1956 SPECIAL NOTE When this particular page was originally composed, the Dave Leip U.S. Election Atlas (see links at top or bottom of this page) was the only available source showing proper separation of popular vote counts for T. Coleman Andrews (States Rights Party) and a summary total of votes for unpledged electors in several states. Happy to report that Wikipedia's 1956 U.S. Presidential Election page (links at top or bottom of this page) now shows Mr. Andrews' data and the unpledged elector data in one of its summaries. BTW -- The sum total of all unpledged elector popular votes comes out to 196,318. That total is third overall after Eisenhower (35,579,180) and Stevenson (26,028,028). Andrews is in 4th place with 108,956 popular votes. T. Coleman Andrews - Wikipedia Bio 1956 Virginia Popular Vote (Leip Atlas) Under each candidate (L ยป R): Pop. Vote Percentage - Electoral Points ----------------- Dwight D. Adlai E. T. Coleman State | Electoral Eisenhower Stevenson Andrews | Votes Republican Democrat States Rights Group E .. 1st priority - 5,000 pts each +++ Extra 1,000 points -- Wyoming ... Total, Group-E: 46,000 40. Tennessee (11) 49.21% 2,516 48.60% 2,484 2.11% --- 41. Texas (24) 55.26% 2,784 43.98% 2,216 0.75% --- 42. Utah (4) 64.56% 3,228 35.44% 1,772 43. Vermont (3) 72.16% 3,609 27.81% 1,391 44. Virginia (12) 55.37% 2,772 38.36% 1,920 6.16% 308 45. Washington (9) 53.91% 2,713 45.44% 2,287 46. West Virginia (8) 54.08% 2,704 45.92% 2,296 47. Wisconsin (12) 61.58% 3,097 37.84% 1,903 0.45% --- 48. Wyoming (3) +++ 60.08% 3,605 39.92% 2,395 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So Far (46,000) 27,028 18,664 308 Needed to Win - 76,510 Eisenhower-R Stevenson-D Andrews-S.R. Group A .. 2nd priority - 4,000 pts each +++ Extra 1,000 points -- Alabama, Connecticut ... Total, Group-A: 42,000 1. Alabama (11) +++ 39.40% 2,053 56.54% 2,947 2. Arizona (4) 60.99% 2,442 38.90% 1,558 0.10% --- 3. Arkansas (8) 45.82% 1,865 52.46% 2,135 1.72% --- 4. California (32) 55.39% 2,223 44.27% 1,777 5. Colorado (6) 59.49% 2,396 39.81% 1,604 6. Connecticut (8) +++ 63.72% 3,187 36.26% 1,813 7. Delaware (3) 55.09% 2,210 44.62% 1,790 8. Florida (10) 57.27% 2,291 42.73% 1,709 9. Georgia (12) 32.65% 1,317 66.48% 2,683 10. Idaho (4) 61.17% 2,448 38.78% 1,552 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So Far (88,000) 49,460 38,232 308 Needed to Win - 76,510 Eisenhower-R Stevenson-D Andrews-S.R. ***1 = Louisiana (Group B, below) In this state, 7.21% of the popular vote was cast for the choice of unpledged electors. As a result, the breakdown of Electoral Points is based solely on evaluation of the percentages of the two named candidates, Stevenson and Eisenhower. Group B .. 3rd priority - 3,000 pts each +++ Extra 1,000 points -- Illinois, Louisiana ... Total, Group-B: 32,000 11. Illinois (27) +++ 59.52% 2,385 40.29% 1,615 12. Indiana (13) 59.90% 1,804 39.70% 1,196 13. Iowa (9) 59.06% 1,777 40.65% 1,223 0.26% --- 14. Kansas (8) 65.44% 1,970 34.21% 1,030 15. Kentucky (10) 54.30% 1,637 45.21% 1,363 16. Louisiana (10) ***1 +++ 53.28% 2,272 39.51% 1,728 17. Maine (5) 70.87% 2,126 29.13% 874 18. Maryland (9) 60.04% 1,801 39.96% 1,199 19. Massachusetts (16) 59.32% 1,785 40.37% 1,215 20. Michigan (20) 55.63% 1,673 44.15% 1,327 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So Far (120,000) 68,690 51,002 308 Needed to Win - 76,510 Eisenhower-R Stevenson-D Andrews-S.R. ***2 = Mississippi (Group C, below) In this state, 17.31% of the popular vote was cast for the choice of unpledged electors. As a result, the breakdown of Electoral Points is based solely on evaluation of the percentages of the two named candidates, Stevenson and Eisenhower. Group C .. 