Triple Yahtzee 99 .. A game of chance and skill!
Triple Yahtzee 99 ..... Frank's Humble Abode at .... formerly known as
This proposed variation on the popular YAHTZEE game is submitted to the Public Domain for all to enjoy.
Anyone wanting to create a program from this that is playable on Windows (XP-Vista-7-8-10-11),
or Mac/I-Phone or Linux is more than welcome!

Printable Triple Yahtzee 99 Scorecard ... PDF File

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A: Score Key

  Value   >> >> >>   1-x   2-x   3-x
  One's              1's   1's   1's
  Two's              2's   2's   2's
  Three's            3's   3's   3's
  Four's             4's   4's   4's
  Five's             5's   5's   5's
  Six's              6's   6's   6's

  Waste-A-Turn        X     X     X   See "Waste-A-Turn" below
  Upper                               Upper Bonus, based on Upper Sub-Total
  Sub-Total          ***   ***   ***
                                      63 to 67 ... 35 /  70 / 105
  Upper Bonus        ***   ***   ***  68 to 72 ... 40 /  80 / 120
  ----------------------------------  73 to 77 ... 45 /  90 / 135
  Upper Final Total  ***   ***   ***  78-and-up .. 50 / 100 / 150
  2 Pairs            ***   ***   ***  Sum of pairs only. Any combo accepted.
  3-of-kind          ***   ***   ***  Sum of Dice. 4 and 5 of kinds accepted.
  4-of-kind          ***   ***   ***  Sum of Dice. 5 of kinds accepted.

  Full House         25+   50+   75+  At least 25 points. Dice sums in excess
                     --    --    --   of 25 accepted. 5-of-kinds accepted.
                     25    50    75   Five 1's, 2's or 3's
                     30    60    90   Five 4's or 5's
                     35    70   105   Five 6's

  Small Straight     30    60    90   1-2-3-4; JOKER of five 1's, 2's or 3's
                     35    70   105   2-3-4-5; JOKER of five 4's or 5's
                     40    80   120   3-4-5-6; JOKER of five 6's

  Large Straight     40    80   120   1-2-3-4-5; JOKER of five 1's, 2's or 3's
                     45    90   135   ---------; JOKER of five 4's or 5's
                     50   100   150   2-3-4-5-6; JOKER of five 6's

  YAHTZEE            50   100   150   Five 1's, 2's or 3's
  (5-of-kind)        60   120   180   Five 4's or 5's
                     75   150   225   Five 6's

  YAHTZEE           100   200   300   Five 1's, 2's or 3's
  BONUS             120   240   360   Five 4's or 5's
                    150   300   450   Five 6's

  1st Chance        ***   ***   ***   Sum of Dice
  2nd Chance        ***   ***   ***   Sum of Dice

  Waste-A-Turn       X     X     X    See "Waste-A-Turn" below
  Lower                               Lower Bonus, based on Lower Sub-Total
  Sub-Total          ***   ***   ***
                                      150 to 174 ... 50 / 100 / 150
  Lower Bonus        ***   ***   ***  175 to 199 ... 60 / 120 / 180
  ----------------------------------  200 to 224 ... 70 / 140 / 210
  Lower Final Total  ***   ***   ***  225-and-up ... 80 / 160 / 240

  Upper Final Total  ***   ***   ***
  Grand Total        ***   ***   ***
  Player's Total               *****

B .. YAHTZEE, YAHTZEE BONUS, JOKER & Plain 5-of-a-Kind

   A YAHTZEE is, of course, a 5-of-a-kind that is specificly recorded in
   the YAHTZEE columns. (column order does not matter). A YAHTZEE having
   five 1's, 2's or 3's will be worth 50 / 100 / 150 points; five 4's or
   5's make it worth 60 / 120 / 180 points; five 6's make it worth 75
   150 / 225 points.

   A YAHTZEE BONUS can be scored in the appropriately marked columns any
   time after the three YAHTZEE columns are all filled. The first YAHTZEE
   BONUS must go into the 1x column, the next into the 2x column, and the
   last into the 3x column.

   A YAHTZEE BONUS having five 1's, 2's or 3's will be worth 100 / 200 /
   300 points; five 4's or 5's make it worth 120 / 240 /360 points; five
   6's make it worth 150 / 300 / 450 points.

   A JOKER is a 5-of-a-kind score that can be recorded in either the
   Small Straight or Large Straight columns.  Point values for such
   scores are shown on the YAHTZEE Score Key diagram (see above).

   NOTE -- JOKERS will not count as either a YAHTZEE or a YAHTZEE BONUS.

   A Plain 5-of-a-Kind is a score that can be recorded in any row of any
   column other than YAHTZEE, YAHTZEE BONUS, Small Straight or Large
   Straight. It will not count as either a YAHTZEE or a YAHTZEE BONUS.


   As has always been true with the traditional Upper Half Bonus, the Lower
   Half Bonus offers an extra opportunity to add-on to your overall score.

D .. 1st CHANCE and 2nd CHANCE

   1st CHANCE and 2nd CHANCE are merely an enhancement on the traditional
   YAHTZEE CHANCE option. Both allow a player to do the same thing that
   the traditional CHANCE option allows -- to record a dice sum score
   that for whatever reason could not otherwise be recorded in any of the
   other columns. Scores may be recorded in either the 1st CHANCE or 2nd
   CHANCE columns at any point in the game, and in whatever order that
   a player so desires.


   WASTE-A-TURN allows a player to do just what the term says. On those
   occasions in the game when a player feels that no score can be recorded
   in any regular column, they can simply mark "X" in a WASTE-A-TURN column.

   WASTE-A-TURN can be used to avoid putting a "0" (zero) in any column when
   no acceptable score can be otherwise recorded. As a result, players will
   have a few extra chances to record proper scores on future turns during
   any given game.

   WASTE-A-TURN has no bearing what-so-ever on game scoring,
   and can be used at any point in the game. 

Triple Yahtzee 99 .. A game of chance and skill!

This proposed variation on the popular YAHTZEE game is submitted to the Public Domain for all to enjoy.
Anyone wanting to create a program from this that is playable on Windows (XP-Vista-7-8-10-11),
or Mac/I-Phone or Linux is more than welcome!

Printable Triple Yahtzee 99 Scorecard ... PDF File

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