1960 Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on Election Finish Winner ........... Loser ............ 3rd Place Candidate and Party John Richard Kennedy Nixon --------- Need-to-Win: 80,010 pts Democrat Republican Electoral Points (160,000) 80,271 79,729 ----- Electoral Votes (537, N-269) 303 219 ----- Popular Votes (68,832,482) 34,220,984 34,108,157 ----- Actual Fact -- Virginia's U.S. Senator Harry F. Byrd received 15 electoral votes from various unpledged or faithless electors.1960 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab »» Wikipedia-1960 1960 - uselectionatlas.org |
1964 Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on Election Finish Winner ........... Loser ............ 3rd Place Candidate and Party Lyndon Barry Johnson Goldwater --------- Need-to-Win: 80,510 pts Democrat Republican Electoral Points (161,000) 95,812 65,188 ----- Electoral Votes (538, N-270) 486 52 ----- Popular Votes (70,639,284) 43,127,041 27,175,754 -----1964 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab »» Wikipedia-1964 1964 - uselectionatlas.org |
1968 Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on Election Finish Leader ........... 2nd Place ........ 3rd Place Candidate and Party Richard Hubert George Nixon Humphrey Wallace Need-to-Win: 81,510 pts Republican Democrat 3rd-American Ind. Electoral Points (163,000) 72,308 68,759 21,933 Electoral Votes (538, N-270) 301 191 46 Popular Votes (73,199,998) 31,783,783 31,271,839 9,901,118 No outright winner in the E.P.P. reality. A run-off between Nixon and Humphrey would have been conducted four weeks after the initial election. NOTE -- In actual fact, Richard Nixon won the 1968 election outright. Additional (actual fact) -- George Wallace received one electoral vote from a faithless Republican elector.1968 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab »» Wikipedia-1968 1968 - uselectionatlas.org |
1972 Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on Election Finish Winner ........... Loser ............ 3rd Place Candidate and Party Richard George John Nixon McGovern Smitz Need-to-Win: 81,510 pts Republican Democrat American Ind. Electoral Points (163,000) 102,925 59,373 702 Electoral Votes (538, N-270) 520 17 0 Popular Votes (77,744,027) 47,168,710 29,173,222 1,100,968 Additional (Actual Fact) -- A faithless Republican elector cast their vote for John Hospers and Theodora Nathan, the Libertarian Presidential and V.P. candidates.1972 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab »» Wikipedia-1972 1972 - uselectionatlas.org |
1976 Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on Election Finish Winner ........... Loser ............ 3rd Place Candidate and Party Jimmy Gerald Roger Carter Ford MacBride Need-to-Win: 82,010 pts Democrat Republican Libertarian Electoral Points (164,000) 82,341 81,437 222 Electoral Votes (538, N-270) 297 240 0 Popular Votes (81,531,584) 40,831,881 39,148,634 172,553 Additional (actual fact) -- A faithless Republican elector cast their vote for Ronald Reagan.1976 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab »» Wikipedia-1976 1976 - uselectionatlas.org |
1980 Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on Election Finish Winner ........... Loser ............ 3rd Place Candidate and Party Ronald Jimmy John Reagan Carter Anderson Need-to-Win: 82,510 pts Republican Democrat 3rd-Independent Electoral Points (165,000) 85,598 68,445 10,373 Electoral Votes (538, N-270) 489 49 0 Popular Votes (86,509,678) 43,903,230 35,480,115 5,719,850 Additional -- Libertarian candidate Ed Clark was the 4th place finisher, with 584 pts (E.P.P. reality) and 921,128 popular votes (actual fact).1980 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab »» Wikipedia-1980 1980 - uselectionatlas.org |
1984 Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on Election Finish Winner ........... Loser ............ 3rd Place Candidate and Party Ronald Walter Reagan Mondale -------- Need-to-Win: 80,510 pts Republican Democrat Electoral Points (161,000) 97,463 63,537 ----- Electoral Votes (538, N-270) 525 13 ----- Popular Votes (92,653,233) 54,455,472 37,577,352 -----1984 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab »» Wikipedia-1984 1984 - uselectionatlas.org |
1988 Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on Election Finish Winner ........... Loser ............ 3rd Place Candidate and Party George H.W. Michael Bush "41" Dukakis -------- Need-to-Win: 81,510 pts Republican Democrat Electoral Points (163,000) 88,778 74,222 ----- Electoral Votes (538, N-270) 426 111 ----- Popular Votes (91,594,686) 48,886,597 41,809,476 ----- Additional (actual fact) -- A faithless Democratic elector voted for Dukakis' V.P. mate, Lloyd Bentsen.1988 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab »» Wikipedia-1988 1988 - uselectionatlas.org |
1992 Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on Election Finish Leader ........... 2nd Place ........ 3rd Place Candidate and Party Bill George H.W. H. Ross Clinton Bush "41" Perot Need-to-Win: 81,510 pts Democrat Republican Independent Electoral Points (163,000) 68,419 62,993 31,588 Electoral Votes (538, N-270) 370 168 0 Popular Votes (104,423,923) 44,909,806 39,104,550 19,743,821 No outright winner in the E.P.P. reality. A run-off between Clinton and Bush would have been conducted four weeks after the initial election. NOTE -- In actual fact, Clinton won the 1992 election outright.1992 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab »» Wikipedia-1992 1992 - uselectionatlas.org |
