Under each candidate (L ยป R): Pop. Vote Percentage - Electoral Points

-----------------                Ronald W.         Walter F.
State | Electoral                Reagan            Mondale
      | Votes                    Republican        Democrat

Group B (1st priority - 5,000 pts each, 50,000 pts total)

  11. Hawaii (4)                 55.10%  2,785     43.82%  2,215

  12. Idaho (4)                  72.36%  3,664     26.39%  1,336

  13. Illinois (24)              56.17%  2,823     43.30%  2,177

  14. Indiana (12)               61.67%  3,104     37.68%  1,896

  15. Iowa (8)                   53.27%  2,686     45.89%  2,314

  16. Kansas (7)                 66.27%  3,351     32.60%  1,649

  17. Kentucky (9)               60.04%  3,020     39.37%  1,980

  18. Louisiana (10)             60.77%  3,071     38.18%  1,929

  19. Maine (4)                  60.83%  3,053     38.78%  1,947

  20. Maryland (10)              52.51%  2,638     47.02%  2,362

      So Far (50,000)                   30,195            19,805

      Needed to Win - 75,510     Reagan-R          Mondale-D

Group C (2nd priority - 4,000 pts each, 40,000 pts total)

  21. Massachusetts (13)         51.22%  2,056     48.43%  1,944

  22. Michigan (20)              59.23%  2,382     40.24%  1,618

  23. Minnesota (10)             49.54%  1,996     49.72%  2,004

  24. Mississippi (7)            61.85%  2,492     37.46%  1,508

  25. Missouri (11)              60.02%  2,401     39.98%  1,599

  26. Montana (4)                60.47%  2,452     38.18%  1,548

  27. Nebraska (5)               70.55%  2,840     28.81%  1,160

  28. Nevada (4)                 65.85%  2,693     31.97%  1,307

  29. New Hampshire (4)          68.66%  2,757     30.95%  1,243

  30. New Jersey (16)            60.09%  2,421     39.20%  1,579

      So Far (90,000)                   54,685            35,315

      Needed to Win - 75,510     Reagan-R          Mondale-D

Group D (3rd priority - 3,000 pts each, 30,000 pts total)

  31. New Mexico (5)             59.70%  1,809     39.23%  1,191

  32. New York (36)              53.84%  1,621     45.83%  1,379

  33. North Carolina (13)        61.90%  1,861     37.89%  1,139

  34. North Dakota (3)           64.84%  1,972     33.80%  1,028

  35. Ohio (23)                  58.90%  1,784     40.14%  1,216

  36. Oklahoma (8)               68.61%  2,073     30.67%    927

  37. Oregon (7)                 55.91%  1,683     43.74%  1,317

  38. Pennsylvania (25)          53.34%  1,611     45.99%  1,389

  39. Rhode Island (4)           51.66%  1,555     48.02%  1,445

  40. South Carolina (8)         63.55%  1,923     35.57%  1,077

      So Far (120,000)                  72,577            47,423

      Needed to Win - 75,510     Reagan-R          Mondale-D

Group E (4th priority - 2,000 pts each, 20,000 pts total)

  41. South Dakota (3)           63.00%  1,266     36.53%    734

  42. Tennessee (11)             57.84%  1,164     41.57%    836

  43. Texas (29)                 63.61%  1,275     36.11%    725

  44. Utah (5)                   74.50%  1,500     24.68%    500

  45. Vermont (3)                57.92%  1,173     40.81%    827

  46. Virginia (12)              62.29%  1,254     37.09%    746

  47. Washington (10)            55.82%  1,131     42.86%    869

  48. West Virginia (6)          55.11%  1,105     44.60%    895

  49. Wisconsin (11)             54.19%  1,092     45.02%    908

  50. Wyoming (3)                70.51%  1,428     28.24%    572

      So Far (140,000)                  84,965            55,035

      Needed to Win - 75,510     Reagan-R          Mondale-D

Group A (5th priority - 1,000 pts each, 11,000 pts total)

   1. Alabama (9)                60.54%    613     38.28%    387

   2. Alaska (3)                 66.65%    691     29.87%    309

   3. Arizona (7)                66.42%    671     32.54%    329

   4. Arkansas (6)               60.47%    612     38.29%    388

   5. California (47)            57.51%    582     41.27%    418

   6. Colorado (8)               63.44%    644     35.12%    356

   7. Connecticut (8)            60.73%    610     38.83%    390
   8. Delaware (3)               59.78%    600     39.93%    400

   9. Florida (21)               65.32%    653     34.66%    347

  10. Georgia (12)               60.17%    602     39.79%    398

  DC. D.C. (3)                   13.73%    250     85.38%    750

      TOTAL - 151,000                   91,493            59,507

      Needed to Win - 75,510     Reagan-R          Mondale-D

      Finish Order               WINNER-1st        Loser-2nd

      Percentage of Points       60.59139%         39.40861%

Reagan-Mondale Ratios -- Electoral Points: 1.537517-1
                         Electoral Votes: 40.384615-1

Electoral Votes (538)          525 (96.65428%)   13 (3.15985%)
|------ Actual (1984)          Reagan-R          Mondale-D
Popular Votes (92,653,233)     54,455,472        37,577,352

Pctage of Pop. Votes           58.77342%         40.55698%

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