Electoral Points Proposal
United States Presidential Election Summaries
Early Era -- 1900 to 1956

See Also:   Election Summaries - Modern Era (1960-present)

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1900   Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on

Election Finish                 Winner ........... Loser ............ 3rd Place

Candidate and Party             William J.         William            John
                                Bryan              McKinley           Woolley
Need-to-Win: 72,510 pts         Democrat           Republican         Prohibition

Electoral Points (145,000)      73,458             71,246             296

Electoral Votes (447, N-224)    155                292                0

Popular Votes  (13,971,846)     6,358,149          7,218,283          209,132

Actual Fact --- Eugene V. Debs, Socialist Party candidate, was 4th in popular
and E.P.P.      votes with 86,573.
                William McKinley was the actual winner of the 1900 election.
1900 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab
»» Wikipedia-1900    1900 - uselectionatlas.org

1904   Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on

Election Finish                 Winner ........... Loser ............ 3rd Place

Candidate and Party             Theodore           Alton              Eugene V.
                                Roosevelt          Parker             Debs
Need-to-Win: 72,510 pts         Republican         Democrat           Socialist

Electoral Points (145,000)      82,197             59,939             2,302

Electoral Votes (476, N-239)    336                140                0

Popular Votes  (13,525,759)     7,630,557          5,084,537          402,810

Actual Fact --- Silas Swallow, Prohibition candidate, earned the 4th highest
and E.P.P.      total of popular votes - 259,103 - but no Electoral Points. 
                Thomas Watson of the People's Party earned the 5th highest total
                of popular votes - 114,052 - as well as 562 Electoral Points.
1904 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab
»» Wikipedia-1904    1904 - uselectionatlas.org

1908   Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on

Election Finish                 Winner ........... Loser ............ 3rd Place

Candidate and Party             William H.         William J.         Eugene V.
                                Taft               Bryan              Debs
Need-to-Win: 74,010 pts         Republican         Democrat           Socialist

Electoral Points (148,000)      76,151             68,990             2,603

Electoral Votes (483, N-242)    321                162                0

Popular Votes  (14,889,109)     7,678,174          6,409,007          420,856

Actual Fact --- Eugene Chafin, Prohibition candidate, earned the 4th highest total
and E.P.P.      of popular votes - 254,081 - but no Electoral Points. 
                Thomas Hisgen, Independence Party candidate, earned the 5th highest
                total of popular votes - 82,580 - but no Electoral Points. 

                Thomas Watson of the People's Party earned the 6th highest total of
                popular votes - 28,861 - as well as 256 Electoral Points.
1908 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab
»» Wikipedia-1908    1908 - uselectionatlas.org

1912   Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on

Election Finish                 Leader ........... 2nd Place ........ 3rd Place

Candidate and party             Woodrow            Theodore           William H
                                Wilson             Roosevelt          Taft
Need-to-Win: 75,010 pts         Democrat           Progressive        Republican

Electoral Points (150,000)
»» No Concession                71,312             38,046             32,569
»» Concession                   75,020             34,338             -------

Electoral Votes (531, N-266)    435                88                 8

Popular Votes (15,048,834)      6,296,284          4,122,721          3,486,242

No outright winner in the Electoral Points reality. A Run-off between Wilson and
T. Roosevelt would have been scheduled some six weeks after the initial election.

However, because of Wilson's closeness to the need-to-mark (3,698 short of 75,010)
and the wide gap between Wilson and Roosevelt (71,312 and 38,046 respectively),
the option of declaring a Voluntary Concession would be open to Roosevelt.

A Voluntary Concession by T. Roosevelt would have awarded Wilson 3,708 of
Roosevelt's points, making their final counts 75,020 and 34,338 points
respectively, and certifying Wilson as the 1912 election winner.

NOTES (actual fact, except where an Electoral Points notation is made) ---

  »» Wilson in fact won the 1912 election outright.

  »» California's method method of popular voting resulted in the choosing of
     eleven electors for T. Roosevelt, and two electors for W. Wilson.