1996 Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on Election Finish Leader ........... 2nd Place ........ 3rd Place Candidate and Party Bill Bob H. Ross Clinton Dole Perot Need-To-Win: 82,010 pts Democrat Republican Reform Electoral Points (164,000) 79,143 70,168 14,689 Electoral Votes (538, N-270) 379 159 0 Popular Votes (96,275,401) 47,401,185 39,197,469 8,085,294 No outright winner in the E.P.P. reality. A run-off between Clinton and Dole would have been conducted four weeks after the initial election. NOTE -- In actual fact, Clinton won the 1996 election outright.1996 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab »» Wikipedia-1996 1996 - uselectionatlas.org |
2000 Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on Election Finish Winner ........... Loser ............ 3rd Place Candidate and Party George W. Al Ralph Bush "43" Gore Nader Need-to-Win: 82,510 pts Republican Democrat Green Electoral Points (165,000) 83,125 79,342 2,533 Electoral Votes (538, N-270) 271 266 0 Popular Votes (105,425,985) 50,462,412 51,009,810 2,883,443 Additional (actual fact) -- A lone faithless Democrat elector chose not to vote for anyone.2000 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab »» Wikipedia-2000 2000 - uselectionatlas.org |
2004 Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on Election Finish Winner ........... Loser ............ 3rd Place Candidate and Party George W. John Bush "43" Kerry -------- Need-to-Win: 80,510 pts Republican Democrat Electoral Points (161,000) 85,664 75,336 ----- Electoral Votes (538, N-270) 286 251 ----- Popular Votes (122,294,846) 62,040,610 59,028,444 ----- Additional (actual fact) -- A faithless Democrat elector voted for John Edwards, who was John Kerry's V.P. mate.2004 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab »» Wikipedia-2004 2004 - uselectionatlas.org |
2008 Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on Election Finish Winner ........... Loser ............ 3rd Place Candidate and Party Barack John Obama McCain -------- Need-To-Win: 81,510 pts Democrat Republican Electoral Points (163,000) 84,748 78,252 ----- Electoral Votes (538, N-270) 365 173 ----- Popular Votes (131,313,820) 69,498,516 59,948,323 -----2008 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab »» Wikipedia-2008 2008 - uselectionatlas.org |
2012 Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on Election Finish Winner ........... Loser ............ 3rd Place Candidate and Party Mitt Barack Romney Obama -------- Need-to-Win: 81,510 pts Republican Democrat Electoral Points (163,000) 82,858 80,142 ----- Electoral Votes (538, N-270) 206 332 ----- Popular Votes (129,237,642) 60,934,407 65,918,507 ----- NOTE -- In actual fact, Barack Obama won the 2012 election.2012 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab »» Wikipedia-2012 2012 - uselectionatlas.org |
2016 Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on Election Finish Winner ........... Loser ............ 3rd Place Candidate and Party Donald Hillary Gary Trump Clinton Johnson Need-to-Win: 82,010 pts Republican Democrat Libertarian Electoral Points (164,000) 83,976 76,835 1,833 Electoral Votes (538, N-270) 304 227 0 Popular Votes (137,125,484) 62,985,134 65,853,652 4,489,235 2016 Election Additional (all actual fact, except where an E.P.P. reality notation is given) --- »» Seven (7) out of 538 Electors made faithless choices, as follows ... Washington State -- Three Democrats voted for Colin Powell One Democrat voted for Faith Spotted Eagle Texas -- One Republican voted for John Kasich One Republican voted for Ron Paul Hawaii -- One Democrat voted for Bernie Sanders »» Jill Stein (Green Party) was 4th in popular votes with 1,457,226. In the E.P.P. reality, she did not earn any points. »» Evan McMullin (independent) was 5th in popular votes with 732,273. In the E.P.P. reality, McMullin was 4th with 1,356 points -- the best E.P.P. 4th place finish since 1912, when Socialist candidate Eugene V. Debs finished with 8,073 points.2016 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab »» Wikipedia-2016 2016 - uselectionatlas.org |
2020 Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on Election Finish Winner ........... Loser ............ 3rd Place Candidate and Party Joe R. Donald J. Jo Biden Trump Jorgensen Need-to-Win: 82,510 pts Democrat Republican Libertarian Electoral Points (165,000) 82,923 82,077 000 Electoral Votes (538, N-270) 306 232 000 Popular Votes (158,614,475) 81,286,454 74,225,926 1,865,6412020 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab »» Wikipedia-2020 2020 - uselectionatlas.org |
2024 Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on Election Finish Winner ........... Loser ............ 3rd Place Candidate and Party Donald J. Kamala Jill Trump Harris Stein Need-to-Win: 80,510 pts Republican Democrat Green Party Electoral Points (161,000) 85,405 75,595 000 Electoral Votes (538, N-270) 312 226 000 Popular Votes (155,512,532) 77,303,569 75,019,231 888,819 Additional (Actual Fact) -- Robert Kennedy Jr. was 4th in the nationwide popular vote with a total of 756,968. Chase Oliver (Libertarian) was 5th in the nationwide popular vote with a total of 650,138.2024 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab »» Wikipedia-2024 2024 - uselectionatlas.org |