4th priority - 2,000 pts each +++ Extra 1,000 points -- Minnesota, Nevada ... Total, Group-C: 22,000 21. Minnesota (11) +++ 53.68% 1,614 46.08% 1,386 22. Mississippi (8) ***2 24.46% 592 58.23% 1,408 23. Missouri (13) 49.89% 998 50.11% 1,002 24. Montana (4) 57.13% 1,143 42.87% 857 25. Nebraska (6) 65.51% 1,310 34.49% 690 26. Nevada (3) +++ 57.97% 1,739 42.03% 1,261 27. New Hampshire (4) 66.11% 1,322 33.84% 678 0.04% --- 28. New Jersey (16) 64.68% 1,308 34.23% 692 29. New Mexico (4) 57.81% 1,161 41.78% 839 30. New York (45) 61.19% 1,224 38.78% 776 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So Far (142,000) 81,101 60,591 308 Needed to Win - 76,510 Eisenhower-R Stevenson-D Andrews-S.R. ***3 = South Carolina (Group D, below) In this state, 29.45% of the popular vote was cast for the choice of unpledged electors. As a result, the breakdown of Electoral Points is based solely on evaluation of the percentages of the two named candidates, Stevenson and Eisenhower. Group D .. 5th priority - 1,000 pts each +++ Extra 1,000 points -- North Dakota, Rhode Island ... Total, Group-D: 11,000 31. North Carolina (14) 49.34% 493 50.66% 507 32. North Dakota (4) +++ 61.72% 1,237 38.09% 763 0.19% --- 33. Ohio (25) 61.11% 611 38.89% 389 34. Oklahoma (8) 55.13% 551 44.87% 449 35. Oregon (6) 55.25% 553 44.75% 447 36. Pennsylvania (32) 56.49% 566 43.30% 434 37. Rhode Island (4) +++ 58.26% 1,165 41.74% 835 38. South Carolina (8) ***3 25.18% 357 45.37% 643 39. South Dakota (4) 58.39% 584 41.61% 416 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL - 153,000 87,218 65,474 308 Needed to Win - 76,510 Eisenhower-R Stevenson-D Andrews-S.R. Finish Order WINNER-1st Loser-2nd 3rd Percentage of Points 57.00523% 42.79346% 0.20131% Eisenhower-Stevenson Ratios -- Electoral Points: 1.332101-1 Electoral Votes: 6.260274-1 Electoral Votes (531) ++1 457 (86.06403%) 73 (13.74765%) 0 | |------- Actual (1956) Eisenhower-R Stevenson-D Andrews-S.R. | Popular Votes (62,021,979) ++2 35,579,180-1st 26,028,028-2nd 108,956-4th Pctage of Pop. Votes 57.36544% 41.96581% 0.17567% Unpledged Electors -- Sum of popular votes from various states -- 196,318. This total, 0.3165297% of the overall nationwide popular vote, is third behind Eisenhower and Stevenson. ++1 = A faithless Democrat elector in Alabama cast his ballot for Alabama Judge Walter B. Jones (for President) and Georgia Governor Herman Talmadge (for Vice President), instead of for Stevenson and his V.P. choice, Senator Estes Kefauver of Tennessee. Richard Nixon was the GOP V.P. candidate. ++2 = When this particular page was originally composed, the Dave Leip U.S. Election Atlas (see links at top or bottom of this page) was the only available source showing proper separation of popular vote counts for T. Coleman Andrews (States Rights Party) and a summary total of votes for unpledged electors in several states. Happy to report that Wikipedia's 1956 U.S. Presidential Election page (links at top or bottom of this page) now shows Mr. Andrews' data and the unpledged elector data in one of its summaries. BTW -- The sum total of all unpledged elector popular votes comes out to 196,318. That total is third overall after Eisenhower (35,579,180) and Stevenson (26,028,028). Andrews is in 4th place with 108,956 popular votes. T. Coleman Andrews - Wikipedia Bio 1956 Virginia Popular Vote (Leip Atlas) |