Modified TIE Ultracom GXL-256 Phone System
Set Up For Trinity College, Alabama

Modified TIE Ultracom GXL-256 Phone System ... Set Up For Trinity College Alabama .. Frank's Humble Abode at .. formerly known as
Wednesday August 17th, 1988 (1 of 4)
!! DISCLAIMER: This is not a real or actual phone system. Rather, it is an illustration of a "re-imagined" system. !!
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EXTENSIONS: Total of 256 Possible  | 156 active, 24 reserved and 76 future

 100 E-02 Primary Switchboard       »150 E-02 Nursing Dept Secretary    »200 E-02 Education Dept Secretary
 101 E-02 Secondary Switchboard      151 E-02 Nursing Dept Chair         201 E-02 Education Dept Chair
 102 E-02 Receptionist-1             152 E-02 Nursing Dept               202 E-02 Education Dept
 103 E-02 Receptionist-2             153 E-02 Nursing Dept               203 E-02 Education Dept
 104 ƒ-** future                     154 E-05 reserved                   204 E-02 Education Dept

 Secretaries (105-06-07) to ...      ---                                 ---
 105 E-02 Chief Executive            155 E-05 reserved                   205 E-02 Education Dept
 106 E-02 Special Affairs            156 E-05 reserved                   206 E-02 Education Dept
 107 E-02 Academic Dean              157 ƒ-** future                     207 E-01 Education Dept Lounge
 108 E-02 4th Flr Conference         158 ƒ-** future                     208 E-02 Education Dept Conference
 109 ƒ-** future                     159 ƒ-** future                     209 E-05 reserved

»110 E-02 Evening Supervisor        »160 E-02 Bookstore Main            »210 E-02 Certification Officer
 111 E-05 reserved                   161 E-02 Bookstore                  211 E-05 reserved
 112 E-02 The Chief Executive        162 E-02 Bookstore                  212 E-05 reserved
 113 E-02 Special Affairs            163 E-02 Bookstore Manager          213 ƒ-** future
 114 E-02 Academic Dean              164 E-05 reserved                   214 ƒ-** future

»115 E-02 Financial Administrator    165 E-05 reserved                   215 ƒ-** future
 116 E-02 Financial Aid-V.A.         166 E-05 reserved                   216 ƒ-** future
 117 E-02 Student Services-1         167 ƒ-** future                     217 ƒ-** future
 118 E-02 Student Services-2         168 ƒ-** future                     218 ƒ-** future
 119 E-05 reserved                   169 ƒ-** future                     219 ƒ-** future

»120 E-02 Business Office           »170 ƒ-** future                    »220 E-02 CHD-SS Dept Secretary
 121 E-02 Accounts Payable           171 ƒ-** future                     221 E-02 CHD-SS Dept Chair
 122 E-02 Accounts Payable           172 ƒ-** future                     222 E-02 CHD-SS Dept
 123 E-01 Kitchen-Lounge             173 ƒ-** future                     223 E-02 CHD-SS Dept
 124 E-02 Auditorium                 174 ƒ-** future                     224 E-02 CHD-SS Dept

»125 E-02 Registrar                  175 ƒ-** future                     225 E-01 CHD-SS Dept
 126 E-02 Admissions                 176 ƒ-** future                     226 E-02 CHD-SS Dept
 127 E-02 Admissions                 177 ƒ-** future                     227 E-05 reserved
 128 E-05 Admissions                 178 ƒ-** future                     228 E-01 CHD-SS Dept Lounge
 129 E-05 reserved                   179 ƒ-** future                     229 E-02 CHD-SS Dept Conference

»130 E-02 Records Officer           »180 E-02 Computer Science Chair     230 ƒ-** future
 131 E-02 Records                    181 E-02 Computer Science           231 ƒ-** future
 132 E-02 Records                    182 E-02 Computer Science           232 ƒ-** future
 133 E-02 Desktop Publishing         183 E-05 reserved                   233 ƒ-** future
 134 E-05 reserved                   184 E-02 reserved                   234 ƒ-** future

 135 E-02 Foundation-Alumni          185 E-02 reserved                   235 ƒ-** future
 136 E-02 Foundation-Alumni          186 E-01 Lab-1                      236 ƒ-** future
 137 E-05 reserved                   187 E-01 Lab-2                      237 ƒ-** future
 138 E-05 reserved                   188 E-01 Lab-3                      238 ƒ-** future
 139 E-05 reserved                   189 E-01 Lab-4                      239 ƒ-** future

