Prize Money Charts
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PGA Tour Prize Money Charts .... Frank's Humble Abode at .... Formerly known as
Current 65-place chart     Handling of Ties     Difference Ratio Comparisons

Prize Money Distributions - Other Tours
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PGA Tour Standard 65-Place Distribution
Informally introduced September 15th 2019

SOURCE »»» Page 55 of 2019-20 PGA Tour Player Rules and Regulations (PDF). Use the percentage
figures (not the dollars) to calculate place prizes in most PGA Tour events.

-- N O T E --
Not all official (or officially recognized) PGA Tour events use the distribution method shown below.
Specific exclusions include the U.S. Open, The Open Championship (British), the PGA Championship,
The Masters Tournament, PGA Tour "Signature" events, and the Sentry Tournament of Champions.

The former 70-place distribution method has been used at the Masters Tournament since 1983. It has also been
used in the PGA Tour Fed Ex Cup playoffs, and on occasion in some recent PGA Tour "Signature" events.

Prize Money at the 2024 Majors
| Masters Tournament     PGA Championship     U.S. Open     The Open Championship

$ 5,000,000 Base Purse ... 1st Prize: 18% / 65-place purse
Divide the 1st prize of the particular event being contested by $ 900,000.
Use the result to multiply individual place prizes shown below.
   1..$ 900,000   21..$ 61,250   41..$ 20,750   61..$ 11,150
   2..$ 545,000   22..$ 56,250   42..$ 19,750   62..$ 11,050
   3..$ 345,000   23..$ 52,250   43..$ 18,750   63..$ 10,950
   4..$ 245,000   24..$ 48,250   44..$ 17,750   64..$ 10,850
   5..$ 205,000   25..$ 44,250   45..$ 16,750   65..$ 10,750

   6..$ 181,250   26..$ 40,250   46..$ 15,750   *** TIE EXAMPLES ***
   7..$ 168,750   27..$ 38,750   47..$ 14,750
   8..$ 156,250   28..$ 37,250   48..$ 13,950   3-way tie, 2nd place
   9..$ 146,250   29..$ 35,750   49..$ 13,250   $ 378,333.33+ each
  10..$ 136,250   30..$ 34,250   50..$ 12,850

  11..$ 126,250   31..$ 32,750   51..$ 12,550   7-way tie, 29th Place
  12..$ 116,250   32..$ 31,250   52..$ 12,250   $ 31,357.14+ each
  13..$ 106,250   33..$ 29,750   53..$ 12,050
  14..$  96,250   34..$ 28,500   54..$ 11,850
  15..$  91,250   35..$ 27,250   55..$ 11,750

  16..$  86,250   36..$ 26,000   56..$ 11,650
  17..$  81,250   37..$ 24,750   57..$ 11,550
  18..$  76,250   38..$ 23,750   58..$ 11,450
  19..$  71,250   39..$ 22,750   59..$ 11,350
  20..$  66,250   40..$ 21,750   60..$ 11,250

  When more than 65 pros make the cut, prize payouts would be ...

  66..$ 10,650    70..$ 10,350   74..$ 9,850  ... and so on
  67..$ 10,550    71..$ 10,250   75..$ 9,750      down to the
  68..$ 10,450    72..$ 10,050   76..$ 9,650      last
  69..$ 10,350    73..$  9,950   77..$ 9,550      finishing pro.

PGA Tour Prize Money: Handling of Ties

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A: Any Position Other Than For First Place

    »» Second Place

    • Two-Way: Sum of $ 545,000 (2nd) + $ 345,000 (3rd) is divided by two for a result of $ 445,000.

    • Three-Way: Sum of $ 545,000 (2nd) + $ 345,000 (3rd) + $ 245,000 (4th) is divided by three for a result
of $ 378,333.33. The player who finishes the final round the earliest will receive an extra penny.

    »» 29th Place

    • Seven-way: Sum of $ 35,750 (29th) + $ 34,250 (30th) + $ 32,750 (31st) + $ 31,250 (32nd) + $ 29,750 (33rd)
+ $ 28,500 (34th) + $ 27,250 (35th), a total of $ 219,500, is divided by seven for a result of $ 31,357.14+.
The two players who finish the final round the earliest each receive an extra penny.

B: For First Place - Championship/Title

    Determined by playoff, either at a fixed-length (3, 4, 5 or 18 holes) or sudden-death.

    The playoff winner always wins first place money, unless he is an amateur, in which case the playoff
    runner-up (if he is a professional) gets the first place money.

    If a playoff has three or more participants, then the winner (if he is a professional) gets first place
    money, while the losers, who are all deemed to be tied for 2nd place, will receive equal money shares
    as is explained in the "Any Position Other Than First Place" section above. Each playoff loser is
    always considered to be tied for second and receives an equal money share, regardless of when
    and where they were eliminated from the playoff.

