The Perpetual Calendar
Other Facts And Information

1: The Current Actual Days Per Month Reckoning
January ... 31                      July ....... 31
February .. 28 (29 in leap year)    August ..... 31
March ..... 31                      September .. 30
April ..... 30                      October .... 31
May ....... 31                      November ... 30
June ...... 30                      December ... 31

Regular Year ... 365 days - 52 7-day weeks plus 1 day
Leap Year ...... 366 days - 52 7-day weeks plus 2 days
Halves - 181 (182) / 184
Quarters - 90 (91) / 91 / 92 / 92

Leap Year Day - February 29th
Leap Year is any year that is divisble by 4. The exception to this is that any century
year that is -NOT- divisible by 400 (1700, 1800, 1900, 2100, 2200, etc) will not be
Leap Year. Century Years that are divisible by 400 (1600, 2000, 2400, 2800, etc) will
be Leap Years.

In any 400-year period, there are 303 365-day regular years (110,595 days) and 97
366-day Leap Years (35,502 days). This makes for a total of 146,097 days (exactly
20,871 7-day weeks) during the 400-year period.

400-Year Periods - Saturday January 1st 1600 to Friday December 31st 1999
Saturday January 1st 2000 to Friday December 31st 2399

2: An Alternative Days Per Month Reckoning
| This version creates a 364-day Calendar (371 days for Leap Year)

    January, April, July and October ................ 30 days each. 1st day of each month is Monday
    February, May, August and November ....... 31 days each. 1st of each month is Wednesday
    March, June, September and December .... 30 days each. 1st day of each month is Saturday

    Regular Year - 364 days ... 52 7-day weeks     Leap Year - 371 days ... 53 7-day weeks
    Halves - 182 / 182 days Quarters - 91 / 91 / 91 / 91 days
    Each week begins on a Monday, ends on a Sunday -- No chance ever of a Friday the 13th !!

    Leap Year, 371 days long with a 7-day "Leap Week" between June 30th and July 1st, is any
    year that ends in "0" or "5", with the following exceptions ...

      (1) Any years ending in "25" or "75"

      (2) Any Century Years divisible by 400 (1600, 2000, 2400, 2800, etc.),
        which of course is the exact opposite of the actual Gregorian system.

    In any given 400-year period, there are 329 364-day regular years (119,756 days) and 71
    371-day Leap Years (26,341 days). This makes for a total of 146,097 days (exactly 20,871
    7-day weeks) during any given 400-year period.

    Remarkably, the figures of 146,097 days and 20,871 weeks are an -EXACT MATCH- to
    the days and weeks within any 400-year period of the Gregorian Calendar !!!

    Example of the Special 364/371-day calendar   (opens in a new window/tab)

    The author of this web-site ( - where you are now) is not the only one who
    has proposed this particular method of 364/371-day calendar reckoning.

    See the Symmetry 010 Calendar and the Symmetry 454 Calendar for more details.

3: The 4000-Year Rule

It has been suggested by some observers, including the astronomer John Herschel (1792-1871), that the average length
of a full year should be based on the multiple of 365.24225 days (close to the tropical year mark) rather than the multiple
of 365.2425 days (close to a mark associated with the Gregorian Calendar). As a result, one less 24-hour day would occur
every period of 4000 Gregorian Years. Instead of a total of 1,460,970 days during such a period, there would instead be only
1,460,969 days. Herschel suggested that the simplest solution to this scenario would be to have -NO OBSERVANCE- of the
February 29th Leap Year Day in 4000 A.D., in 8000 A.D., in 12000 A.D. and so on.

To date, this "4000-year rule" has not been officially adopted. But just suppose that if was in effect,
how would the overall Perpetual Calendar Sequence be affected ?? Presented below are examples ....

Reading L-To-R .. A.D. Year: Year Calendar, Gregorian / Year Calendar, 4000 Rule.

3996: 9 / -   3997: 4 / -   3998: 5 / -   3999: 6 / -   4000: 14 / 7   4001: 2 / 1   4002: 3 / 2   4003: 4 / 3   4004: 12 / 11

In the year 4000 A.D., the omission of February 29th creates an offset of one day. 4000 A.D.'s year calendar becomes 7
(regular 365-day year) instead of 14 (366-day Leap Year). The one-day offset affects all years following 4000 A.D.

7996: 9 / 8   7997: 4 / 3   7998: 5 / 4   7999: 6 / 5   8000: 14 / 6   8001: 2 / 7   8002: 3 / 1   8003: 4 / 2   8004: 12 / 10

In the year 8000 A.D., the omission of February 29th creates a 2nd one day offset. 8000 A.D.'s year calendar becomes 6
(regular 365-day year) instead of 14 (366-day Leap Year). All years following 8000 A.D. are affected accordingly.

The 4000-Year Rule would create a 3rd one day offset in 12000 A.D., a 4th in 16000 A.D., and so on.

For reference - Year Calendars ...

The Perpetual Calendar
Other Facts and Information

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