Featured Apps and Topics NameCheap Very reliable, very affordable, independently-owned web-hosting service. | By the way, it is the host for this very web-site you are viewing now .... frankosite2020.com Wikipedia Articles .... Sitemaps - XML + Site Map (about) + robots.txt DosBox and its copycat counterpart DosBox-X DosBox (32-bit version only) and DosBox-X (32 and 64 bit versions) are open-source DOS emulators for running DOS-based games and many (if not all) DOS applications on modern computers. DOS-based Windows platforms such as Windows 3.x and 9.x are supported in full (or in part, depending on certain factors). Many of the configuration parameters used in DosBox may be imported to DosBox-X on a case by case (IE, app by app) basis. A listing and description of the Ten Best HTML and Text Edtors from "WebSite Setup-dot-Org". Other Text and HTML Edtors ...... NotePad++ (free) TextPad ($ 27.00) NOTE TAB ($ 39.95) Of the three, Notepad++ and TextPad have been updated thru 2025. NoteTab's last update was in the early 2010's. The NoteTab app is unique in that it can insert true page breaks. Any text page it creates with such breaks can be properly converted to multipage PDF files. It is a mystery to this web-page author why other text app makers have not duplicated this particular feature on their own products. Softmaker FreeOffice - Office Suite (Free Version) An alternative to the Windows Office Suite, offered COMPLETELY FREE AND PERMANENTLY USABLE. There is no trial period, and no need to buy a license. It does require a product key, which is absolutely free, and which can be used to install FreeOffice on up to three different computers. The office suite is presented in a downloadable 59-megabyte (give/take) installer file which includes TextMaker (Word Processor), PlanMaker (spreadsheet) and Softmaker Presentations (Powerpoint equivalant). Menu Show / Hide Demo A simple demonstration of showing and hiding various menus. All basic coding needed to custom-create your very own show-hide menu is found within this page's HTML code. CSS Class Shortcuts Guide An introduction to and explanation of the custom-created CSS styling class shortcuts that are used here on the frankosite2020.com web site. CSS -- Image Manipulation Tricks Simple coding steps to display the same image file in different orientations. Spacing -- Tiny 1x1 GIF Trick A compromise workaround for one of HTML coding's biggest shortcomings. Know Your Bytes - A Graphic Chart Easily tells you the difference between Kilobytes and Yottabytes. Chart also illustrates the visual impact of exotic fonts, in this case "CrackerMan" for the the Pac-Man characters. The chart can be used as a demonstration tool in any computer-related course. |
Triumph of the Nerds A 1996 TV documentary hosted by Robert X. Cringeley, based on his 1992 book "Accidental Empires". In quirky yet very informative fashion, "Triumph" tells about the evolution of the personal computer. Key figures who are interviewed include Microsoft's Bill Gates, Paul Allen and Steve Ballmer; Apple's two Steves - Jobs and Wozniak, as well as such Apple people as Chris Espinosa, Andy Hertzfeld and Larry Tesler; Homebrew Computer Club veterans Jim Warren and Lee Felsenstein; entrepreneur Christine Comaford; Gordon Moore, co-founder of microchip maker Intel; computer company founders Larry Ellison (Oracle) and Ron Canion (Compaq); and Tim Patterson (creator of QDOS, which evolved into MS-DOS). Wikipedia Article -- includes a full list of the interviewees, as well as the series' reception and influence. Watch On YouTube .... 1: Impressing Their Friends 2: Riding The Bear 3: Great Artists Steal Watch "Triumph" at the Internet Archive, where downloadable interlaced upscale 4K60 MP4's of each episode are available. Nerds 2.0.1 A Brief History of the Internet In this three-part 1998 TV documentary, a follow-up to "Triumph of the Nerds", Robert Cringeley takes viewers to a variety of locations, from Stanford University to the streets of towns in India, detailing the rise of today's World Wide Web. Wikipedia Article -- Does -NOT- have a listing of all interviewees. Among those who are known to have appeared on the series include Bill Gates, Steve Ballmer, Steve Jobs, Bob Metcalf (co-creator of Ethernet), John McAfee, Christine Comaford, Larry Tesler, Larry Ellison, Bob Taylor (Arpanet, Xerox PARC) and Cisco Systems co-founders Sandy Lerner and Leonard Bosack. Watch On YouTube .... 1: Networking The Nerds 2: Serving The Suits 3: Wiring The World Watch "Nerds 2.0.1" at the Internet Archive, where downloadable h264 upscale MP4's of each episode are available. The Computer Chronicles A 30-minute weekly news, interview and conversation series which ran nationally on PBS from 1983 to 2002. It was created and hosted by Stewart Chiefet. Gary Kildall (creator of the CP/M operating system) was a co-host from 1984 to 1990. The series came about just as the personal computer era was taking off in the early 1980's. Discussions of hardware and software, as well as profiles and interviews of notable names in personal computing were main themes of each episode. From Wikipedia ... Main Article and Listing of Episodes from 1983 to 2002. From YouTube ... Videos Collection Page and Tribute Episode to Gary Kildall. From Internet Archive ... Master Page and Tribute Episode to Gary Kildall. All episodes are downloadable MP4's. |
