Under each candidate (L » R): Pop. Vote Percentage - Electoral Points ----------------- Ronald W. Jimmy E. John B. Ed E. State | Electoral Reagan Carter Anderson Clark | Votes Republican Democrat Independent Libertarian Group A .. 1st priority - 5,000 pts each +++ Extra 1,000 points -- Arizona, Delaware ... Total, Group-A: 57,000 1. Alabama (9) 48.75% 2,533 47.45% 2,467 1.23% --- 0.99% --- 2. Alaska (3) 54.35% 2,734 26.41% 1,328 7.04% 354 11.61% 584 3. Arizona (6) +++ 60.61% 3,724 28.24% 1,735 8.81% 541 2.15% --- 4. Arkansas (6) 48.13% 2,516 47.52% 2,484 2.68% --- 2.68% --- 5. California (45) 52.69% 2,710 35.91% 1,847 8.62% 443 1.73% --- 6. Colorado (7) 55.07% 2,833 31.07% 1,599 11.03% 568 2.17% --- 7. Connecticut (8) 48.16% 2,434 38.52% 1,947 12.22% 619 0.61% --- 8. Delaware (3) +++ 47.21% 2,862 44.87% 2,720 6.91% 418 0.84% --- 9. Florida (17) 55.32% 2,795 38.50% 1,945 5.14% 260 0.83% --- 10. Georgia (12) 40.95% 2,217 55.76% 2,783 2.26% --- 0.98% --- DC. D.C. (3) 13.41% 739 74.89% 3,750 9.28% 511 0.63% --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So Far (57,000) 28,097 24,605 3,714 584 Needed to Win - 82,510 Reagan-R Carter-D Anderson-Ind Clark-Lib Group B .. 2nd priority - 4,000 pts each +++ Extra 1,000 points -- Illinois, Louisiana ... Total, Group-B: 42,000 11. Hawaii (4) 42.90% 1,746 44.80% 1,824 10.56% 430 1.08% --- 12. Idaho (4) 66.46% 2,717 25.19% 1,030 6.19% 253 1.93% --- 13. Illinois (26) +++ 49.65% 2,516 41.72% 2,114 7.30% 370 0.82% --- 14. Indiana (13) 56.01% 2,392 37.65% 1,608 4.98% --- 0.88% --- 15. Iowa (8) 51.31% 2,080 38.60% 1,564 8.78% 356 1.00% --- 16. Kansas (7) 57.85% 2,359 33.29% 1,357 6.96% 284 1.48% --- 17. Kentucky (9) 49.07% 2,030 47.61% 1,970 2.40% --- 0.43% --- 18. Louisiana (10) +++ 51.20% 2,641 45.75% 2,359 1.70% --- 0.53% --- 19. Maine (4) 45.61% 1,860 42.25% 1,723 10.20% 417 0.98% --- 20. Maryland (10) 44.18% 1,784 47.14% 1,903 7.76% 313 0.92% --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So Far (99,000) 50,222 42,057 6,137 584 Needed to Win - 82,510 Reagan-R Carter-D Anderson-Ind Clark-Lib Group C .. 3rd priority - 3,000 pts each +++ Extra 1,000 points -- Minnesota, Nevada ... Total, Group-C: 32,000 21. Massachusetts (14) 41.90% 1,272 41.75% 1,268 15.15% 460 0.87% --- 22. Michigan (21) 48.99% 1,492 42.50% 1,294 7.04% 214 1.06% --- 23. Minnesota (10) +++ 42.56% 1,744 46.50% 1,906 8.53% 350 1.54% --- 24. Mississippi (7) 49.42% 1,520 48.09% 1,480 1.35% --- 0.61% --- 25. Missouri (12) 51.16% 1,607 44.35% 1,393 3.71% --- 0.69% --- 26. Montana (4) 56.82% 1,752 32.43% 1,000 8.05% 248 2.70% --- 27. Nebraska (5) 65.53% 1,994 26.04% 792 7.02% 214 1.42% --- 28. Nevada (3) +++ 62.54% 2,588 26.89% 1,114 7.12% 298 1.76% --- 29. New Hampshire (4) 57.74% 1,749 28.35% 859 12.94% 392 0.54% --- 30. New Jersey (17) 51.97% 1,584 38.56% 1,175 7.88% 241 0.69% --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So Far (131,000) 67,524 54,338 8,554 584 Needed to Win - 82,510 Reagan-R Carter-D Anderson-Ind Clark-Lib Group D .. 