»140 E-02 Business Dept secretary    190 E-02 Lab Technician            »240 E-02 Security
 141 E-02 Business Dept chair        191 E-02 Computer Services          241 E-02 Security
 142 E-02 Business Dept              192 E-02 Computer Services          242 E-02 Security
 143 E-02 Business Dept              193 E-05 reserved                   243 E-05 reserved
 144 E-02 Business Dept              194 E-05 reserved                   244 E-05 reserved

 ---                                 ---                                »245 E-02 Building and
 145 E-01 Business Dept Lounge       195 E-02 Telephone Officer                   Grounds Supervisor
 146 E-02 3rd Floor Conference       196 E-02 Telephone Room             246 E-02 Building-Grounds
 147 E-05 reserved                   197 E-05 reserved                   247 E-02 Building-Grounds
 148 E-05 reserved                   198 E-05 reserved                   248 E-02 Cleaning Crew
 149 E-05 reserved                   199 E-05 reserved                   249 E-02 Cleaning Crew

Modified TIE Ultracom GXL-256 Phone System
Set Up For Trinity College, Alabama

Wednesday August 17th, 1988 (2 of 4)
!! DISCLAIMER: This is not a real or actual phone system. Rather, it is an illustration of a "re-imagined" system. !!

EXTENSIONS: Total of 256 Possible  | 156 active, 24 reserved and 76 future

»250 O-02 FAX: Main Fax-1            290 O-01 Attic                      330 ƒ-** future
 251 O-02 FAX: Main Fax-2            291 O-01 Balcony                    331 ƒ-** future
 252 O-02 FAX: Admissions            292 ƒ-** future                     332 D-02 DISA Outbound
 253 O-02 FAX: Business Dept         293 ƒ-** future                     333 D-02 DISA Outbound
 254 O-02 FAX: CHD-SS Dept           294 ƒ-** future                     334 D-02 DISA Outbound

»255 O-02 FAX: Nursing               295 ƒ-** future                     335 D-02 DISA Outbound
 256 O-02 FAX: Bookstore             296 ƒ-** future                     336 ƒ-** future
 257 O-05 reserved                   297 ƒ-** future                     337 ƒ-** future
 258 O-05 reserved                   298 ƒ-** future                     338 ƒ-** future
 259 O-05 reserved                   299 ƒ-** future                     339 ƒ-** future

 260 O-02 MODEM: Chief Executive     300 E-** Master Phone               340 D-06 DISA Inbound
 261 O-02 MODEM: Financial Admin.    301 E-** Test Phone                 341 D-06 DISA Inbound
 262 O-02 MODEM: Special Affairs     302 !-** Prime DSS Console-A        342 D-06 DISA Inbound
 263 O-02 MODEM: Financial Aid-V.A.  303 !-** Prime DSS Console-B        343 D-06 DISA Inbound
 264 O-02 MODEM: Student Affairs     304 !-** Remote DSS-1               344 ƒ-** future

 265 O-02 MODEM: Admissions          305 !-** Remote DSS-2               345 ƒ-** future
 266 O-02 MODEM: CHD-SS              306 !-** Remote DSS-3               346 ƒ-** future
 267 O-02 MODEM: Business Dept       307 ƒ-** Remote DSS-4               347 ƒ-** future
 268 O-02 MODEM: Education Dept      308 ƒ-** future
 269 O-02 MODEM: Certification       309 ƒ-** future

 270 O-02 MODEM: Nursing             310 ƒ-** future
 271 O-02 MODEM: BookStore           311 ƒ-** future
 272 O-02 Credit Card (Bus Off.)     312 P-$$ PayPhone (200-9840)
 273 O-02 Credit Card (Bus Off.)     313 P-$$ PayPhone (200-9841)        348 to 351
 274 O-02 Credit Card (Bookstore)    314 P-$$ PayPhone (200-9842)        O-06 Backup Answer Machine