History of The Apple Computer
Vintage Apple | Features PDF file libraries of Apple Computer manuals and related info on the Apple II, Lisa and Macintosh PC lines. | Also -- PDF libraries of magazines and catalogs devoted solely to Apple products. as well as some other computer magazines, such as PC World and BYTE. Apple History: 1976 thru 2015 Apple Milestones, Events, Products, People. "1984" Macintosh Ad Directed by Ridley Scott. 2023 remastered version at Internet Archive. Apple Stock Offering -- December the 12th 1980 Just where-oh-where were you when this event occurred ?? You will find a PDF link to the full 47-page announcement of the offering, as well as a screenshot image of document pages one and three. |
MS-DOS / BASIC (DOS and Windows) / Minor Sites
| See also the PowerBASIC Section, located further down on this page. Legacy Computer Collections All about vintage software and hardware Abandonware DOS | An information library about software for MS-DOS, Early Windows (3.0 / 3.1 / 95 / 98 / XP) and Apple's Macintosh B A S I C ....... Windows and/or Linux-compatible versions Free BASIC Free, Open-Source Language. See Also -- Documentation Keywords Forums True BASIC Based on the original Dartmouth Basic, different versions available for purchase. TrueBASIC Manuals (PDF Links) »» »» Bronze Silver Gold | These manuals, direct from the True BASIC site, will tell you what each version offers. In this way, you can decide which version you want. Q-BASIC / Quickbasic Sites The Q-Basic Tutorial Site A history of the language, with a 30-plus chapter tutorial on how to program with it. QB64 ««« -- Click-on for the official QB64 site. QB64 is a Windows/Linux/MacOS compatible application that can write programs similar to those done in QBasic and QuickBasic 4.5 QB64 Links ... Forums News Wiki - QB64 Keywords Community Sites & Groups GW-BASIC (DOS) Sites GW stands for (supposedly) Gee Whiz -OR- (allegedly) Gates William GW-BASIC (Gee Whiz!) Kindly Rat's GW-Basic Site (Archived) GW-BASIC User's Guide + Alt Site PC-BASIC: MS-DOS Basic 3.23 Emulator PC-Basic Documentation Windows-Mac-Linux compatible platform. Allows creating and running BASIC programs for IBM PC, TANDY PC and certain other DOS era systems. MS-DOS / Related Nathan's Toasty Technology and GUI Classics Vintage Operating Systems DOS BBS Bulletin Board Forum FreeDOS ... Home Page Latest Version: 1.30 FreeDOS Wiki V-1.30 Release: Feb 2nd 2022 |
PowerBASIC Section (PB) Official Power-BASIC Bulletin Board Forums | Powerbasic users can share thoughts, suggestions and source code, as well as discuss other technical and non-technical subjects. "PUMP" -- PowerBASIC Users Meeting Place | New alternative bulletin board where PowerBASIC users can share thoughts, suggestions and source code, as well as discuss other technical and non-technical subjects. Console Compiler User Guides, Versions # 4 # 5 # 6 PB-HELP Windows Compiler User Guides, Versions # 8 # 9 # 10 PBCC CHR$(XX) Characters 33 thru 254 | A visual chart of the standard and special characters used in the PowerBASIC Console Compiler universe. Kube-0-Seven BASIC Language Demonstration Program created with the Power-BASIC Console Compiler. Program 8032 Emulation of Commodore Basic 4.0 power-on screen, created with Power-BASIC 3.5 for DOS. NOTE: Although PowerBasic compiler products are not currently available, I have elected to leave both of these articles up and running for programmers of any computer dialect to browse through. March 24th 2003 - Podcast Interview w/ Bob Zale and Ethan Winer | Mr. Zale was PowerBASIC's founder and Chief Programmer-Promoter. Gary Beene's Powerbasic (PB) Page + PB Intro + PB Other Sites Beene's Home Page PowerBASIC For Beginners .... Videos On YouTube + PodCasts + Playlists Web-Site + Forum Chat Even though the PowerBASIC compilers themselves do not appear to be available for purchase right now, these web-sites and video channels offer learning opportunities for newcomers to the language. Within this section, Links followed by "INA" are, most unfortunately, currently inactive. PowerBASIC Home Page ... INA Essential Links ... INA Accessories-3rd Party ... INA PB Console Compiler-Current-Classic ... INA PB for Windows-Current-Classic ... INA !!!-@-!!! |