22. Michigan (21) 46.44% 945 51.83% 1,055 0.15% --- 23. Minnesota (10) 54.90% 1,133 42.02% 867 0.18% --- 24. Mississippi (7) 49.56% 1,019 47.68% 981 0.36% --- 25. Missouri (12) 51.10% 1,037 47.47% 963 26. Montana (4) +++ 45.40% 1,386 52.84% 1,614 27. Nebraska (5) 38.46% 787 59.19% 1,213 0.24% --- 28. Nevada (3) 45.81% 955 50.17% 1,045 0.75% --- 29. New Hampshire (4) 43.47% 885 54.75% 1,115 0.28% --- 30. New Jersey (17) 47.92% 978 50.08% 1,022 0.31% --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So Far (152,000) 76,193 75,585 222 Needed to Win - 82,010 Carter-D Ford-R MacBride-Lib Group D .. 5th priority - 1,000 pts each +++ Extra 1,000 points -- New Mexico, Oklahoma ... Total, Group-D: 12,000 31. New Mexico (4) +++ 48.28% 975 50.75% 1,025 0.27% --- 32. New York (41) 51.95% 522 47.52% 478 0.19% --- 33. North Carolina (13) 55.27% 556 44.22% 444 0.13% --- 34. North Dakota (3) 45.80% 470 51.66% 530 0.09% --- 35. Ohio (25) 48.92% 501 48.65% 499 0.22% --- 36. Oklahoma (8) +++ 48.75% 988 49.96% 1,012 1.29% --- 37. Oregon (6) 47.62% 499 47.78% 501 38. Pennsylvania (27) 50.40% 514 47.73% 486 39. Rhode Island (4) 55.36% 557 44.08% 443 0.17% --- 40. South Carolina (8) 56.17% 566 43.13% 434 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL - 164,000 82,341 81,437 222 Needed to Win - 82,010 Carter-D Ford-R MacBride-Lib Finish Order WINNER-1st 2nd 3rd Percentage of Points 50.20792% 49.65671% 0.13537% The 1976 election outcome was closer in the E.P.P. reality than in actual fact, with Jimmy Carter topping the "Needed to Win" mark by only 331 points, as well as having only a 904 point edge over Gerald Ford. Any combination of better popular vote performances by Ford and MacBride could have resulted in either a Ford victory, or a Ford-Carter run-off. Carter Ford Ratios -- Electoral Points .... 1.011101-1 Electoral Votes ..... 1.237500-1 Need-to-Win Ratios (Final Tally vs Minimum Needed) ... Electoral Points (82,341 - 82,010) ... 1.004036-1 Electoral Votes (297 - 270) ......... 1.100000-1 Electoral Votes (538) 297 (55.20446%) 240 (44.60967%) None *** | |------ Actual (1976) Carter-D Ford-R MacBride-Lib | Popular Votes (81,531,584) 40,831,881 39,148,634 172,553 Pctage of Pop. Votes 50.08106% 48.01653% 0.21164% *** = One faithless Republican elector in the state of Washington chose Ronald Reagan instead of Gerald Ford. |