 275 O-02 Credit Card (Bookstore)    315 P-$$ PayPhone (200-9843)        348 (200-2100)
 276 O-02 MODEM: Computer Science    316 P-$$ PayPhone (200-9844)        349 (200-2101)
 277 O-02 MODEM: Computer Lab-1      317 P-$$ PayPhone (200-9845)        350 (200-2102)
 278 O-02 MODEM: Computer Lab-2      318 P-$$ reserved                   351 (200-2103)
 279 O-02 MODEM: Computer Lab-3      319 P-$$ reserved

 280 O-02 Bookstore-Roaming          320 V-06 Voice Mail                 352 O-02 MODEM: System Admin.
 281 O-01 Workshop-1                 321 V-06 Voice Mail                 353 O-02 OPX Test/Sysop Modem
 282 O-01 Workshop-2                 322 V-06 Voice Mail                 354 O-06 Voice Mail Remote
 283 O-02 Business Off.-Roaming      323 V-06 Voice Mail                 355 O-06 Phone System Remote
 284 O-02 MODEM: Mainframe-1         324 V-06 Voice Mail

 285 O-02 MODEM: Mainframe-2         325 V-06 Voice Mail
 286 O-05 reserved                   326 V-06 Voice Mail
 287 O-05 reserved                   327 V-06 Voice Mail
 288 O-01 Elevator-A                 328 ƒ-** future
 289 O-01 Elevator-B                 329 ƒ-** future

Modified TIE Ultracom GXL-256 Phone System
Set Up For Trinity College, Alabama

Wednesday August 17th, 1988 (3 of 4)
!! DISCLAIMER: This is not a real or actual phone system. Rather, it is an illustration of a "re-imagined" system. !!

   Inbound-Extension (V) .. 200-2110 thru 200-2355     
   Inbound-Answer (P) ..... 200-2100 thru 200-2109 «1«
   Outbound (P) ........... 200-2156 thru 200-2165 «2«

   Reserved ............... 200-2366 thru 200-2399
   XSCC extensions ........ 200-2400 thru 200-2799

   Que-1: 9 or 81 .. 10 Local lines (Voice-Data)
   Que-2: 82 .. 4 Trinity lines (5820-5821-5822-5823)
   Que-3: 83 .. 4 XSCC lines (2790-2791-2792-2793)

   «1« = Callers reaching any of the previous inbound answer lines will receive the
         following message -- "The number you have reached, xxx-xxxx, has been changed.
         The new number is 200-2100."

   «2« = Callers returning calls to any of the outbound lines, whether via Caller ID
         or Star 69 (Call Return),  will receive the following message --- "We're sorry.
         This number does not accept incoming calls.  However, information about any
         calls from this number may be obtained by calling 200-2100."

   (V) = Virtual Phone Line (Max of 10 inbound circuits)  (P) = Physical (Actual) Phone Line

   Program 4010: Class of Service - Program 41xx and Que Group access
   This involves the custom-created Wild Cards .. Y N Z

   01 - P 4101-02. Q 1-2-3             04 - P 4101-02. Q 1       Y = 2 thru 9
   02 - P 4101-02-03. Q 1-2-3          05 - P 4105-06-07. Q 1    N = 0 thru 9
   03 - P 4101-02-03-04. Q 1-2-3       06 - Intercom Only        Z = 0 or 1

   Any Program 41xx: Extension Permitted Codes -- See also below, 44xx Line Group Permitted Codes

   Program 4101 - 01 to 40        Program 4102 - 01 to 40         Program 4103 - 01 to 40

   A: YYN-NNNN                    A: 1-800-YNN-NNNN               A: 1-205-555-8112  Trinity
   A: YZY-NNNN                    A: 1-700-YNN-NNNN               A: 1-205-555-3NNN  "
   A: Y01-NNNN                    A: 1-800-1NN-NNNN               A: 1-205-555-4NNN  "
   A: Y10-NNNN                                                    A: 1-205-555-5NNN  "
   D: 976-NNNN                                                    A: Montgomery, Birmingham, Atlanta
                                                                     Florida and others.

   Program 4104 - 01 to 40        Programs 4105, 4106 and 4107

   A: 011-NNN-NNN-NNNNN           01 to 40 each
   A: 0-700-YNN-NNNN              Pagers and Special Numbers

   Special Note: Class of Service 03 and Program 4104

   International and Tele-Conference number dialing are available ONLY via a special Walking Class of
   Service (WCOS) passcode which must be activated prior to usage.   The System Administrator will
   activate the designated WCOS  passcode after receiving a Special Dialing Service Request Form which
   must first go through the Financial Administrator's office. Shortly after completion of usage with
   the designated WCOS passcode, the System Administrator will change the passcode inorder to prevent
   any possible mis-use.

