' ========================================================== $Compile exe "8032.EXE" $CPU 80386 REM The question mark ? is used in place of PRINT (old BASIC command shortcut) SSTART: screen 0 width 40:cls ? AT0(2,1);"" Sleep .75 JDQ=1 JDZ=0 DO INCR JDZ, 1 Sound 1334,1 Sound 1068,1 Sound 1334,1 Sound 1000,1 LOOP Until (JDZ=7) sleep 1 Color 10 ? "*** Commodore Basic 4.0 ***" ? " 31743 Bytes Free" ? "Ready." color 26 ? CHR$(219) ? sleep 5 Call PET2001 Color 15,0 ?: ? "Press S (Repeat) or X (Exit)" KKode=1 LLoopx: QX$=Inkey$ IF UCASE$(QX$)="S" THEN KKode=3 IF UCASE$(QX$)="X" THEN KKode=5 IF KKode=1 THEN GOTO LLoopx IF KKode=3 THEN GOTO SStart IF KKode=5 Then CLS Color 7: ?: ?: ? "END" END IF END ' =========================================================== FUNCTION AT0(BYVAL row AS LONG, BYVAL col AS LONG) AS STRING LOCATE row, col, 0:' cursor invisible END FUNCTION ' =========================================================== SUB PET2001 REM The question mark ? is used in place of PRINT (old BASIC command shortcut) DIM Xsee (140) DIM XHear(13) XHear(1)=1250 XHear(2)=1790 XHear(3)=1358 XHear(4)=1898 XHear(5)=1466 XHear(6)=2006 XHear(7)=1574 XHear(8)=2114 XHear(9)=1682 ? AT0(10,1);""; Restore DeeColors JDF=99 JDT=0 DO INCR JDT, 1 Read Xsee(JDT) IF Xsee(JDT)=99 THEN JDF=88 IF JDT=128 THEN JDF=88 Loop Until (JDT=128 or JDF=88) JDS=0 DO JPJ$="!" INCR JDS,1 IF JDS=129 THEN Exit Loop NXAA=1+(JDS MOD 9) ' JDS MOD 9 results in values of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 Sound Xhear(NXAA),1.75 Color Xsee(JDS) Putt$=CHR$(2) Select Case JDS Case 7,17,26,38,41,56,63,71,81,90,98,105,114 Putt$=CHR$(1) End Select ? Putt$;" "; sleep .09 JPJ$=Inkey$ IF JPJ$=CHR$(0,63) THEN JDS=99:' F-Key 5 is CHR$(0,63) LOOP UNTIL (JDS>=128) ? IF JDS<128 THEN Delay 2.00 DeeColors: data 15,11,12,10,06,14,21,15,13,04,02,11,14,03,10,06 data 01,14,18,12,09,06,14,05,08,13,04,15,01,12,26,02 data 14,05,15,13,04,02,11,14,07,10,10,07,15,14,02,12 data 09,02,11,14,03,15,06,15,00,02,12,25,12,01,14,11 data 15,11,12,10,06,14,05,15,13,04,02,11,14,03,10,04 data 00,14,18,12,09,06,14,05,08,13,04,15,01,12,10,06 data 07,13,11,23,04,11,03,10,00,02,12,09,01,14,22,03 data 02,10,25,15,00,14,06,13,24,01,09,12,13,05,08,04 data 99,99,99,99,99,99 END SUB ' =========================================================== |