4th priority - 2,000 pts each +++ Extra 1,000 points -- North carolina, Pennsylvania ... Total, Group-D: 22,000 31. New Mexico (4) 54.97% 1,119 36.78% 749 6.46% 132 0.96% --- 32. New York (41) 46.66% 950 43.99% 896 7.54% 154 0.85% --- 33. North Carolina (13) +++ 49.30% 1,533 47.18% 1,467 2.85% --- 0.52% --- 34. North Dakota (3) 64.23% 1,306 26.26% 534 7.84% 160 1.24% --- 35. Ohio (25) 51.51% 1,037 41.91% 844 5.94% 119 1.14% --- 36. Oklahoma (8) 60.50% 1,267 34.97% 733 3.33% --- 1.20% --- 37. Oregon (6) 48.33% 1,002 38.67% 801 9.51% 197 2.19% --- 38. Pennsylvania (27) +++ 49.59% 1,511 42.48% 1,294 6.42% 195 0.73% --- 39. Rhode Island (4) 37.20% 750 47.67% 961 14.38% 289 0.59% --- 40. South Carolina (8) 49.57% 1,016 48.04% 984 1.59% --- 0.56% --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So Far (153,000) 79,015 63,601 9,800 584 Needed to Win - 82,510 Reagan-R Carter-D Anderson-Ind Clark-Lib Group E .. 5th priority - 1,000 pts each +++ Extra 1,000 points -- Texas, West Virginia ... Total, Group-E: 12,000 41. South Dakota (4) 60.53% 613 31.69% 321 6.54% 66 1.17% --- 42. Tennessee (10) 48.70% 501 48.41% 499 2.22% --- 0.44% --- 43. Texas (26) +++ 55.28% 1,143 41.42% 857 2.46% --- 0.83% --- 44. Utah (4) 72.77% 740 20.57% 209 5.01% 51 1.20% --- 45. Vermont (3) 44.37% 454 38.41% 393 14.90% 153 0.89% --- 46. Virginia (12) 53.03% 539 40.31% 409 5.11% 52 0.69% --- 47. Washington (9) 49.66% 509 37.32% 382 10.62% 109 1.68% --- 48. West Virginia (6) +++ 45.30% 953 49.81% 1,047 4.30% --- 0.59% --- 49. Wisconsin (11) 47.90% 488 43.18% 440 7.07% 72 1.28% --- 50. Wyoming (3) 62.64% 643 27.97% 287 6.83% 70 2.55% --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL - 165,000 85,598 68,445 10,373 584 Needed to Win - 82,510 Reagan-R Carter-D Anderson-Ind Clark-Lib Finish Order WINNER-1st Loser-2nd 3rd 4th Percentage of Points 51.87758% 41.48182% 6.28667% 0.35394% Now, just what is it about Alaska and Libertarians? Ed Clark is the 2nd straight Libertarian candidate (after Roger MacBride in 1976) to earn all of their Electoral Points from our 49th state. However, he could not do better than 2.70% of the popular vote count in any other state, so his 584 Electoral Point Alaska total was all he had to show for himself. In actual fact, the winner-take-all rules resulted in Ronald Reagan's overwhelming Electoral Vote victory, even in each of the states where he received less than 50% of the popular votes therein. In the E.P.P. reality, Reagan wins the election by a small "Needed to Win" margin of only 3,088 points. Any combination of better popular vote performances by Jimmy Carter, John Anderson and Ed Clark could have resulted in making necessary a run-off between Reagan and Carter. Based on Reagan's Electoral Point lead of 17,153 in the initial election, coupled with the combined total of 10,957 points for Anderson and Clark, Jimmy Carter would have been facing quite an uphill climb in his quest to win the run-off. Need-to-Win Ratios (Final Tally vs Minimum Needed) ... »» Electoral Points (85,598 - 82,510) ... 1.037426-1 Electoral Votes (489 - 270) ......... 1.811111-1 Reagan-Carter Ratios -- Electoral Points: 1.250610-1 ... Electoral Votes: 9.979592-1 Electoral Votes (538) 489 (90.89219%) 49 (9.10781%) None None | |------ Actual (1980) Reagan-R Carter-D Anderson-Ind Clark-Lib | Popular Votes (86,509,678) 43,903,230 35,480,115 5,719,850 921,128 Pctage of Pop. Votes 50.74950% 41.01289% 6.61180% 1.06477% |