   Any Program 44xx: Line Group Permitted Codes -- See also above, 41xx Extension Permitted Codes
   Separate from the Extension Permitted Codes (Any Program 41xx), Line Group Codes are assignable
   to a specific  Line Group. Any given Line Group can be programmed to accept only the 44xx codes
   exclusively assigned to it -OR- they may also accept 41xx codes assigned to an extension.

   Any given extension that has no Extension Permitted Codes, but still has access to any or all
   Line Groups can be allowed or denied permission to dial codes on any or all such Line Groups.

   Program 4401, 01 to 40, Que-1          Program 4402, 01 to 40, Que-2     Program 4403, 01 to 40, Que-3
   Local Lines                            Trinity Main Campus Lines         XSCC Lines

   A: 911                                 A: 2NNN                           A: 2NNN
   A: 200-21NN                            A: 3NNN                           A: 3NNN
   A: 200-22NN                            A: 4NNN                           A: 4NNN
   A: 200-23NN                            A: 5NNN                           A: 8-YNN-NNNN
   A: 200-24NN                            A: 8-YNN-NNNN                     A: 8-1-YNN-NNN-NNNN
   A: 200-25NN                            A: 8-1-YNN-NNN-NNNN               A: 9-YNN-NNNN
   A: 200-26NN                            A: 9-YNN-NNNN                     A: 9-1-800-YNN-NNNN
   A: 200-27NN                            A: 9-1-800-YNN-NNNN               A: 9-911
   A: P.C. Police                         A: 9-911
   A: R.C. Sheriff
   A: 557-NNNN    South Central Bell
   A: 950-NNNN    950 Calling Services
   A: 300-NNN-NNNN Line Identifier
   A: AT&T, MCI, Sprint, GTE and AllTel
      1-800 Pre-Paid and Calling Card Numbers

   The Que-1 Line Group has been programmed by the System Administrator to accept Program 41xx
   extension codes as well as its own Program 4401 codes. The Que-2 and Que-3 Line Groups have
   been programmed to accept only the Program 44xx codes that are designated for each group.

Modified TIE Ultracom GXL-256 Phone System
Set Up For Trinity College, Alabama

Wednesday August 17th, 1988 (4 of 4)
!! DISCLAIMER: This is not a real or actual phone system. Rather, it is an illustration of a "re-imagined" system. !!

Program 4615: DISA Outbound Class of Service - Program 41xx and Que Group access

 01 thru 08 - P 4101-02-03. Q 1-2-3

Program 4620: DISA Outbound Access Codes

 01 thru 08 - Maximum 10 digits

 DISA Usage - When calling into the designated DISA line, the subscriber enters a DISA
              access code. The system will connect the subscriber to the first available
              outbound port which specificly uses the subscriber's entered code.

Programs 8201 & 8202 - Pay Phone Codes   Exempt from Toll (01 to 40 each)

 A: 911                              A: 200-25NN                         A: AT&T, MCI, Sprint, GTE
 A: 200-21NN                         A: R.C. Sheriff                        and AllTel 1-800 Pre-Paid
 A: 200-22NN                         A: P.C. Police                         & Calling Card Numbers
 A: 200-23NN                         A: 950-NNNN  950 Calling Services
 A: 200-24NN                         A: 557-NNNN  South Central Bell

Programs 8203 & 8204 - Pay Phone Codes   25¢ Toll Charge per each 5 minutes (01 to 40 each)

 D: 976-NNNN                         A: Y10-NNNN                         Custom-created Wild Cards
 A: YYN-NNNN                         A: 1-800-YNN-NNNN
 A: YZY-NNNN                                                             Y = 2 thru 9
 A: Y01-NNNN                                                             N = 0 thru 9
                                                                         Z = 0 or 1

Program 8205 & 8206 - Pay Phone Codes   75¢ Toll Charge per each 5 minutes (01 to 40 each)

 D: 1-YZY-976-NNNN                   A: 1-YZY-YNN-NNNN                   Guess which area code
 D: 1-Y01-976-NNNN                   A: 1-Y01-YNN-NNNN                   you're NOT seeing and WHY !!!!
 D: 1-Y10-976-NNNN                   A: 1-Y10-YNN-NNNN