    If there is a playoff where an amateur wins over two or more professionals, the money is awarded
    to each pro in equal shares. For example, say that an amateur wins over three pros. First ($900,000),
    second ($545,000) and third ($345,000) = $ 1,790,000, which is divided by three for a result of
    $ 596,666.66. The pro who finished the final round ahead of the other two gets two extra pennies.

PGA Tour Prize Money: Difference Ratio Comparisons

Between 1st place and selected lower places in four different prize money distribution methods used
between 1973 and the present day. In each case shown below, the total minimum purse is $ 5,000,000.

KFT = Korn Ferry Tour. All others are PGA Tour           Back To Top Of This Page
          70-place     | 70-place        | 65-place (KFT) | 65-place

          1973 - 1978  | 1979 - 2018-19  | n/a - present  | 2019-20 - ??

   1st .. $ 1,000,000  | $ 900,000       | $ 900,000      | $ 900,000
   2nd .. $ 570,000    | $ 540,000       | $ 540,000      | $ 545,000
           1.754385-1  |  1.666667-1     |  1.666667-1    |  1.651376-1

   3rd .. $ 355,000    | $ 340,000       | $ 340,000      | $ 345,000
           2.816901-1  |  2.647058-1     |  2.647058-1    |  2.608695-1

   4th .. $ 235,000    | $ 240,000       | $ 240,000      | $ 245,000
           4.255319-1  |  3.750000-1     |  3.750000-1    |  3.673469-1

   5th .. $ 205,000    | $ 200,000       | $ 200,000      | $ 205,000
           4.878048-1  |  4.500000-1     |  4.500000-1    |  4.390243-1

  10th .. $ 125,000    | $ 135,000       | $ 135,000      | $ 136,250
           8.000000-1  |  6.666667-1     |  6.666667-1    |  6.605504-1

  20th .. $  60,000    | $  65,000       | $  65,000      | $  66,250
          16.666667-1  | 13.846153-1     | 13.846153-1    | 13.584905-1

  30th .. $  34,000    | $  34,000       | $  34,500      | $  34,250
          29.411764-1  | 26.470588-1     | 26.086956-1    | 26.277372-1

  40th .. $  21,500    | $  21,500       | $  22,000      | $  21,750
          46.511627-1  | 41.860465-1     | 40.909090-1    | 41.379310-1

  50th .. $  12,500    | $  12,600       | $  14,500      | $  12,850
          80.000000-1  | 71.428571-1     | 62.068965-1    | 70.038910-1

  60th .. $  10,000    | $  11,000       | $  13,000      | $  11,250
         100.000000-1  | 81.818181-1     | 69.230769-1    | 80.000000-1

          70th           70th              65th             65th

          $   7,500    | $  10,000       | $  12,500      | $  10,750
         133.333333-1  | 90.000000-1     | 72.000000-1    | 83.720930-1

  NOTE: The 1973-78 70-place amounts are from the actually used
        "AA" version.

Champions Tour: Prize Money

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 $ 2,000,000 sample base purse  |  15%-1st Place  |  78-place purse

 Divide the 1st place prize of the particular event being contested
 by $ 300,000. Use the result to multiply individual place prizes.
  1..$ 300,000     21..$ 24,800     41..$  9,800     61..$ 3,400
  2..$ 176,000     22..$ 23,200     42..$  9,400     62..$ 3,200
  3..$ 144,000     23..$ 22,000     43..$  9,000     63..$ 3,000
  4..$ 120,000     24..$ 21,000     44..$  8,600     64..$ 2,800
  5..$  96,000     25..$ 20,000     45..$  8,200     65..$ 2,600

  6..$  80,000     26..$ 19,000     46..$  7,800     66..$ 2,400
  7..$  72,000     27..$ 18,200     47..$  7,400     67..$ 2,200
  8..$  64,000     28..$ 17,400     48..$  7,000     68..$ 2,000
  9..$  56,000     29..$ 16,600     49..$  6,600     69..$ 1,880
 10..$  52,000     30..$ 15,800     50..$  6,200     70..$ 1,760

 11..$  48,000     31..$ 15,000     51..$  5,800     71..$ 1,640
 12..$  44,000     32..$ 14,400     52..$  5,400     72..$ 1,520
 13..$  40,000     33..$ 13,800     53..$  5,000     73..$ 1,400
 14..$  38,000     34..$ 13,200     54..$  4,800     74..$ 1,320
 15..$  36,000     35..$ 12,600     55..$  4,600     75..$ 1,240

