Famous Arty Faxx -- Frank's Humble Abode at FrankoSite2020.com ... formerly known as frankosport.com!!!!!!!! Web-Links herein are either underlined blue color text or images.
Some may connect to sections of this page -- Others will open up in a new window or tab.
This is mainly a PDF file archive for publications dealing with a mix of Consumer, Commercial
and Amateur Electronics; Radio-TV Broadcasting; Electronics and Hobbyist Pursuits.
Catalogs ...
Consumer (Mixed) Allied Radio, Radio Shack, Burstein-Applebee, others.Heathkit -- its own page.
Television Factbook
Comprehensive listings and statistics of
U.S. and Canadian TV stations, from 1949 to 2012
Broadcasting Yearbook
Comprehensive listings and statistics of U.S. and Canadian
TV and Radio stations, from 1935 to 2017 (TV stations only in some years)
Pay particular attention to the VU meter readings as music is played. Next, scroll down among the comments below
the video. A YouTube user named tubiephrank0707 offers two commentaries, one of which focuses on the VU meter
readings and the power output involved. The video's original poster replies in agreement with the assessment.
SWTPC • Southwest Technical Products Company • 219 W. Rhapsody Drive San Antonio Texas TX 78216 • 6800 Computer • Plastic Tiger Power Amplifier
Lil Tiger • Tigersaurus • 198a Stereo Preamp • 215 • 207b • SCA FM Adaptor • Popular Electronics • Electronics Illustrated • Kit • Kits
Click-on images to view at full size (each will open in a new window/tab)
About the EICO Cortina 3150 amplifier -- this was the higher powered brother of the 3070, offering at least 40 watts per channel of
continuous power at 8-ohms (3070 put out 15 watts per channel). The kit version was a steal at $ 149.95, while the wired version
sold for $ 225.00, very competitive against other wired amplifiers close to that price. This included Acoustic Research's classic
AR Amplifier ($ 250.00 - 50 watts per channel continuous at 8-ohms). Sadly, despite glowing reviews from two of the leading audio
and music magazines of the day (Audio, Stereo Review), the 3150 lasted far shorter in EICO's audio line-up than did the 3070.
Panasonic RQ-309as Cassette Recorder
ALTEC Model 19 Speaker Test Report 2-1978
Eico Cortina 3070 Amplifier Test Report: 11-1967
Eico Cortina 3150 Amplifier Mag Ad: 10-1968
Eico Cortina 3150 Amplifier Catalog: 1968
Eico Cortina 3150 Amplifier -- Test Report #1: 6-1969
Eico Cortina 3150 Amplifier -- Test Report #2: 6-1969
Accuphase C-200 Preamp Test Report 2-1975 (A)
Accuphase C-200 Preamp Test Report 2-1975 (B)
Accuphase P-300 Power Amp Test Report 1-1975
Accuphase T-100 Am-Fm Tuner Test Report 12-1975 (A)
Accuphase T-100 Am-Fm Tuner Test Report 12-1975 (B)
Dynaco SCA-80 Integrated Amp Test Report 3-1971 (A)
Dynaco SCA-80 Integrated Amp Test Report 3-1971 (B)
7. Stereo Power On Campus -- or, Vito Planamento's Big Set !!
by Robert V. Weinstein photos by Maddy Miller
Article from September 1974 Modern Hi-Fi and Stereo Guide magazine Click-on images to view at full size (each will open in a new window/tab)
Front Cover
BTW -- Vito's stereo system consisted of a Sansui AU-9500 amplifier (75 watts x 2 at 8-ohms, 20 hz - 20,000 hz, both channels
driven, THD and IM typically below 0.1%); a Sansui TU-9500 Am/Stereo Fm tuner; a Dual 1229 turntable (the phono
pickup was not identified); the Bose 901 speaker system. Any other components, such as tape recorder decks and/or
players, TV set and Ham or Shortwave receivers, were not mentioned. Total system cost, in 1974 dollars, was $ 2,000.00 !!
*** 8. Radio Shack *** Science Fair - Mono FM Wireless Microphone Kit - 1969
Realistic - 4-input Stereo/Mono Mic Mixer - 1970 Click-On images for larger views
Each device requires one 9-volt battery. Under the proper conditions, a D.C. power supply may provide power for both.
FM Microphone Option: Substitute an audio jack for the mic element, and then connect the mic mixer to the jack.
Mic Mixer Note: A battery may not be necessary - Just turn-on mixer's power switch, and (if need be)
turn up the individual input volume controls up slightly higher than normal.
Xtra, Xtra: The FM Mic's maximum **L E G A L** transmit power was 1/10th of a watt (0.1 watts).
Web-Links herein are either underlined blue color text or images.
Some may connect to sections of this page -- Others will open up in a new window or tab.
Frank's Humble Abode : FrankoSite2020.com : Tubiephrank0707 : Phenix City AL Alabama : Columbus GA Georgia : Ledger Enquirer : WRBL 3 : WTVM 9 : WLTZ 38 : WXTX 54 : WDAK 540 AM : WRCG 1420 AM : Pacelli High School : St. Patrick's School : Central : Kendrick
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