Program 8230 - Toll Charge Exemption or Amount for Programs 8201 thru 8206

 BIN 01 (8201) - 0.00          BIN 03 (8203) - 0.25          BIN 05 (8205) - 0.75
 BIN 02 (8202) - 0.00          BIN 04 (8204) - 0.25          BIN 06 (8206) - 0.75

Program 8235 - Time Cycles (in minutes) before requesting more money  (** = Excluded)

 BIN 01 (8201) - **            BIN 03 (8203) - 05            BIN 05 (8205) - 05
 BIN 02 (8202) - **            BIN 04 (8204) - 05            BIN 06 (8206) - 05

Program 8240 - Overall Time Limit (in minutes) on each outgoing call

 BIN 01 (8201) - 35            BIN 03 (8203) - 15            BIN 05 (8205) - 15
 BIN 02 (8202) - 35            BIN 04 (8204) - 15            BIN 06 (8206) - 15

Modified TIE Ultracom GXL-256 Phone System
Set Up For Trinity College, Alabama

!! DISCLAIMER: This is not a real or actual phone system. Rather, it is an illustration of a "re-imagined" system. !!

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Frank's Humble Abode : : Tubiephrank0707 : Phenix City AL Alabama : Columbus GA Georgia : Ledger Enquirer : WRBL 3 : WTVM 9 : WLTZ 38 : WXTX 54 : WDAK 540 AM : WRCG 1420 AM : Pacelli High School : St. Patrick's School : Central : Kendrick
Jordan : Carver : Glenwood : Baker : Pratt & Whitney : Chattahoochee River : AFLAC : Dinglewood Pharmacy : Wells Dairies : Flav-O-Rich : Tom's Peanuts : Spano's Restaurant : Joby's : Sea Horse Store : Panama City Laguna Beach Florida : Miracle Strip
Luke's Pub Steakhouse Ellerslie : Mark's City Grill : Rose Hill Seafood : Ezell's Catfish House : Pat's Backwaters : RC Royal Crown Cola : Kadie the Cow : Kinnett Dairies : 13th Street Bar-B-Q : Fountain City : WXLE 100.1 : WWRH FM Stereo 104.9 : Susan Quincy
Southwest Technical Products Corporation : SWTPC : All-Time Star Trek Dream Crew : Howie's Cafe Smiths Station : Lafayette Radio : Radio Shack : Heathkit : Catalogs : Burstein-Applebee : PowerBasic Console Compiler : Kube-0-Seven Demo : FrankoSport
Speak Easy : B. Merrell's : Deorio's Pizza : Country's Barbeque : Charging Tyrannosaurus of Despair : Alabama - Roll Tide : Troy State University : CVCC : Rozell Show : Colonel Chick : Sportsman's Lodge : V-Man Peace to the Universe : Captain George Archer Brown Ferrell
Southern Ashe : Mike McLain : Tony Stephens : Jeff Fredrick : Rud King : Jimmy Pope : Alan Hussey : Danny Elrod : Randy Jackson : Terry Young : Robert Earl : Ashe Kickin' Country

Alexander Graham Bell : Don Amenche : Jane Barbe : John Doyle : Transistor : Integrated Circuit : Magnetophone : ABC : NBC : CBS : Warner Brothers : RCA : All the Others
Nitsuko Tie Ultracom UAT 64 -- NEC -- Vodavi Starplus 4896 -- Ericsson MD110 Dialog 3213 -- Key Phone Systems -- PBX Telephone -- Voice Mail Retrieval ::: Telegraph : Fox : PBS
Touch-Tone Dialing -- Pulse Rotary Dial -- Programs 40, 41 and 42 -- Extensions 10 to 73 -- Red and Green Thingies are Really Kool -- System Speed Dial ::: Television
Southern Bell -- South Central Bell -- Operator -- Long Distance -- Local Prefix -- Area Code -- NPA -- NANPA -- OPX -- Ring-Ring -- Intercom All Call ::: Telethon
North American Dialing Plan -- The Number You Have Reached, 9-1-1, has been changed to a Non-Published Number -- Paging Speakers :: Go Tell It On The Mountain
Troy University ::: Troy State University ::: TSU ::: Chattahoochee Valley Community College ::: CVCC :: Ring Ring :: ABBA

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