 16..$  34,000     36..$ 12,000     56..$  4,400     76..$ 1,160
 17..$  32,000     37..$ 11,400     57..$  4,200     77..$ 1,080
 18..$  30,000     38..$ 11,000     58..$  4,000     78..$ 1,000
 19..$  28,200     39..$ 10,600     59..$  3,800
 20..$  26,400     40..$ 10,200     60..$  3,600

 *** TIE EXAMPLES ***  3-way tie for 2nd place .... $ 146,666.66+ each
                       7-way tie for 29th place ... $  14,485.71+ each

Korn Ferry Tour: Prize Money

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 $ 500,000 Sample Base Purse  |  18% 1st Prize  |  65-place purse

 Divide the 1st place prize of the particular event being contested
 by $ 90,000. Use the result to multiply individual place prizes.

  1..$ 90,000   21..$ 6,000   41..$ 2,100   61..$ 1,290
  2..$ 54,000   22..$ 5,600   42..$ 2,000   62..$ 1,280
  3..$ 34,000   23..$ 5,200   43..$ 1,900   63..$ 1,270
  4..$ 24,000   24..$ 4,800   44..$ 1,800   64..$ 1,260
  5..$ 20,000   25..$ 4,400   45..$ 1,700   65..$ 1,250

  6..$ 18,000   26..$ 4,165   46..$ 1,600
  7..$ 16,750   27..$ 3,950   47..$ 1,525
  8..$ 15,500   28..$ 3,750   48..$ 1,500
  9..$ 14,500   29..$ 3,600   49..$ 1,475
 10..$ 13,500   30..$ 3,450   50..$ 1,450

 11..$ 12,500   31..$ 3,300   51..$ 1,425   
 12..$ 11,500   32..$ 3,175   52..$ 1,400   *** TIE EXAMPLES ***
 13..$ 10,500   33..$ 3,050   53..$ 1,385   
 14..$  9,500   34..$ 2,925   54..$ 1,370   3-way tie, 2nd Place
 15..$  9,000   35..$ 2,800   55..$ 1,355   $ 37,333.33 each

 16..$  8,500   36..$ 2,675   56..$ 1,340   7-way tie, 29th Place
 17..$  8,000   37..$ 2,550   57..$ 1,330   $ 3,185.71 each
 18..$  7,500   38..$ 2,425   58..$ 1,320   
 19..$  7,000   39..$ 2,300   59..$ 1,310   
 20..$  6,500   40..$ 2,200   60..$ 1,300   

 When more than 65 professionals finish 36 / 54 / 72 holes, the worth
 of places below 65th is as follows -- 66th, $ 1,240; 67th, $ 1,230;
 68th, $ 1,220; 69th, $ 1,210; and so on to the last finishing pro.

European PGA Tour: Prize Money

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 NOTE -- This chart is based on information from a European PGA
         Tour season prior to 2008. Actual prize payouts in any
         given event may be different.

 € 1,000,000 sample base purse  |  16.67% 1st Prize  |  70-place purse

 Divide the 1st place prize of the particular event being contested
 by $ 166,667. Use the result to multiply individual place prizes.

  1..€ 166,667   21..€ 11,600   41..€ 6,300   61..€ 2,700
  2..€ 111,133   22..€ 11,300   42..€ 6,100   62..€ 2,600
  3..€  62,600   23..€ 11,000   43..€ 5,900   63..€ 2,500
  4..€  50,000   24..€ 10,700   44..€ 5,700   64..€ 2,400
  5..€  42,400   25..€ 10,400   45..€ 5,500   65..€ 2,300

  6..€  35,000   26..€ 10,100   46..€ 5,300   66..€ 2,200
  7..€  30,000   27..€  9,800   47..€ 5,100   67..€ 2,100
  8..€  25,000   28..€  9,500   48..€ 4,900   68..€ 2,000
  9..€  22,400   29..€  9,200   49..€ 4,700   69..€ 1,900
 10..€  20,000   30..€  8,900   50..€ 4,500   70..€ 1,800

 11..€  18,400   31..€  8,600   51..€ 4,300   
 12..€  17,200   32..€  8,300   52..€ 4,100
 13..€  16,100   33..€  8,000   53..€ 3,900   
 14..€  15,300   34..€  7,700   54..€ 3,700
 15..€  14,700   35..€  7,500   55..€ 3,500   *** TIE EXAMPLES ***

 16..€  14,100   36..€  7,300   56..€ 3,300   3-way tie for 2nd place,
 17..€  13,500   37..€  7,100   57..€ 3,100   € 74,577.66+ each
 18..€  12,900   38..€  6,900   58..€ 3,000
 19..€  12,400   39..€  6,700   59..€ 2,900   7-way tie for 29th place,
 20..€  12,000   40..€  6,500   60..€ 2,800   €  8,314.28+ each

 Universal Currency Converter  Converts Euros to Dollars-Pounds-Other

LPGA Tour: Prize Money       Only an older standard is available here

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LPGA Prize Money -- Special Note
Effective in 2023, the LPGA has changed its tournament cut rules, with a new threshold mark of Low 65 and
ties. This is down five places from its previous standard of Low 70 and ties, and down ten places from an
older standard of Low 75 and ties. The Low 75 and ties standard was previously used in conjunction with
the base prize money distribution method presented below.

