About Me
About Me - Greetings From Your Host | Frank's Humble Abode at frankosite2020.com | Formerly known as frankosport.com
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Hello, World !!!

I'm Frank, a 50-plus-year-old (Yipes! Stripes!) sometimes computer and internet enthusiast from Alabama,
in the US-of-A. My personal interests include .... Viewing art -- mainly paintings, drawings, photos,
ceramics and sculpture; golf; baseball; reading; computers; internet; cats; road maps and road travel;
architecture (mainly Spanish, Tuscan and Mediterranean homes); occasional dining out.

This is, and has been for the last twenty-five-plus (25+) years, my only web-site. Nothing fancy here,
not too much original stuff to show, but I am making progress. Thanx-A-Lot, Enjoy, Stay Safe and Well.

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A Father's Day Card to my Father, early 1960's     A Mother's Day Card to my Mother, 1998

Alone With Your Thoughts

PGA and LPGA Tour Golf Media Guides; Baseball Encyclopedias; Classic editions of the World Almanac;
Encyclopedia Britannica; World Book Encyclopedia; James P. Hogan's Thrice Upon A Time; Sandra
Brown's Exclusive; Robin Lee Graham's Dove; Dick Enberg's Humorous Quotes for All Occasions;
Guinness Book of World Records; books dealing with movie (Oscars) and music (Grammy) awards;
The New Thought Police, as well as The Death of Right and Wrong, both by Tammy Bruce.

For a few years (but not now), the author had a fetish for books dealing with Spanish, Mediterranean,
Tuscan and Andalusian-style houses. Of course, he could afford only the books. The houses are another
matter, as they are definitely not in the category of "Just A Dollar Down, And A Dollar A Week!"

Dan Sater's "Sater Design", "Luxury Home Plans" and "Mediterranean Home Plans"
Bassenian-Lagoni's "Pure California" and "Tuscan and Andalusian Reflections"
"Casa California" by Elizabeth McMillian (text) and Melba Levick (photography)
"Dream Homes of Texas" - Jolie Carpenter
"Creative Home Designs" -- Sugi, Skolnik and Buchholz
"Casa Mediterranea" -- Massimo Listri (photography) and Nicoletta del Buono (text)
"The Mediterranean House in America" -- Lauren Weiss Bricker (text) and Juergen Nogai (photography)

George Pal (When Worlds Collide, War of the Worlds. The Time Machine);
Giant (1956-James Dean, Rock Hudson, Elizabeth Taylor);
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958-Paul Newman, Elizabeth Taylor, Burl Ives);
The Big Chill; The Paper Chase; The Right Stuff; Fargo; The D.I. (1957, Jack Webb);
The Long Riders; Somewhere In Time; An Officer and A Gentleman; What's Up, Doc;
Zero Hour! (1957); Airplane! (1980); Dead Man Walking; True Lies; The Fugitive;
Trekkies and Trekkies-2 (about those crazy Star Trek fans)

Click-on here ... Some Memorable (for me) Movies from the 1980's

Baseball (Braves, Cubs, Red Sox); Golf (PGA Tour, Ryder Cup, The Masters); World Cup Soccer;
ESPN's Sportcentury-50 Greatest Athletes; College Football (Alabama Crimson Tide, Georgia Bulldogs);
classic NFL Films (Sabols, Spence, et al) and Olympiad (Greenspan) highlights.

E.R. (mainly 1994-2002); A & E Biography; VH-1 Behind the Music; Harrod Blank's Wild Wheels;
Science and Nature Specials (Nature, Nova, Nat Geo); Carl Sagan's Cosmos; The Fugitive (1963-1967);
Our World (1986-87): ABC News history program hosted by Linda Ellerbee and Ray Gandolf;
Robert X. Cringely's Triumph of the Nerds; Later with Bob Costas (1988-1994); Forensic Files;
The Travel Channel's "World's Best" series - when the late William Hootkins (that Voice of Doom guy) narrated.

Ross McElwee ... Sherman's March; Time Indefinite; Bright Leaves; Something About The Wall

Ken Burns ... The Civil War; Baseball; The Roosevelts; Prohibition; The Vietnam War; Country Music

About Me - Greetings from Your Host

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