  »» Eugene V. Debs, the Socialist candidate, finished 4th in popular votes
     with 901,551 and 4th in Electoral Points with 8,073. The next best 4th
     place finish based on Electoral Points was achieved by Evan McMullin
     in the 2016 election, where he earned 1,356 points.

1912 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab
»» Wikipedia-1912    1912 - uselectionatlas.org

1916   Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on

Election Finish                 Winner ........... Loser ............ 3rd Place

Candidate and Party             Woodrow            Charles            Allan
                                Wilson             Hughes             Benson
Need-to-Win: 76,510 pts         Democrat           Republican         Socialist

Electoral Points (153,000)      85,837             64,592             2,344

Electoral Votes (531, N-266)    277                254                0

Popular Votes  (18,536,535)     9,126,868          8,548,728          590,524

NOTE -- James F. Hanly, the Prohibition Party candidate, was 4th in popular votes
        with 221,302 (actual fact), and 4th in Electoral Points with 237.

1916 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab
»» Wikipedia-1916    1916 - uselectionatlas.org

1920   Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on

Election Finish                 Winner ........... Loser ............ 3rd Place

Candidate and Party             Warren             James              Eugene V.
                                Harding            Cox                Debs
Need-to-Win: 78,510 pts         Republican         Democrat           Socialist

Electoral Points (157,000)      88,288             66,542             1,276

Electoral Votes (531, N-266)    404                127                0

Popular Votes (26,765,180)      16,144,093         9,139,661          913,693

ALSO --- All actual fact, except where an Electoral Points result is noted ---

»»  Parley P. Christensen, Farmer-Labor Party, was 4th in popular votes with
    265,398 and 4th in points with 788.

»»  Aaron S. Watkins, Prohibition Party, was 5th in popular votes with 188,787.
    He earned no Electoral Points.

»»  James E. Ferguson, American Party, was 6th in popular votes with 47,968
    and 5th in points with 106. Ferguson is the one and only 5th place finisher
    in terms of Electoral Points in any election between 1900 and the present.

1920 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab
»» Wikipedia-1920    1920 - uselectionatlas.org

1924   Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on

Election Finish                 Winner ........... Loser ............ 3rd Place

Candidate and Party             Calvin             John               Robert
                                Coolidge           Davis              La Follette
Needed to Win: 77,510 pts       Republican         Democrat           Progressive

Electoral Points (155,000)      78,487             52,968             23,494

Electoral Votes (531, N-266)    382                136                13

Popular Votes (29,097,107)      15,723,789         8,386,242          4,831,706

Additional -- Herman P. Faris, Prohibition Party, was 4th in popular votes
              with 55,951 and 4th in Electoral Points with 51.

1924 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab
»» Wikipedia-1924    1924 - uselectionatlas.org

1928   Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on

Election Finish                 Winner ........... Loser ............ 3rd Place

Candidate and Party             Herbert            Alfred
                                Hoover             Smith              ---------
Need-to-Win: 76,510 pts         Republican         Democrat

Electoral Points (153,000)      85,843             67,157             -----

Electoral Votes (531, N-266)    444                87                 -----

Popular Votes (36,807,012)      21,427,123         15,015,464         -----

1928 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab
»» Wikipedia-1928    1928 - uselectionatlas.org

1932   Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on

Election Finish                 Winner ........... Loser ............ 3rd Place

Candidate and Party             Franklin           Herbert
                                Roosevelt          Hoover             ---------
Need-to-Win: 75,010 pts         Democrat           Republican

Electoral Points (150,000)      94,906             55,094             -----

Electoral Votes (531, N-266)    472                59                 -----

Popular Votes (39,751,898)      22,821,277         15,761,254         -----

1932 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab
»» Wikipedia-1932    1932 - uselectionatlas.org

1936   Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on

Election Finish                 Winner ........... Loser ............ 3rd Place

Candidate and Party             Franklin           Alf                William
                                Roosevelt          Landon             Lemke
Need-to-Win: 76,510 pts         Democrat           Republican         Union