There is now no pre-set or base distribution method employed in conjunction with the Low 65 and ties threshold,
with the exception of first prize, which remains at 15% of the advertised total purse. Also, the actual total purse
amount of any given regular LPGA event is only 94% of the advertised purse, the 6% difference being used
for administrative purposes. So, if a regular LPGA tournament was to advertise its purse as, say - $ 2,000,000 -
then the actual purse would be $ 1,880,000, with the remaining $ 120,000 used for adminstrative purposes.

Also, unlike the PGA Tour, the LPGA does not have a reserve fund to dip into when more than 65 professionals
complete all 54 or 72 holes of play. So to compensate for any extra pros beyond the 65th, the LPGA simply
siphons off little bits from the pre-existing 2nd thru 65th place prizes.

In major tournaments, such as the U.S. Women's Open or the Evian Masters, as well as limited field and
match play events, different prize distribution methods may be employed.
 Older Standard Distribution   Prior to 2023
 15 %--1st Place  ||  Purse of $ 1,870,000 : 93.5 % of advertised $ 2,000,000 purse
 75+ places       ||  Other 6.5 % ($ 130,000) used for administrative purposes

 Divide the 1st place prize of the particular event being contested
 by $ 300,000. Use the result to multiply individual place prizes.

  1..$ 300,000    16..$ 27,400    31..$ 15,100    46..$ 8,200    61..$ 4,900
  2..$ 182,650    17..$ 26,000    32..$ 14,500    47..$ 7,900    62..$ 4,800
  3..$ 132,500    18..$ 24,800    33..$ 13,900    48..$ 7,600    63..$ 4,700
  4..$ 102,500    19..$ 23,800    34..$ 13,300    49..$ 7,300    64..$ 4,600
  5..$  82,500    20..$ 23,000    35..$ 12,800    50..$ 7,000    65..$ 4,500

  6..$  67,500    21..$ 22,200    36..$ 12,300    51..$ 6,800    66..$ 4,400
  7..$  56,500    22..$ 21,400    37..$ 11,800    52..$ 6,600    67..$ 4,300
  8..$  49,500    23..$ 20,600    38..$ 11,300    53..$ 6,400    68..$ 4,200
  9..$  44,500    24..$ 19,800    39..$ 10,800    54..$ 6,200    69..$ 4,100
 10..$  40,500    25..$ 19,100    40..$ 10,400    55..$ 6,000    70..$ 4,000

 11..$  37,500    26..$ 18,400    41..$ 10,000    56..$ 5,800    71..$ 3,950
 12..$  35,000    27..$ 17,700    42..$  9,600    57..$ 5,600    72..$ 3,900
 13..$  32,800    28..$ 17,000    43..$  9,200    58..$ 5,400    73..$ 3,850
 14..$  30,800    29..$ 16,300    44..$  8,800    59..$ 5,200    74..$ 3,800
 15..$  29,000    30..$ 15,700    45..$  8,500    60..$ 5,000    75..$ 3,750

 NOTE -- The LPGA does not have a reserve fund to dip into when more than 75 pros make
         the cut. So to compensate, money is taken out of existing place prizes. As a
         result, some individual prize payouts may not be equal to those originally
         projected for a given event.

 *** TIE EXAMPLES ***  3-way tie for 2nd place .... $ 139,216.66+ each
                       7-way tie for 29th place ... $  14,514.28+ each

Prize Money Charts
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Current 65-place chart     Handling of Ties     Difference Ratio Comparisons

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PGA Tour: Retired Prize Money Distributions

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  $ 5,000,000 Base Purse ... 1st Prize: 20% / 50-place purse

  Divide the 1st place prize of the particular event being contested
  by $ 1,000,000. Use the result to multiply individual place prizes.

  1..$ 1,000,000   11..$ 120,000   21..$ 60,000   31..$ 35,000   41..$ 22,000
  2..$   600,000   12..$ 110,000   22..$ 55,000   32..$ 33,750   42..$ 20,000
  3..$   375,000   13..$ 100,000   23..$ 50,000   33..$ 32,500   43..$ 18,000
  4..$   250,000   14..$  95,000   24..$ 45,000   34..$ 31,250   44..$ 16,000
  5..$   215,000   15..$  90,000   25..$ 42,500   35..$ 30,000   45..$ 14,000

  6..$   190,000   16..$  85,000   26..$ 41,250   36..$ 28,750   46..$ 12,000
  7..$   170,000   17..$  80,000   27..$ 40,000   37..$ 27,500   47..$ 11,500
  8..$   155,000   18..$  75,000   28..$ 38,750   38..$ 26,250   48..$ 11,000
  9..$   140,000   19..$  70,000   29..$ 37,500   39..$ 25,000   49..$ 10,500
 10..$   130,000   20..$  65,000   30..$ 36,250   40..$ 23,750   50..$ 10,000

 Even though the Low 70 and ties would make the 36-hole cut, only those who
 finished all 72 holes among the Low 50 and ties received official money.

 *** TIE EXAMPLES ***  3-way tie for 2nd place .... $ 408,333.33+ each
                       7-way tie for 29th place ... $  33,750.00  each