Electoral Points  (153,000)     98,729             53,430             841

Electoral Votes (531, N-266)    523                8                  0

Popular Votes (45,647,699)      27,752,648         16,681,862         892,378

1936 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab
»» Wikipedia-1936    1936 - uselectionatlas.org

1940   Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on

Election Finish                 Winner ........... Loser ............ 3rd Place

Candidate and Party             Franklin           Wendell
                                Roosevelt          Wilkie             ---------
Need-to-Win: 78,510 pts         Democrat           Republican

Electoral Points (157,000)      92,533             64,467             -----

Electoral Votes (531, N-266)    449                82                 -----

Popular Votes (49,902,113)      27,313,945         22,347,744         -----
1940 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab
»» Wikipedia-1940    1940 - uselectionatlas.org

1944   Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on

Election Finish                 Winner ........... Loser ............ 3rd Place

Candidate and Party             Franklin           Thomas
                                Roosevelt          Dewey              ---------
Need To Win: 77,510 pts         Democrat           Republican

Electoral Points (155,000)      84,868             70,132             -----

Electoral Votes (531, N-266)    432                99                 -----

Popular Votes (47,977,063)      25,612,916         22,017,929         -----
1944 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab
»» Wikipedia-1944    1944 - uselectionatlas.org

1948   Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on

Election Finish                 Winner ........... Loser ............ 3rd Place

Candidate and Party             Harry              Thomas             Strom
                                Truman             Dewey              Thurmond
Need-To-Win: 76,510 pts         Democrat           Republican         States Rights

Electoral Points (153,000)
»» No Concession                75,356             64,482             12,747
»» Concession                   76,520             63,318             ------

Electoral Votes (531, N-266)    303                189                39

Popular Votes (48,793,595)      24,179,347         21,991,292         1,175,930

No outright winner in the Electoral Points reality. A run-off between Truman and
Dewey would have been scheduled four weeks after the initial election. However,
because of Truman's closeness to the need-to-mark (1,154 short of 75,510) and the
gap between Truman and Dewey (75,356 and 64,482 respectively), the option of
declaring a Voluntary Concession would be open to Dewey.

A Voluntary Concession would award Truman 1,164 points from Dewey, making their
final counts 75,020 and 63,318 respectively and certifying Truman as the 1948
election winner.

NOTE -- In actual fact, Truman won the 1948 election outright.

Henry A. Wallace, Progressive Party, was 4th in popular votes with 1,157,328 and
4th in Electoral Points with 415.

1948 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab
»» Wikipedia-1948    1948 - uselectionatlas.org

1952   Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on

Election Finish                 Winner ........... Loser ............ 3rd Place

Candidate and Party             Dwight             Adlai
                                Eisenhower         Stevenson          ---------
Need-to-Win: 75,010 pts         Republican         Democrat

Electoral Points (150,000)      83,884             66,116             -----

Electoral Votes (531, N-266)    442                89                 -----

Popular Votes (61,751,942)      34,075,529         27,375,090         -----
1952 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab
»» Wikipedia-1952    1952 - uselectionatlas.org

1956   Full E.P.P. Results ««« click-on

Election Finish                 Winner ........... Loser ............ 3rd Place

Candidate and Party             Dwight             Adlai              T. Coleman
                                Eisenhower         Stevenson          Andrews
Need-to-Win: 76,510 pts         Republican         Democrat           3rd Party

Electoral Points (153,000)      87,218             65,474             308

Electoral Votes (531, N-266)    457                73                 0

Popular Votes (62,021,979)      35,579,180         26,028,028         108,956

Additional -- »» A faithless Democrat elector gave their vote to Alabama
                 Judge Walter B. Jones.

              »» A total of 196,318 popular votes were cast for unpledged
                 electors in several states.
1956 Presidential Election, Main Sources - Each opens in a new window or tab
»» Wikipedia-1956    1956 - uselectionatlas.org

Electoral Points Proposal
United States Presidential Election Summaries
Early Era -- 1900 to 1956

See Also:   Election Summaries - Modern Era (1960-present)

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