1969 to 1972 PGA TOUR PURSE DISTRIBUTION $ 5,000,000 Base Purse ... 1st Prize: 20% / 70-or-more place purse Divide the 1st place prize of the particular event being contested by $ 1,000,000. Use the result to multiply individual place prizes. 1..$ 1,000,000 11..$ 115,000 21..$ 55,000 31..$ 32,500 41..$ 21,000 2..$ 570,000 12..$ 105,000 22..$ 50,000 32..$ 31,000 42..$ 19,500 3..$ 355,000 13..$ 95,000 23..$ 47,000 33..$ 30,000 43..$ 18,000 4..$ 235,000 14..$ 90,000 24..$ 44,000 34..$ 29,000 44..$ 16,500 5..$ 205,000 15..$ 85,000 25..$ 41,500 35..$ 28,000 45..$ 15,000 6..$ 180,000 16..$ 80,000 26..$ 40,000 36..$ 27,000 46..$ 14,000 7..$ 160,000 17..$ 75,000 27..$ 38,500 37..$ 26,000 47..$ 13,000 8..$ 147,500 18..$ 70,000 28..$ 37,000 38..$ 25,000 48..$ 12,000 9..$ 135,000 19..$ 65,000 29..$ 35,500 39..$ 24,000 49..$ 11,000 10..$ 125,000 20..$ 60,000 30..$ 34,000 40..$ 22,500 50..$ 10,000 In 1969, the PGA Tour made major changes to its prize money distribution formula. Now, anyone among the Low 70 and ties who made the 36-hole cut -AND- finished all 72 holes would receive official money. The $ 200,000 portion (places 51-up) of the $ 5,000,000 purse is divided up by the number of professionals beyond the 50th who successfully make the 36-hole cut. Number of Pros beyond the 50th ... Equal Shares of $ 200,000 20..$ 10,000.00 26..$ 7,692.30 32..$ 6,250.00 38..$ 5,263.15 21..$ 9,523.81 27..$ 7,407.40 33..$ 6,060.60 39..$ 5,128.20 22..$ 9,090.91 28..$ 7,142.85 34..$ 5,882.35 40..$ 5,000.00 23..$ 8,695.65 29..$ 6,896.55 35..$ 5,714.28 45..$ 4,444.44 24..$ 8,333.33 30..$ 6,666.66 36..$ 5,555.55 50..$ 4,000.00 25..$ 8,000.00 31..$ 6,451.61 37..$ 5,405.40 *** TIE EXAMPLES *** 3-way tie for 2nd place .... $ 386,666.66+ each 7-way tie for 29th place ... $ 38,642.28+ each
1973 to 1978 PGA TOUR PURSE DISTRIBUTION AA (Actually Used) $ 5,000,000 Base Purse ... 1st Prize: 20% / 70-place purse Divide the 1st place prize of the particular event being contested by $ 1,000,000. Use the result to multiply individual place prizes. 1..$ 1,000,000 16..$ 80,000 31..$ 32,500 46..$ 15,500 61..$ 9,750 2..$ 570,000 17..$ 75,000 32..$ 31,000 47..$ 14,500 62..$ 9,500 3..$ 355,000 18..$ 70,000 33..$ 29,500 48..$ 13,500 63..$ 9,250 4..$ 235,000 19..$ 65,000 34..$ 28,250 49..$ 13,000 64..$ 9,000 5..$ 205,000 20..$ 60,000 35..$ 27,000 50..$ 12,500 65..$ 8,750 6..$ 180,000 21..$ 55,000 36..$ 25,750 51..$ 12,250 66..$ 8,500 7..$ 160,000 22..$ 50,000 37..$ 24,500 52..$ 12,000 67..$ 8,250 8..$ 147,500 23..$ 47,000 38..$ 23,500 53..$ 11,750 68..$ 8,000 9..$ 135,000 24..$ 44,000 39..$ 22,500 54..$ 11,500 69..$ 7,750 10..$ 125,000 25..$ 41,500 40..$ 21,500 55..$ 11,250 70..$ 7,500 11..$ 115,000 26..$ 40,000 41..$ 20,500 56..$ 11,000 Actual used 12..$ 105,000 27..$ 38,500 42..$ 19,500 57..$ 10,750 distribution 13..$ 95,000 28..$ 37,000 43..$ 18,500 58..$ 10,500 for 1973 thru 14..$ 90,000 29..$ 35,500 44..$ 17,500 59..$ 10,250 1978. 15..$ 85,000 30..$ 34,000 45..$ 16,500 60..$ 10,000 The PGA Tour revised its distribution formula for 1973 to 1978. The equal share payment method for places 51-and-up was eliminated. Only those players who finished among the Low 70 and ties would receive official money. *** TIE EXAMPLES *** 3-way tie for 2nd place .... $ 386,666.66+ each 7-way tie for 29th place ... $ 31,107.14+ each
1973 to 1978 PGA TOUR PURSE DISTRIBUTION BB (Never Used) $ 5,000,000 Base Purse ... 1st Prize: 20% / 70-place purse Divide the 1st place prize of the particular event being contested by $ 1,000,000. Use the result to multiply individual place prizes. NOTE ... A never-used alternate version of the 1973-78 distribution. Some upper place prizes are reduced, while some lower place prizes are increased. Also, money is awarded for any professional finishers beyond the Top 70 and ties. 1..$ 1,000,000 16..$ 80,000 31..$ 32,000 46..$ 16,000 61..$ 9,800 2..$ 550,000 17..$ 75,000 32..$ 30,000 47..$ 15,000 62..$ 9,600 3..$ 350,000 18..$ 70,000 33..$ 29,000 48..$ 14,000 63..$ 9,400 4..$ 240,000 19..$ 65,000 34..$ 28,000 49..$ 13,000 64..$ 9,200 5..$ 200,000 20..$ 60,000 35..$ 27,000 50..$ 12,000 65..$ 9,000 6..$ 180,000 21..$ 55,000 36..$ 26,000 51..$ 11,800 66..$ 8,800 7..$ 165,000 22..$ 52,000 37..$ 25,000 52..$ 11,600 67..$ 8,600 8..$ 150,000 23..$ 49,000 38..$ 24,000 53..$ 11,400 68..$ 8,400 9..$ 135,000 24..$ 46,000 39..$ 23,000 54..$ 11,200 69..$ 8,200 10..$ 125,000 25..$ 44,000 40..$ 22,000 55..$ 11,000 70..$ 8,000 11..$ 115,000 26..$ 42,000 41..$ 21,000 56..$ 10,800 Alternative unused 12..$ 105,000 27..$ 40,000 42..$ 20,000 57..$ 10,600 distribution for 13..$ 95,000 28..$ 38,000 43..$ 19,000 58..$ 10,400 1973 thru 1978. 14..$ 90,000 29..$ 36,000 44..$ 18,000 59..$ 10,200 15..$ 85,000 30..$ 34,000 45..$ 17,000 60..$ 10,000 Prize payouts when more than 70 professionals finish the event are as follows ... 71st - $ 7,800 | 72nd - $ 7,600 | 73rd - $ 7,400 74th - $ 7,200 | and so on down to the last finishing pro. *** TIE EXAMPLES *** 3-way tie for 2nd place .... $ 370,000.00 each 7-way tie for 29th place ... $ 30,857.14+ each
1979 to 2018-19 PGA TOUR PURSE DISTRIBUTION This was the standard distribution method for nearly all official PGA Tour events from January 1979 thru September 2019. It is still used by the Masters Tournament, and is also used on occasion at certain "Signature" PGA Tour events. $ 5,000,000 Base Purse ... 1st Prize: 18% / 70-place purse Divide the 1st place prize of the particular event being contested by $ 900,000. Use the result to multiply individual place prizes. 1..$ 900,000 21..$ 60,000 41..$ 20,500 61..$ 10,900 2..$ 540,000 22..$ 56,000 42..$ 19,500 62..$ 10,800 3..$ 340,000 23..$ 52,000 43..$ 18,500 63..$ 10,700 4..$ 240,000 24..$ 48,000 44..$ 17,500 64..$ 10,600 5..$ 200,000 25..$ 44,000 45..$ 16,500 65..$ 10,500 6..$ 180,000 26..$ 40,000 46..$ 15,500 66..$ 10,400 7..$ 167,500 27..$ 38,500 47..$ 14,500 67..$ 10,300 8..$ 155,000 28..$ 37,000 48..$ 13,700 68..$ 10,200 9..$ 145,000 29..$ 35,500 49..$ 13,000 69..$ 10,100 10..$ 135,000 30..$ 34,000 50..$ 12,600 70..$ 10,000 11..$ 125,000 31..$ 32,500 51..$ 12,300 12..$ 115,000 32..$ 31,000 52..$ 12,000 *** TIE EXAMPLES *** 13..$ 105,000 33..$ 29,500 53..$ 11,800 14..$ 95,000 34..$ 28,250 54..$ 11,600 3-way tie, Second Place 15..$ 90,000 35..$ 27,000 55..$ 11,500 $ 373,333.34+ each 16..$ 85,000 36..$ 25,750 56..$ 11,400 7-way tie, 22nd Place 17..$ 80,000 37..$ 24,500 57..$ 11,300 $ 45,071.43+ each 18..$ 75,000 38..$ 23,500 58..$ 11,200 19..$ 70,000 39..$ 22,500 59..$ 11,100 20..$ 65,000 40..$ 21,500 60..$ 11,000 Prize payouts when more than 70 professionals finish the event are as follows ... 71st, $ 9,900 | 72nd, $ 9,800 | 73rd, $ 9,700 | 74th, $ 9,600 | and so on down to the last finishing pro.

PGA Tour: The Tour Championship

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TOUR CHAMPIONSHIP ... 30 places (1987 to 2002, 2005 to 2018)

  $ 5,000,000 Base Purse ... 1st Prize: 18% / 30-place purse

  Divide the 1st place prize of the particular event being contested
  by $ 900,000. Use the result to multiply individual place prizes.

   1..$ 900,000     11..$ 135,000     21..$ 94,000
   2..$ 540,000     12..$ 128,000     22..$ 92,000
   3..$ 345,000     13..$ 122,000     23..$ 90,000
   4..$ 240,000     14..$ 116,000     24..$ 88,000
   5..$ 200,000     15..$ 110,000     25..$ 86,000     *** TIE EXAMPLES ***

   6..$ 180,000     16..$ 106,000     26..$ 84,000     3-way tie, 2nd Place,
   7..$ 170,000     17..$ 102,000     27..$ 83,000      $ 375,000.00 each
   8..$ 160,000     18..$ 100,000     28..$ 82,000
   9..$ 150,000     19..$  98,000     29..$ 81,000     5-way tie, 15th Place,
  10..$ 142,000     20..$  96,000     30..$ 80,000      $ 103,200.00 each

 The Tour Championship is open only to the Top 30 Leaders in money
 (1987-2006), or the Top 30 Leaders Fed Ex Cup points (2007-present).
 A regular tournament purse was used from 1987 to 2018.

 »»» Click-on here »»» Fed Ex Cup Prize Money Distribution

TOUR CHAMPIONSHIP ... 31 places (2003 and 2004 only) $ 5,000,000 Base Purse ... 1st Prize: 18% / 31-place purse Divide the 1st place prize of the particular event being contested by $ 900,000. Use the result to multiply individual place prizes. 1..$ 900,000 11..$ 131,500 21..$ 90,000 31..$ 75,000 2..$ 540,000 12..$ 123,500 22..$ 88,000 3..$ 345,000 13..$ 116,500 23..$ 86,000 4..$ 240,000 14..$ 112,000 24..$ 84,000 5..$ 200,000 15..$ 107,500 25..$ 82,000 *** TIE EXAMPLES *** 6..$ 180,000 16..$ 103,500 26..$ 80,000 3-way tie, 2nd Place, 7..$ 170,000 17..$ 100,000 27..$ 79,000 $ 375,000.00 each 8..$ 160,000 18..$ 97,500 28..$ 78,000 9..$ 150,000 19..$ 95,000 29..$ 77,000 5-way tie, 15th Place, 10..$ 140,500 20..$ 92,500 30..$ 76,000 $ 100,700.00 each 2003 and 2004 only - A 31st player, the leading non-member money leader whose earnings were at least equal with the 30th player on the regular members' official money list, was added to the initial Tour Championship field of 30.
TOUR CHAMPIONSHIP ... 32 places, Version-A (Never Used) $ 5,000,000 Base Purse ... 1st Prize: 18% / 32-place purse Divide the 1st place prize of the particular event being contested by $ 900,000. Use the result to multiply individual place prizes. 1..$ 900,000 11..$ 130,000 21..$ 82,500 31..$ 75,500 2..$ 540,000 12..$ 122,500 22..$ 80,000 32..$ 75,000 3..$ 340,000 13..$ 115,000 23..$ 79,500 4..$ 240,000 14..$ 110,000 24..$ 79,000 5..$ 200,000 15..$ 105,000 25..$ 78,500 *** TIE EXAMPLES *** 6..$ 185,000 16..$ 100,000 26..$ 78,000 3-way tie, 2nd Place, 7..$ 170,000 17..$ 95,000 27..$ 77,500 $ 373,333.33+ each 8..$ 160,000 18..$ 90,000 28..$ 77,000 9..$ 150,000 19..$ 87,500 29..$ 76,500 5-way tie, 15th Place, 10..$ 140,000 20..$ 85,000 30..$ 76,000 $ 95,500.00 each The 32-place Version-A plan was never used. The invitational Criteria: (1) The Top 30 players on the regular members' money or points list; (2) One or two non-members whose earnings are at least equal with the 30th player on the regular members' money or points list; (3) If one or both spots for category-2 are vacant, and/or if there are vacant spots in category-1, then available players from the regular members' money or points list shall be eligible to fill such vacancies, beginning at the 31st position on the regulars' list. If the non-member invitational option is not used at all, then the criteria can be as follows ... (1) The Top 32 players on the regular members' money or points list; (2) In each case of a vacant spot among the Top 32, the first available player from position-33 or lower on the same list shall be eligible.
TOUR CHAMPIONSHIP ... 32 places, Version-B (Never Used) $ 5,000,000 Base Purse ... 1st Prize: 18% / 32-place purse Divide the 1st place prize of the particular event being contested by $ 900,000. Use the result to multiply individual place prizes. 1..$ 900,000 11..$ 132,000 21..$ 84,000 31..$ 61,000 2..$ 540,000 12..$ 124,000 22..$ 80,000 32..$ 60,000 3..$ 350,000 13..$ 118,000 23..$ 76,000 4..$ 260,000 14..$ 112,000 24..$ 72,000 5..$ 220,000 15..$ 108,000 25..$ 70,000 *** TIE EXAMPLES *** 6..$ 200,000 16..$ 104,000 26..$ 68,000 3-way tie, 2nd Place, 7..$ 180,000 17..$ 100,000 27..$ 66,000 $ 383,333.33+ each 8..$ 160,000 18..$ 96,000 28..$ 64,000 9..$ 150,000 19..$ 92,000 29..$ 63,000 5-way tie, 15th Place, 10..$ 140,000 20..$ 88,000 30..$ 62,000 $ 100,000.00 each The 32-place Version-B plan was never used. It differs from Version-A above in the manner in which money is distributed. Invitational criteria options for Version-B are the same as for Version-A.
TOUR CHAMPIONSHIP ... 40 place version (Never Used) $ 5,000,000 Base Purse ... 1st Prize: 18% / 40-place purse Divide the 1st place prize of the particular event being contested by $ 900,000. Use the result to multiply individual place prizes. 1..$ 900,000 11..$ 132,000 21..$ 70,000 31..$ 50,000 2..$ 500,000 12..$ 124,000 22..$ 68,000 32..$ 48,000 3..$ 320,000 13..$ 116,000 23..$ 66,000 33..$ 47,000 4..$ 240,000 14..$ 108,000 24..$ 64,000 34..$ 46,000 5..$ 200,000 15..$ 100,000 25..$ 62,000 35..$ 45,000 6..$ 180,000 16..$ 92,000 26..$ 60,000 36..$ 44,000 7..$ 170,000 17..$ 84,000 27..$ 58,000 37..$ 43,000 8..$ 160,000 18..$ 80,000 28..$ 56,000 38..$ 42,000 9..$ 150,000 19..$ 76,000 29..$ 54,000 39..$ 41,000 10..$ 140,000 20..$ 72,000 30..$ 52,000 40..$ 40,000 This 40-place version was never used. The invitational criteria -- (1) Top 32 players on the regular members' money or points list; (2) if not otherwise eligible, regular PGA Tour members who win an official Tour Event during the current year; (3) if not otherwise eligible, regular members who finish solo or tied 2nd in current year official events won by a non-Tour pro, or by an amateur; (4) if not otherwise eligible, the previous year's Tour Championship and/or Leading Money or Points Winners; (5) if not otherwise eligible, and if needed to complete a field of 40 players, available players from the regular members' money or points list, beginning at the 33rd position. ** TIE EXAMPLES ** ... 3-way tie, 2nd place .... $ 353,333.33+ each 7-way tie, 29th place ... $ 48,857.14+ each NOTE -- If more than 40 players should qualify, then each player beyond the 40th is guaranteed to receive at least as much money as is offered for 40th place.

Prize Money Charts

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